KuckCanucks Cataract Kush Grow, 3 Plant Organic

Been doing a lot of LST around here lately. Couldn't bring myself to crop.. until I stopped back in here. After a little refresher course I made my first cut this morning. I'll be sure to keep you updated on the progress.
Looking good as usual brotha!
What`s up you guys, still feelin` like I`m in another timezone, but got home tonight and went straight to the tent. Gave roomate instructions and looks real good in there right now. Took a few shots after some adjustments (Leader had grown completely into the CFL, no burning though ;)) and will do a real big-guy update tomorrow at some point after picking up some things. MH will be going in the tent tomorrow :D. Here`s a taste,


In the first picture, Leader is back right, the Twins to the left, and the WWxNL in the front (right). Showing a lot of the OG I`m accustomed to, but the mainlining makes these things beastly. Leader has a stem about the same diameter of a highlighter :shock:. Last picture is a minor tie down of the 4 heads (actually 5) and we`ll get a bit more in depth tomorrow.

**EDIT - also realized I topped both twins, at different nodes for a gauge. Will also detail this tomorrow after rest, haha **

Had a blast on my trip but am excited to be back to the garden as well, babies are coming into a serious change soon. as always, thanks for stopping in, happy growing,

KC :weed:
I see you have insomnia as well KC, which strain do you use to pass out? Damn, mrs.orange is starting to look real pretty.

Hence my name, mainly kush varieties, need the heavy indica stuff but like the sativa varities for daytime. She sure is about to lose some major greenery :D

Too bad we're not able to send clones across state lines. I'd love to give that short and stout a whirl..
Looking really good there brotha.

Just get yourself some of the DNA Cataract seeds, plant em` all, and look for your traits of choice. I happen to have 3 distinctly different plants going so I`ll get a good idea of this cut hopefully when we`re done. Appreciate the love mate

Crazy thick leaf man thats a keeper for sure !!! Nice grow!!

Thanks Temis, thanks for stoppin` in. Gonna lose a few of those beauties shortly, but for the better good ;)

Welcome back my bro, we'll have to catch up later
Have fun in the garden today :)

Thanks buddy, great trip, love the West Coast. Will be doing a decent post here to come ;)

Welcome back Kush. Looks like your roommate did you a solid while you were gone, looking nice and healthy.

He sure did, was rewarded for his efforts, haha. They`re looking awesome, going to unload on you guys here. Stay tuned for post, as always appreciate the responses all, happy belated 420

KC :weed:
Hey all, here`s a little picture update for you guys before a lay heavy into the pruning and training today. Gonna lay them down and describe as we go,

New Light kit, 400w MH to be in by later tonight, light cycle flipping to 18/6 for about 2-3 weeks :D

Some shots of the twins before any work today. First two are Mohican, top and under brush (bottom two fan leaves have since been removed), and the other 3 are Mrs. Orange, third being her huge fan leaves

Shots of Leader, intense stem structure, real thick and strong. She`s going to really love a good shearin today as well, open up some airflow

The WWxNL herefourth known as White Light and some her recent growth. Still watching this one pretty close

The Twins, Mo on the left, Mrs. O on the right. Will be much shorter and squater than now, but will perk up crazy with the light change and the new MH beamin` down on them

... And a shot of the family before misting and getting my pre-game on. Will try to put as much info as I can in here for the cloning portion as I will be using peat pucks, hoping for 6-10 clones off the 3, should`t be tough. Thanks for hangin` in with me all, be back in a few hours with a huge picture update with cloning :mrgreen:

KC :weed:
Hey all, got a bigger update for you all tonight. Tried not to be AS thorough as usual as we`d have to sift through 80 pictures then (my way, haha), but still pretty descriptive. Feel free to point anything out I missed, will take a while to sort and prioritize everything for you all.

Long day. Went out to start harvesting a new OG18 crop at `The Factory` and came home to finish up with the ladies and post it up. Got the 400w MH installed and runnin`, temps stretched up to almost 90F for maybe 10 minutes until I took some actions, now sitting between 75-78F as seen in the last photo. Anyways, feast away, different looking garden now ;)

Shots of the tent, lights off during swap, brightness at 60% (slow-start ballast :)), and full blast, 36,000 lumens after about 15-20 minutes. Positioned maybe 12-15 inches away, no heat issues thus far going into lights off

The Family under their new Sun


Mrs. Orange


White Lady, first topping, and cleared bottom two node sets

Showing the cut on Mrs. Orange, probably the toughest to ML at this point, just too damn stout. Will respond and be flyin within 2-3 days though

The two best clones (plus another) of Mrs. O`s cuttings

Shots of Mohicans cuts and 1 of 2 `Tuning Fork` cuttings from tops that I`m rooting for an experiment ;). Going to thicken up big time, had a hunch from the get-go this one would be a good one. right on Mo!

Clonebox with 6 of the finest cuttings from the Twins, discarded at least the same, just prioritizing. Compost material at worst.

Leader shots pre-cuts on the work table, after `shucking` the lower branching, and finally after tie-down. Right now 4 colas (de-mutanized her by making only 2 dominants on the one side), soon to be topped again for 8. The ladies got a good workout today after being able to run wild for week :), next few should be exciting

Shot of the full clonebox, 9 total, 2 irregular `top` clones, and we`re laughing. These will go directly into flower with the rest when the time comes, veg will be almost non-existant. Heat mat on tray-under tray with dome, air misted every morning. Will have hits in 7-9 days

Everyone back under the sun after training, pruning, and stressin`. A healthy drink for the lot and repositioned under the lights to optimize my fans. Using only the 6in Osc. fan pictured, as well as a 6in Inline Duct fan (rated @ 160CFM) to assist in passive exaust out the top middle vent hole, and passive intake from outside ...

