Grow Journal #8: DIY Hydro & Making Feminized seeds with Colloidal Silver


Well-Known Member
DinaFem RoadRunner #2 Auto = RoadRunner x NYC Diesel x Low Ryder

Harvest: Day 84
Wet Weight: 33.2g
Dry Weight: 7.8g
THC: 90% Cloudy / 10% Clear




Well-Known Member
Barney's Farm Pineapple Express = Skunk x Cheese x Low Ryder

Harvest: Day 84
Wet Weight: 26.5g
Dry Weight: 6.5g
THC: 90% Cloudy / 5% Clear
CBD/CBN: 5% Amber




Well-Known Member
Those look very tasty, nice and dense too. Grats.
Hey booort! They were VERY tasty and dense:)

PE was a nice mellow high that last for about 4 -6 hours. If you like your Lemon Skunk, then you should definitely give PE a try..almost the exact same genetics.

Thanks for stopping by , I really appreciate the support!



Well-Known Member
4-11-2013 Day 89 & Day 82
Temp: 80°
Humidity: 45%
pH: 0
TDS: 0 ppm

Day 26 of 12/12

*Note: 0 ppm and 0 pH because we're still flushing.

Lots of Updates!!

As you can see, I harvested the AUTO's that were taking up space... Now I have a TON a free space to play with :)

Spring is Temps have been on the hot side, peaking at 85° and higher inside the tent. I keep temps under control by opening a window, opening the closet door, and running a small oscillating fan in the spare bedroom w/ the grow. I'm ok with the humidity where it is...

The Couple:

Blue Mystic:

White Widow:




Well-Known Member
4-11-2013 Clone/Seedling Box
Temp: 80°
Humidity: 45%
pH: 0
TDS: 0 ppm

Clone/Seedling Box:

All of my Purple Widow's ended up being Male, I cut em down after collecting their pollen in an envelope. I plan on using this pollen on the Blue Mystic and White Widow to create 2 new strains!!!


4 Days ago...I gave a blue mystic clone away as a gift to a friend who is starting his very first grow. This leaves me with:

1x Burmese kush
2x White Widow
1x Blue Mystic

I moved the Burmese Kush seedling and 1 White Widow clone over to the flower box

The couple:

THseeds Burmese Kush:

Seedsman White Widow


I still have 2 clones left behind, growing under 4 CFL's, in perlite.

The couple:

The plan is to rotate 2 plants every 4 weeks, creating a SOG. With my setup, I believe I can get 1/2 lb every month if I stick to this schedule.



Well-Known Member
4-13-2013 Day 91 & Day 84
Temp: 85°
Humidity: 40%
pH: 6.0
TDS: 1200 ppm

Day 28 of 12/12

Just a quick Pic update...

The Couple:

Blue Mystic:

White Widow:




Well-Known Member
4-23-2013 Day 101 & Day 94
Temp: 80°
Humidity: 45%
pH: 0
TDS: 0 ppm

*Note: 0 ppm and 0 pH because we're still flushing.

Day 38 of 12/12

Everything is coming along nicely. Here are some of the latest pics!! Check out that even canopy, every Lumen goes toward bud production :)

The Couple:

Blue Mystic:

White Widow:

The White Widow Clone is coming along very nicely...but the Burmese Kush seedling turned out to be a G*ddamn hermaphrodite!!!

I cut the Burmese Kush in half, I hope that she/he will pollinate her/himself. I wont be using this pollen for breeding, but I will grow out it's seeds in hopes of a true female, then I'll spray her down with CS, and create some Feminized seeds.

WW Clone #1:





Well-Known Member
4-23-2013 Day 101 & Day 94
Temp: 80°
Humidity: 45%
pH: 0
TDS: 0 ppm

*Note: 0 ppm and 0 pH because we're still flushing.


10 days ago..... I used the pollen from Pineapple Express, Roadrunner, and Purple Widow to pollinate my Blue Mystic and White Widow.

I used rubber bands to mark off which branches were pollinated so that I wouldn't forget.

Since last night..the seeds turned from light green to light brown. The seeds look like they'll be ready by the end of this week.




Well-Known Member
5-2-2013 Day 110 & Day 103 (Day 47 of 12/12)
Temp: 90°
Humidity: 50%
pH: 0
TDS: 0 ppm

*Note: 0 ppm and 0 pH because we're still flushing.

Day 47 of 12/12

Quick update:

I hope everyone is doing great...all is well on this side.

Here are the most recent pics.

The couple:

Blue Mystic's buds are shaped like little cones, but they are hard as a rock! They are definitely more sativa dominant.

Blue Mystic:

White widow's buds are round, super dense and dank!..I could throw a bud at someone and really hurt them. ;)

White Widow:

They will be chopped on day 56 so that I can stick to a strict schedule.

I've got Round 2 AND Round 3 on deck, so there's no time to waste - exactly 8 weeks of 12/12 and then cut.



Well-Known Member
Out of curiosity how are you controlling the spread of pollen once those male flowers open up?
I should've thought a little more carefully about this question earlier in the thread, and took better precautions:

I'm noticing that a lot of my White Widow is pollinated.... a LOT more than I intended on pollinating! Oh well, it's too late now. It's no biggie, I've sampled WW in my vaporizer and she is a DAMN GOOD strain to keep around (Great taste, and soaring high.). I'll be happy with whatever offspring she has.

Fortunately, (or perhaps Unfortunately?) the Blue mystic is only pollinated on the branches that I intended. I wont be upset... she's a knock out, but nothing to write home about.


Well-Known Member
5-4-2013 Day 112 & Day 105 (Day 49 of 12/12)
Temp: 90°
Humidity: 50%
pH: 0
TDS: 0 ppm

Day 49 of 12/12

A week away from harvest :)..

The Flush:

I needed a way to flush my plants, and also prepare their growing mediu m for reuse. To do this I decided to flush with the cleaning agent Physan 20.

Physan 20 is a super strong industrial strength cleaner. It is used in ponds and fish tanks to keep the water free of algae and bad organisms. I use it in my grow to help prevent and fight root rot and the bad organisms that cause plant diseases.

This is my first time using Physan 20 during flush. I've been flushing for a few days now, and so far the plants still look like they're putting on weight.

On Day 56, I will top the res off with 0ppm water, and then I'll harvest.

Round 2 will be ready to flower shortly after that.


Well-Known Member
5-4-2013 Day 112 & Day 105 (Day 49 of 12/12)
Temp: 90°
Humidity: 50%
pH: 0
TDS: 0 ppm

Day 49 of 12/12

The couple:

Lights out

Blue Mystic:

Lights out

White Widow:

Lights out

No Flash



Well-Known Member
Day 120 & Day 113 (DAY 56 of 12/12 -- HARVEST DAY)

Nirvana Blue Mystic

Harvest: Day 56
Wet Weight: 400.4g (1.0001 grams per watt)
Dry Weight: --
THC: 90% Cloudy / 5% Clear
CBD/CBN: 5% Amber




Well-Known Member
Day 120 & Day 113 (DAY 56 of 12/12 -- HARVEST DAY)

Seedsman White Widow

Harvest: Day 56
Wet Weight: 377g (.9425 grams per watt)
Dry Weight: --
THC: 90% Cloudy / < 5% Clear
CBD/CBN: > 5% Amber


