Extraction start to finish. Need help

kool thx for the link. I did a run yesterday and it came out pretty dark, i it cuz my water was too hot? And my pump is only hitting 26.7 hg is that bad?
google where you live. find out your elevation.

for every 1000 feet (300m) above sea level you are. it is a 3.5% loss in vacuum.

I am 2200 feet... 7+% loss. I can only get 93% vacuum.

29.9 x .93 = 27.8 my vacuum gauge seems to get around 27.5... so yeah. thats about my max.

26.7 means you re at 3000 feet elevation/1000m. no its not bad.

yes, warm water does sometimes make it darker. also, older material does too. as well as if the plant is a sativa or an indica. fresh material run with low temps produces something like this ive found:

JEEEEEZ THATS SOME SIK GLASS! Ya my material is not the freshest but stanky. i am only at about 100 feet above sea level tho not 3000
yes. you should be getting 29.5 at least.

could be that you need to run your vacuum longer, or get a smaller chamber/bigger vacuum.
thanks for the info. how long to you vac purge? and ganja smoker i made more than 1 thread to gather as much info as i can from diff ppl, more info the better i say
thanks for the info. how long to you vac purge? and ganja smoker i made more than 1 thread to gather as much info as i can from diff ppl, more info the better i say
I'm 650 if you refer to me. easily mistakable i did the same thing when i first started posting. Ya i figured that was the main reason you did so, get as much info as fast as you can.
i have 3 threads ill give you the names of them you can find them no problem this 1 obviously is extraction start to finish, 2nd one is sea level and hg for bho, and 3rdbest purge method before vacuum