... we end up looking like this, with dead-on, 75-79F, low-stress growth environment for the next week or two :mrgreen:

Things are heating up good now, going to `quck veg` with the 18/6 MH for 14-18 days before flippin`the switch and flowering these pups out. Will add the 6in inline fan w/ carbon filter then, and move the top exhaust fan down for fresh, cold intake purposes. Hope you stay tuned, feel free to comment or inquire away, will try to get some shots of the OG18 garden as well next time I`m out, looking better and better all the time. Keep it green all,

KC :weed:
I must've been checking out your update as you were posting it. None of the pics would show up for me last night.. Looking good today!
You're going to be amazed at the improvement in growth rate under that new MH. It's the same size I use, and I couldn't believe how fast the plants grew compared to the T5HO's I was using. Did you go with a switchable ballast and a MH/HPS kit? That's the route I went..
Good looking update homeslice!

p.S.. made the switch from the Miracle Grow to an all organic & natural Black Gold brand. Trying to make you proud..
I must've been checking out your update as you were posting it. None of the pics would show up for me last night.. Looking good today!
You're going to be amazed at the improvement in growth rate under that new MH. It's the same size I use, and I couldn't believe how fast the plants grew compared to the T5HO's I was using. Did you go with a switchable ballast and a MH/HPS kit? That's the route I went..
Good looking update homeslice!

p.S.. made the switch from the Miracle Grow to an all organic & natural Black Gold brand. Trying to make you proud..

Yeah had time-out issues last night, copy and paste because they take so long, but images were just attachment copies sohad to go back through pic by pic. Worked out alright :).

I have used the CFL - MH - HPS for years, the entire run of the OG18`s I have are run like this. Maximizes both the amount of light needed and the electric bill I`ve found. Between the 6 tents there`s maybe only 1500w running at any given time, works great, they just need a day or two to adjust to higher intensity. Bit of shock right now, haha

And good job on the new soil mate, now all you need is start mixing up your own and you`ll really start divig into the Biology without knowing it ;). Thanks for posting CP

KC :weed:
Always my pleasure posting here.

Can you remind me of your recommendation as to what kind of flowering nutes I should be using?
Matter of preference brother, find a line you like and stick to it, or start learning your supplementals and mixing your own `whole grow` soils like my other crop. I`ll be using CANNA Terra Flores and PK 13-14 in weeks 3-4. May add some sugars or something new to test out, keep it fresh. This is my first run with CANNA, came off a patient recommendation, so far so good. Will likely continue using them in the future :)

KC :weed:
Nice setup KC your making me jealous haha

Haha, thanks Danky. Your grow`s not doin`bad either ;)

Decided to do a brief picture update for the topping, Mainlining response from the ladies. Gives a good idea of how our dominant heads will be forming up

Family before bed, lights just went off for the night

Few shots of Leader, Mohican, Mrs. O, and White Lady respectively. Going for 8 heads on Leader, 4 on the other twins, and just the sinlge topping on White Lady. Will post again on Thurs/Fri when they`ve picked up steam again, but going vertical again already.

... and a few shots of the Clone Box, 9 total, few looking real good. Better to tell by the weekend what we`ll have

Enjoy all, stay posted. Will likely update at least twice a week from this point forward as I`ll be starting 2 Burmese Kush tonight, try to time them with the clones. Happy growing, keep em` green,

KC :weed:
Just had to put post 1000 on my journal ;). Will be posting pictures tomorrow now that every newly topped head is heading for the light with a passion. Everything`s looking good, thanks for checkin`in all,

KC :weed:
Had a quick check on the girls, had to do a few more tie-downs to the Twins to encourage the horizontal growth. The lot is drinking a full 1L every 2-3 days, adapting nicely to the MH and the rest time at night. Going to throw a few pictures up in a couple minutes before the lights go off for the night to show the new ties, and the topping on Mohican again. Enjoy,

KC :weed:
Looking great as always KC. Do you use the tomato rings for support later or something else? Looks like with your training you will have some solid branches but I know how heavy those mainline colas can get. :bigjoint:

Keep up the great work man can't wait to see the heads on these beasts. Peace
Looking good as usual. Things are filling out nicely..
I imagine your success rate for rooting clones is pretty high eh'?
Looking great as always KC. Do you use the tomato rings for support later or something else? Looks like with your training you will have some solid branches but I know how heavy those mainline colas can get. :bigjoint:

Keep up the great work man can't wait to see the heads on these beasts. Peace

I use PVC structure (like a box with no walls) for each plant so they can still moved around and fit in a nice pattern. Waiting for everything to `thicken` up now and flowering just over the horizon. Conteplating leaving the Twins with 4 heads, Leader with 8

Looking good as usual. Things are filling out nicely..
I imagine your success rate for rooting clones is pretty high eh'?

Usually yes, will get hits on at least 9/10. This round of clones is a little different, hoping for 50% as someof the cuttings had a rather large amount of plant material left, harder to root but would save veg time later (as these will be almost immediately flowered with the rest). Few looking worse for wear, but the pull through time is in the next couple days if it`ls going to happen :)

Looking sweet!

Thanks Jimmer, thanks for stopping in

Will do another little update tonight as the girls grow more and more every day even after being knocked back with training. Stay tuned for another picture post later this eve :D

KC :weed: