Gold. GOLD!!!!! Gooooollllllllllddddddd!!!!!!!!

I guess I should have jumped on the wagon and sold off, but it really wasn't more than two k. I still have the etrade account I used to buy the stocks. I haven't check it in awhile like a year atleast.
Funny thing is I almost bought Ford at around 2 dollars a share but instead I bought solar stocks like a fool. I would have made a killing.
My parents keep telling me how great their 401k are doing. It is literally an illusion of growth and prosperity created by the Federal Reserve loaning massive amounts of money to banks for nearly free.

The Patriots always willing to short the American economy.
Do you have a cellar full of canned goods and ammo as well?
The Patriots always willing to short the American economy.
Do you have a cellar full of canned goods and ammo as well?

I don't get why anyone who distrusts the powers who be are crazy? I get lumped together with the doomsday preppers? I watched that show a few times and a lot of those people are mentally ill. Any catastrophic event could happen anywhere is the world. What is wrong with being prepared?
I am prepared...guns ammo food and currently putting up wind and solar to get off of the grid...and bought lotsa gold (actual gold not gold on paper) back when it was around $300/an ounce....I am still fine...

Man Claustrum is really good weed
The Patriots always willing to short the American economy.
Do you have a cellar full of canned goods and ammo as well?

preparing to take care of your own is unpatriotic, but relying on everybody else to hold you down when the shit goes sideways is a virtue.

Thanks Orwell. ill put that in my NewSpeak diary.
Sad thing is most people are clueless to the true value of gold. Its more then just pretty coins.

Nuhh Uhh!! gold is exactly like a fiat currency, and has no value except whats stamped into the coin!

it's true because an economics weenie said so!
Where mankind uses Gold for adornment or as a medium of exchange, the visitors from the 12th Planet were collecting Gold for survival. Their home planet, on its long orbit out in space, is subjected to atmospheric abrasion the Earth and the other planets on more sedate orbits around the Sun do not suffer. Consider the rapid path past the Sun made by the 12th Planet, when acting like a comet. It moves from one side of the Solar System to the other in 3 months, a fast track indeed. The 12th Planet losses atmosphere here and there, on a regular basis, and where this can be rebuild from its copious oceans, being basically a water planet, certain elements become depleted. Molecules in the atmosphere, containing Gold, are necessary to retain the heat and light the planet generates, to keep the heat and light, essentially, bouncing back to the surface, as without these Gold based molecules the planet dims and cools.
What is wrong with being prepared?
Obviously everything. Have you noticed government getting prepared? Yep, they purchased 1.6 billion rounds of hollow point ammo, (That means its for domestic use only). tons of full auto weapons ( touting the reason for them was because the AR-15/m-16 is an extremely effective self defense weapon), 1500 different camp sites/bunkers, 3 years worth of food storage, underground bunkers especially for government officials.....on and on. The government is the worlds biggest prepper out there.

Are all preppers mentally off their game? Or do you suppose that the TV show selects the people its going to be showing? If they are selecting the preppers to show and the ones they show seem to be mentally unfit, does that seem like maybe they have an agenda to demonize preppers?

Preparing for the worst and hoping for the best is the absolute BEST thing anyone can do, it is not a sign of mental weakness.
Obviously everything. Have you noticed government getting prepared? Yep, they purchased 1.6 billion rounds of hollow point ammo, (That means its for domestic use only). tons of full auto weapons ( touting the reason for them was because the AR-15/m-16 is an extremely effective self defense weapon), 1500 different camp sites/bunkers, 3 years worth of food storage, underground bunkers especially for government officials.....on and on. The government is the worlds biggest prepper out there.

Are all preppers mentally off their game? Or do you suppose that the TV show selects the people its going to be showing? If they are selecting the preppers to show and the ones they show seem to be mentally unfit, does that seem like maybe they have an agenda to demonize preppers?

Preparing for the worst and hoping for the best is the absolute BEST thing anyone can do, it is not a sign of mental weakness.

I caught an episode or two of doomsday preppers, some had great ideas especially in the way of self sustaining food sources etc... I just couldn't fathom that they would present on national tv showing off what preparation's they've made... especially the less mobile and more vulnerable groups like families...

Then they also show a group of fat retards in camo with long arms jumping around the bush trying to stalk one another, then one of them falling down a ditch, from the shock of "ambush"..

I think it goes a long way with the public at large while presenting some good ideas, it also paint's some of the preppers as dumbasses (which they are) but we don't need to see that... I couldn't help but think it would make a great example to try to ridicule and/or demonise anyone who would want to openly discuss the subject or preparedness. but now there is a stigma attached - to influence self censorship within social circles and write one's ideas off a conspiracy theory nonsense.
Obviously everything. Have you noticed government getting prepared? Yep, they purchased 1.6 billion rounds of hollow point ammo, (That means its for domestic use only). tons of full auto weapons ( touting the reason for them was because the AR-15/m-16 is an extremely effective self defense weapon), 1500 different camp sites/bunkers, 3 years worth of food storage, underground bunkers especially for government officials.....on and on. The government is the worlds biggest prepper out there.

Are all preppers mentally off their game? Or do you suppose that the TV show selects the people its going to be showing? If they are selecting the preppers to show and the ones they show seem to be mentally unfit, does that seem like maybe they have an agenda to demonize preppers?

Preparing for the worst and hoping for the best is the absolute BEST thing anyone can do, it is not a sign of mental weakness.

why are you using the bullshit PC term "prepper"

we used to be survivalists, and we still are survivalists with all the baggage that comes with.

i was raised by survivalists, taught by survivalists and I AM a survivalist. Survivalist Power!

whats the opposite of a survivalist? compost.

"prepper" even sounds weenie.

it lumps you in with "troofers" and "birthers" and "teabaggers" and all the other "__________ers" the left wants to marginalize.
Prove it!!!

That horse already died. Anyone with even a single brain cell is aware that Congress has held official investigations into the 4 billion rounds of ammo that government has already planned for, of course only 1.6 Billion have been paid for and most of it hasn't even been delivered yet.

Janet "Big sistah" Napolitano says its because officers have to qualify twice per year, which makes me wonder how many more people they are going to hire to use that much ammo, currently they only use 150 million rounds per year for all domestic federal agencies combined.

Another point that Janet made was that government saves 80% by buying in bulk before taking delivery, on that point I would agree. Ammo prices are up 300% over the last 7 years. Hell you could get 1,000 rounds of .22LR ammo for $9, now its gonna cost you $50-60. I could get 1400 rounds of 7.62x39mm AK ammo for $79, now its $700.

All those damn "survivalists" ended up making a great investment.
When I think survivalist I think camo wearing, gun toting, Bear Grylls type. When I think prepper I think of a mother of 4 putting food away for long term storage while the husband worries about home defense and long term plans of action.

Suvivalists tend to have off site bunkers or bug out places, preppers tend to have a plan which requires sheltering in place.