Gold. GOLD!!!!! Gooooollllllllllddddddd!!!!!!!!

When the prices went down I actually borrowed money in order to buy more.

No one calls for the bursting of the denim bubble when JC Penny has a sale on Levi's, but when gold goes on sale, the media goes into a frenzy and the lemmings who worship the MSM as their all knowing god latch on.

The true bulb buyers (the garden centers of the past) began to fill up inventories for the growing season, depleting the supply further and increasing scarcity and demand. Soon, prices were rising so fast and high that people were trading their land, life savings, and anything else they could liquidate to get more tulip bulbs. Many Dutch persisted in believing they would sell their hoard to hapless and unenlightened foreigners, thereby reaping enormous profits. Somehow, the originally overpriced tulips enjoyed a twenty-fold increase in value - in one month!

Needless to say, the prices were not an accurate reflection of the value of a tulip bulb. As it happens in many speculative bubbles, some prudent people decided to sell and crystallize their profits. A domino effect of progressively lower and lower prices took place as everyone tried to sell while not many were buying. The price began to dive, causing people to panic and sell regardless of losses.
Except when you are on a gold standard there is no valuation in gold per dollar, making this entire piece of journalistic fervor a pile of shit, a puff piece with a HUGELY FLAWED premise.

I LOL at anyone who thought this article had an actual point other than to disparage people from buying gold.

I am sooooooo disheartened that gold that I bought for $320 is only worth $1400 Oh woe is me, such a terrible terrible investment. I should have stuck with Goldman Sachs, I could be up 30%

Edit: I also find it completely normal that the 2 most MSM influenced souls on the forum are trying to play the "I told you so" game.

Too bad ignorance flew over the cuckoos nest.

Exactly. At the same time you were buying gold, I was buying silver for $4-$5 per ounce. Sold some large bars in the mid $40 range for a few large toy purchases, but I'm still happily sitting on twice UB's and Cheeb's combined body weight. I assume they're fatties, about a deuce, deuce and a half?
The true bulb buyers (the garden centers of the past) began to fill up inventories for the growing season, depleting the supply further and increasing scarcity and demand. Soon, prices were rising so fast and high that people were trading their land, life savings, and anything else they could liquidate to get more tulip bulbs. Many Dutch persisted in believing they would sell their hoard to hapless and unenlightened foreigners, thereby reaping enormous profits. Somehow, the originally overpriced tulips enjoyed a twenty-fold increase in value - in one month!

Needless to say, the prices were not an accurate reflection of the value of a tulip bulb. As it happens in many speculative bubbles, some prudent people decided to sell and crystallize their profits. A domino effect of progressively lower and lower prices took place as everyone tried to sell while not many were buying. The price began to dive, causing people to panic and sell regardless of losses.
LOL comparing tulip bulbs to gold? Haven't seen gold go up twenty fold price in a month, have you?

Don't worry, i promise not to call you a moron or idiot more than 30 or 40 times a day once the price of gold goes back up.
Exactly. At the same time you were buying gold, I was buying silver for $4-$5 per ounce. Sold some large bars in the mid $40 range for a few large toy purchases, but I'm still happily sitting on twice UB's and Cheeb's combined body weight. I assume they're fatties, about a deuce, deuce and a half?

Its like a person with an IQ of 20 trying to convince the Harvard Graduate that he should put all of his money into moon rocks!
Wow what is happening to the price of gold? Imagine if we were on the gold standard. We would be destroyed economically.


Gold posted its biggest one-day percentage drop in 30 years Monday as new signs of a global economic slowdown emerged and fears diminished that central banks' easy-money policies would stoke inflation.
Gold futures for April delivery fell $140.40, or 9.4%, Monday to a two-year low at $1,360.60 an ounce on the Comex division of the New York Mercantile Exchange. That extended their bear-market descent of more than 20% from their 2011 all-time high. Since Thursday, gold prices have declined by more than $203 an ounce, a record skid since the futures began trading in the U.S. in 1974.

gold futures are wagers on wether gold will go up or down you dingbat. bullion price is the only real measure.

futures fall if gold production (mining) comes in under expectations, or if industrial demand falls off due to lowered "consumer" confidence, but none of that alters the bullion price, the actual value of the commodity.

