What is the most expensive strain and also the most potent (ik the second one is sub)


Well-Known Member
What is the most expensive strain of cannabis, and what is the avg price/gram, and then what is in your opinion the most potent strain?


Well-Known Member
I dont thnik there is one strain thats more expensive than the rest. Some medical'clubs will charge more for whats popular at the time "ie" Girl Scout Cookies or back in the day OG Kush ect. It is pretty much if the weed smells delicious and looks delicious it costs more than weed that doesnt smell and look as good.

Durban poison is one of the stronger strains that ive smoked...but then again...do you mean strongest head high, strongest body high, most pain relief...?


Well-Known Member
Chemdawg for potency. And an easy grow. Dutch Treat is another but harder to grow. The bush is a haphazard mess and just a fair yield. Expensive is usually a fad as in some colors.


Well-Known Member
This thread is ridiculous....

The potency of various strains throughout the world will vary...If anybody tells you they have a plant that tests at over 28% THC, they are most likely bullshitting you. Think about it physically, the bud matter would not only be composed of 1/3 resin glands, but nearly 1/3 THC specifically. This is including flower matter, water matter, and other terpenes and cannabinoids. It simply doesn't make sense to me for strains to test out at 35+ THC....Honestly, above 25% is fascinating to me. And quite questionable.

I've seen some TGA strains recently tested at around 28% THC, with ~6% terpene content. That's 34% oil content for a dried flower, which is absolutely fucking ridiculous if it is accurate!!!


Well-Known Member
I should also say, I'm a huge fan of TGA genetics. I'm not really questioning the results, but I would definitely say that those results are near the max.

Price is all dependent on the area, and how much people will pay of course.
well im not bullshitting the labs out here in cali could be bullshitting my friend though thats what the test read when they gave him the results


Well-Known Member
When they say 20% thc does that mean that 20% of the buds dry weight is thc? Or weight weight? Or just that 20% of the cannabinoids or oils is thc? Because anything over 20 seems insane if its including plant matter


Active Member
Pppf no way if ur talking most expensive genetics check out vancouverseedcompany, they have some fire ass strains some are very pricy but legit ass genetics, from what my buddy tells me he has grown out a few of there strains I love kindseed.com I am a loyal jordanoftheislands grower. Current grow bluecitydiesel unfucking beleivable man