I'm Donating another $5000 to FDD....Who's with me?

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chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
huh, I got the impression that you were working at a university in the horticulture program. My fault. "A student of his advise"? I'm not sure I understand, all I saw you guys do was argue and disagree.
I have never had 1 bad word with Uncle Ben, I follow all his threads and study everything he posts on growing. You have me confused with someone else. Like maybe P.J diaz?


Well-Known Member
I have never had 1 bad word with Uncle Ben, I follow all his threads and study everything he posts on growing. You have me confused with someone else. Like maybe P.J diaz?
Yes, yes I do. That's what I get for coming here before I have coffee in the morning:oops: lol


Well-Known Member
why is this guy such a crybaby?
he ran the BIGGEST seed bank in the world and openly bragged about it. now that he got busted he is suddenly this big medical movement guy? BS. :roll:

he knew what he was doing was illegal, as do i. if i get busted you won't see me crying about it for 10 years. in all this time he's been whining he could have already done his time and been out. kinda like Ed, and Tommy, and Dennis, and everyone else involved in "The Movement". :eyesmoke: :peace:
maybe they are making an example out of him because he kept jumping up and down yelling "look at me".

"an example"? seems to be working. :smile:
i got 2800 for a pound of super sour OG last week. :wink:
come and get it. :smile:
a dozen little ducks, all in a row. :wink:
it's free, in my yard. :wink:

i literally just pulled 50k in diamonds out of my ass. take all the jabs you got. :wink:
hurts, don't it. :wink:


Well-Known Member
I still think he showed his true colors the week before he left.

He was going away for 34 months (now it's 12?) and all he did was sit on RIU and non-stop mercilessly harass Carne Seca.


Well-Known Member
Good to know you guys got our backs if things ever go tits up. I'll pm you the details of where to make my 5k cheque out to if I ever need it.


Well-Known Member
but id love to see4 anyone one of yall spend just one week in cook county jail.. hahahaha yall will be tryna bond out fast as fuck!!!


Well-Known Member
I doubt the veracity of your claims, because I used to get paid to mark snitches. I've heard nothing about FDD being marked, or touched. And, don't fool yourself, minimum security is still full of criminals. EDIT: When I was much younger, in prison because of a 'snitch.' And, because I committed a crime.
Not to be confrontational, but if you hadn't committed a crime, the snitch would have no effect on you. If he/she hadn't snitched, there's no way to be sure you wouldn't have been caught, anyway. Tho I can certainly understand your resentment.


Well-Known Member
FDD Quotes
Qft. But there will be people still to blind to accept the fact of what he did.
No one's blindly accepting anything, and it was stupid of him to brag. His family didn't brag, they didn't post shit. I'd think it's also a bit of bad karmatic etiquette to talk shit about people that got busted doing what we're all here to do.

I can do 12 months standing on my head......
12 months? That's solitary time, right there. I hear ya.

but id love to see4 anyone one of yall spend just one week in cook county jail.. hahahaha yall will be tryna bond out fast as fuck!!!
I remember Cook County, was only in there for about 4 days, waiting on the next transfer bus, but, I didn't have any issues... Same as King County (Detroit) ... It's as much about how you carry yourself, and how willing you are to go to the mat for your own well being.

Not to be confrontational, but if you hadn't committed a crime, the snitch would have no effect on you. If he/she hadn't snitched, there's no way to be sure you wouldn't have been caught, anyway. Tho I can certainly understand your resentment.
Yeah, my committing the crimes indeed gave rise to his ability to snitch, the linchpin in the prosecution was his snitching, though. He rolled, even though he sat at the the table when we discussed options, and gave his vote to go at it. He rolled because of the short barrel shotgun, and the threat of federal conspiracy charges, along with his being in the military when the crime was committed. They went to him, because he gave a statement when we were questioned, and that gave them probable cause, and tied the whole thing together. I'm over it, have been for 20 years, but, I still think of it as a cautionary tale. 2 Co-Defendants can also be written: The Defendant and the witness for prosecution. And, when I was in the joint,


Well-Known Member
No one's blindly accepting anything, and it was stupid of him to brag. His family didn't brag, they didn't post shit. I'd think it's also a bit of bad karmatic etiquette to talk shit about people that got busted doing what we're all here to do.
I take exception to that statement. He was not doing what we're all doing. I grow natural medicine for myself and my 2 patients (my parents). He was not growing medicine for his fam. He was growing and selling weed to make lots of money to live an unnecessary and decadent lifestyle. I feel it unjust and dishonorable to the real prisoners of MMJ to paint him as a victim of medical marijuana laws.


Well-Known Member
I take exception to that statement. He was not doing what we're all doing. I grow natural medicine for myself and my 2 patients (my parents). He was not growing medicine for his fam. He was growing and selling weed to make lots of money to live an unnecessary and decadent lifestyle. I feel it unjust and dishonorable to the real prisoners of MMJ to paint him as a victim of medical marijuana laws.
In the Feds eyes, you're both criminals.
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