I'm Donating another $5000 to FDD....Who's with me?

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Well-Known Member
I take exception to that statement. He was not doing what we're all doing. I grow natural medicine for myself and my 2 patients (my parents). He was not growing medicine for his fam. He was growing and selling weed to make lots of money to live an unnecessary and decadent lifestyle. I feel it unjust and dishonorable to the real prisoners of MMJ to paint him as a victim of medical marijuana laws.
No offense meant, like kelly4 said, we're all illegal in the eyes of the feds. I understand what you mean, the difference between a med grower, a personal grower, and a commercial grower. He's not the only commercial grower here, either, though.

And, I'm in no way trying to imply I didn't deserve to be in prison, the first time. The second time was bad blood between a cop and I, it was personal... The first time, though? Yeah, I deserved it, and they should have given me more time.


Well-Known Member
I worked for 18 years for a company, I stood up to unions and belived the company would take care of it's workers.. I was wrong.
It came down to the Management who used to be my boss, who got upper management for being able to blind side a whole crew,
we were all devestated (the crew) 1 of us had a break down, 1 died from an OD of Booze and I just quit.
They asked me back and I told them to go fuck themselves!! I hate Republicans!!!


Well-Known Member
No one's blindly accepting anything, and it was stupid of him to brag. His family didn't brag, they didn't post shit. I'd think it's also a bit of bad karmatic etiquette to talk shit about people that got busted doing what we're all here to do.

12 months? That's solitary time, right there. I hear ya.

I remember Cook County, was only in there for about 4 days, waiting on the next transfer bus, but, I didn't have any issues... Same as King County (Detroit) ... It's as much about how you carry yourself, and how willing you are to go to the mat for your own well being.

Yeah, my committing the crimes indeed gave rise to his ability to snitch, the linchpin in the prosecution was his snitching, though. He rolled, even though he sat at the the table when we discussed options, and gave his vote to go at it. He rolled because of the short barrel shotgun, and the threat of federal conspiracy charges, along with his being in the military when the crime was committed. They went to him, because he gave a statement when we were questioned, and that gave them probable cause, and tied the whole thing together. I'm over it, have been for 20 years, but, I still think of it as a cautionary tale. 2 Co-Defendants can also be written: The Defendant and the witness for prosecution. And, when I was in the joint,
u were never locked up on 26st. and California... what division were u in


Well-Known Member
In the Feds eyes, you're both criminals.
I know. I wasn't saying I think he deserves to go to jail for it. I was simply saying my growing and his growing were not for the same reasons.

No offense meant, like kelly4 said, we're all illegal in the eyes of the feds. I understand what you mean, the difference between a med grower, a personal grower, and a commercial grower. He's not the only commercial grower here, either, though.

And, I'm in no way trying to imply I didn't deserve to be in prison, the first time. The second time was bad blood between a cop and I, it was personal... The first time, though? Yeah, I deserved it, and they should have given me more time.
I like you and was not trying to single you out or anything.


Well-Known Member
I worked for 18 years for a company, I stood up to unions and belived the company would take care of it's workers.. I was wrong. It came down to the Management who used to be my boss, who got upper management for being able to blind side a whole crew, we were all devestated (the crew) 1 of us had a break down, 1 died from an OD of Booze and I just quit. They asked me back and I told them to go fuck themselves!! I hate Republicans!!!
It sounds like your crew was a bunch of losers, anyway. Why would you blame Republicans? Oh, that's right, only Republicans own businesses. " I stood up to unions" sounds like a Republican talking to me.


New Member
I take exception to that statement. He was not doing what we're all doing. I grow natural medicine for myself and my 2 patients (my parents). He was not growing medicine for his fam. He was growing and selling weed to make lots of money to live an unnecessary and decadent lifestyle. I feel it unjust and dishonorable to the real prisoners of MMJ to paint him as a victim of medical marijuana laws.
This sums it up. He bragged he sold high amounts and snitched. I'll leave it here. Mine smoker is blind. Though its honorable to donate, I feel nojustifacation to do so

Pretty sure there's 3rd countries or plenty of people that could use that 5k such as the hurricane sandy victims. Donate to redcross


Well-Known Member
I know. I wasn't saying I think he deserves to go to jail for it. I was simply saying my growing and his growing were not for the same reasons.

I like you and was not trying to single you out or anything.
WEED! Same reason! LoL.

I didn't think you were singling me out! I'm kinda' dedicated to the whole "humanize prisoners" thing. all of 'em.

I knew a guy doing 40 years for "possession of crack cocaine in a school zone." The cops set him up, they gave him the money, drove him to buy it, drove him behind a building, gave him a pipe, gave him a lighter, and asked for theirs. They then arrested him, after they let him smoke it, for trafficking, possession and distribution in a school zone, and consumption of crack cocaine in a school zone.

I knew this one kid, turned 18, his girlfriend was almost 16. He got 15 years for it. Charged for a sex crime, when he hit the prison's intake, he was made a bitch. Last I saw him, he'd gotten out. And was on a wanted poster for violent rapes.

Met one fellow, really nice guy, handicapped veteran ... He got sentenced to 36 months in 1970 for "drunken assault." He was a Marine that had just come back from Vietnam, and got in a bar fight with a guy that called him a raping baby killer. When I met him, in '95, he had 360 years, and counting. All time he got in prison.