commodity trading is just a casino, not a market, and casino gamblers are the least logical, least stable and most prone to panic. they are not a good metric for gauging any market. im not sellin off my gold over the futures market's fluxuations, and only a fool would.
Gold is being driven down because it was oversold on paper. Many stupid investors buy gold that is suppose to be in some bank somewhere - but guess what? It's not. So, the market is being driven down to hide the fact most of the gold purchased recently on the historic climb is BS... If you don't have your metals in ur possession, there is a 80% chance that all you got is a piece of paper. Remember, for every once sold, there is someone there buying it up - hmmmmmm...
Gold is being driven down because it was oversold on paper. Many stupid investors buy gold that is suppose to be in some bank somewhere - but guess what? It's not. So, the market is being driven down to hide the fact most of the gold purchased recently on the historic climb is BS... If you don't have your metals in ur possession, there is a 80% chance that all you got is a piece of paper. Remember, for every once sold, there is someone there buying it up - hmmmmmm...

Gold only has the value people assign to it. Sorry to say that bubble has burst and people are bailing on it as an investment. It will only go lower from here.
I am still mocking you. Mostly because you haven't got a clue.


i told you it was getting ready to burst, it drops 10% in a day the next day, and you mock me for being right.

wow. tells you everything you need to know about deluded pawlbots. just a bunch of plagiarist farmers on welfare who take pride in being stubborn asses.

i told you it was getting ready to burst, it drops 10% in a day the next day, and you mock me for being right.

wow. tells you everything you need to know about deluded pawlbots. just a bunch of plagiarist farmers on welfare who take pride in being stubborn asses.

Hey, its the mirror image of cheezushestupid. All the obamorons are coming out in droves to assure us that the gold bubble is thoroughly popped and that soon gold will be at a value of Zero. Sure to happen any time now. Zero.
Hey, its the mirror image of cheezushestupid. All the obamorons are coming out in droves to assure us that the gold bubble is thoroughly popped and that soon gold will be at a value of Zero. Sure to happen any time now. Zero.

never said zero, you dunder-headed welfare baby.
Does your Gold ounce still weigh one ounce? Is an ounce of Gold still worth an ounce of Gold?

Ron Paul 2016, lets not have a fourth reich, say no to Nazi's, no drones please, I saw the terminator and thought it was a good movie but that world would be a terrible reality.

Would say no, one gold ounce is not a normal ounce.. it hasn't weighed that for many many years. Gold is weighed in troy ounces... 1 troy oz = 1.09714286 normal oz - as an aside.
Hey, its the mirror image of cheezushestupid. All the obamorons are coming out in droves to assure us that the gold bubble is thoroughly popped and that soon gold will be at a value of Zero. Sure to happen any time now. Zero.

Ride that fucker dOwn like a Ron Paul campaign
never said zero, you dunder-headed welfare baby.

oh!~! Well then Mr think you are so smart, exactly what Price will it go to before it starts going up or leveling out again? Do you even have any idea? Give us a timeline and the prices you expect to see during that timeline.
if things ever really go to shit, thank goodness we can eat our gold.

Can you eat dollars??

Perhaps you can eat crude oil?

Wait wait, I know, you can eat your real estate investments!!


Perhaps those stocks you invest in, you can eat those right?

Your argument is devoid of thought, just like you.
Except when you are on a gold standard there is no valuation in gold per dollar, making this entire piece of journalistic fervor a pile of shit, a puff piece with a HUGELY FLAWED premise.

I LOL at anyone who thought this article had an actual point other than to disparage people from buying gold.

I am sooooooo disheartened that gold that I bought for $320 is only worth $1400 Oh woe is me, such a terrible terrible investment. I should have stuck with Goldman Sachs, I could be up 30%

Edit: I also find it completely normal that the 2 most MSM influenced souls on the forum are trying to play the "I told you so" game.

Too bad ignorance flew over the cuckoos nest.

see how the two dumbasses run with it though... that's the entertaining thing downright stupidity...
Gold only has the value people assign to it. Sorry to say that bubble has burst and people are bailing on it as an investment. It will only go lower from here.

You haven't looked at the US dollar lately moron... The whole premise of the thread is utterly ridiculous. You ARE a FUCKING MORON.

Stop taking financial advice of ladyboys....