Met a guy in county, in '91. He was there for killing his "girlfriend" and eating part of her heart. Had he still been under his state/court ordered psychiatric care, he'd have been on his meds and fine. But, he was turned out of his halfway house and lost his state funding, because he got (and maintained) a job for over a year.

Used to go to Mosque with a nice family, there was the older sister, the younger sister, the mom, and the brother. They were Samoli. The dad was murdered in front of them, then the older brother. Both girls are handicapped, that's what happens when little kids get gang raped. The brother has no hands, and no junk. He was forced to partake in the raping of his family, and then "punished" for it. His dad was shot, his brother was beheaded. It's surprising that his cousin tried to go back to Somalia to join the freedom fighters, isn't it?

I could go on all day, just from personal experience/first hand knowledge. Yeah, there are straight monsters, but they are so rare as to be a statistical anomaly.

FDD is a great example of "more of the same." There are people that think he should be executed, that he should go to prison for life, and that he's personally responsible for every violent crime from the beginning of prohibition. If he's a shithead, we still need to stand behind him, the way WE treat the "lowest" is how THEY will treat our "best."

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
WEED! Same reason! LoL.

I didn't think you were singling me out! I'm kinda' dedicated to the whole "humanize prisoners" thing. all of 'em.

I knew a guy doing 40 years for "possession of crack cocaine in a school zone." The cops set him up, they gave him the money, drove him to buy it, drove him behind a building, gave him a pipe, gave him a lighter, and asked for theirs. They then arrested him, after they let him smoke it, for trafficking, possession and distribution in a school zone, and consumption of crack cocaine in a school zone.

I knew this one kid, turned 18, his girlfriend was almost 16. He got 15 years for it. Charged for a sex crime, when he hit the prison's intake, he was made a bitch. Last I saw him, he'd gotten out. And was on a wanted poster for violent rapes.

Met one fellow, really nice guy, handicapped veteran ... He got sentenced to 36 months in 1970 for "drunken assault." He was a Marine that had just come back from Vietnam, and got in a bar fight with a guy that called him a raping baby killer. When I met him, in '95, he had 360 years, and counting. All time he got in prison.

Met a guy in county, in '91. He was there for killing his "girlfriend" and eating part of her heart. Had he still been under his state/court ordered psychiatric care, he'd have been on his meds and fine. But, he was turned out of his halfway house and lost his state funding, because he got (and maintained) a job for over a year.

Used to go to Mosque with a nice family, there was the older sister, the younger sister, the mom, and the brother. They were Samoli. The dad was murdered in front of them, then the older brother. Both girls are handicapped, that's what happens when little kids get gang raped. The brother has no hands, and no junk. He was forced to partake in the raping of his family, and then "punished" for it. His dad was shot, his brother was beheaded. It's surprising that his cousin tried to go back to Somalia to join the freedom fighters, isn't it?

I could go on all day, just from personal experience/first hand knowledge. Yeah, there are straight monsters, but they are so rare as to be a statistical anomaly.

FDD is a great example of "more of the same." There are people that think he should be executed, that he should go to prison for life, and that he's personally responsible for every violent crime from the beginning of prohibition. If he's a shithead, we still need to stand behind him, the way WE treat the "lowest" is how THEY will treat our "best."

fat chance, modern society like in the past is status driven, no way these idiots can objectively see that we are only the sum of our weakest links as a country
and the the justice system is a sham, a giant forced cheap labor program to keep life as calm as possible for those who color between the lines


Well-Known Member
mannnnnnnnn lol...

thanks for stuff scoob... i put it to good use!
View attachment 2624708
i klnow you got 3 real grateful people here.. and i still find it funny people think its fishy, scoob got no idea where im at......... he paid greners 1000 bucks between me and sunny. then greners basically just gave me the all clear to have fun.. thanks scoob for the ULTIMATE HOOK UP and thanks greners for throwing me some sick deals
you're welcome bud. glad it all worked out.


Active Member
Bro, you fucked up and it says yer the op of that quote lol. but i agree with you abd slow. someone has a unhealthy obsession with that phrase. how many times do ya gotta repeat shit.


Well-Known Member
It sounds like your crew was a bunch of losers, anyway. Why would you blame Republicans? Oh, that's right, only Republicans own businesses. " I stood up to unions" sounds like a Republican talking to me.
why don't you tell everyone here how you feel about blacks going to vote after church, or about how gays have perfectly equal rights (as long as they don't act gay).

or maybe tell them about how your whole family offed themselves rather than deal with you! that's my favorite.


Well-Known Member
I love how this little snitch bitch threatens everyone from his little safe haven in the jungle, what a douchebag.
toss up an address man... dude will crush you with his wallet, with that kinda $$$... you dont need to snitch. and its funny as shit, people still getting mad about scoob helping out another grower who got fucked over. and ive been there, i was put in jail by someone who didnt even have anything to do with the crime.. know what i did... didnt argue behind a keyboard.. i just stopped associating with him, also helped he thought i was ready to kill him so he avoided me also.. whatever works right.. but chuck you aint proving nothing either.... so far by what i see your just starting shit with someone you dont even know because hes helping out someone who may of told. i dont care if he did or didnt tell honestly, he dont know me or where my grow is... scooby got a spare key to your house or something... why you worried man.. relax..chill, go find another thread or go maybe start shit with someone in person and see how it goes.. all you got is snitches are bitches... but tell me, how much time you do over a snitch.. i did a year
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