Cannabis Cup? Where is all the breeders?

Yeah, I'm curious on the R4 seeds also....

You guys went to the Cannabis cup.... I went to Disney on ice with my 6yr old lol. sad I know
The deal was, Colorado based companies were not hooking it up! None of them! But other companies from out of state were! I have no idea why they were all sketched out, but one by one they all told me no, and to find their seeds at dispensaries! Wish I had more info for you guys! Wish I could have got what I came for too but all is good, thanks to some friends! You know who u are!
I sat at home watching the kid all day 4/20.
Sorry i missed you Chewy, i headed out shortly before you sent that message and just got home. Did all my celebrating today.
The more i hear about the cup the more i am glad that i didn't go this year.
Ok so after my review I have! Vortex, space dawg, Jesus og ( Jack the Ripper x hells angels), dr who ( mad scientist x time wreck ) , blue mountain kush ( Jamaican x sweet Irish kush) and I also bought a pack of agent orange because they are being discontinued indefinitely!
Sounds like state breeders played it safe because they have to deal with local authorities even after the weekend. Wish I could of gone to look around but I wanted to hold off till laws were more stable. Attitude got a big drop from a bunch of breeders 4/20..Next year im saving for 4/20 like xmas damn it. Deals get better every year.

Denver should commercialize the shit out of the holiday and throw a fucking parade or something milk it for money... But a float of the weednerd im not sure it work out...
I just hit the attitude deal too! Picked up th seeds da purps because supposedly it's "gods gift" so I must try it! Anyone grown it out? Got in on all the freebies today!
I know Adam and he kicked me some of his sage n sour, da purps (which I gave to my boss at the time) and some lambo. The lambo tasted just like coconut like exactly. And Adam is pretty chill. Good buy. U should check out the hoodlamb hood lab on sixth and sante fe. Every first Friday of the month the whole block throws a party, good times for sure. He's always got interesting artists n shit there...
sorry we missed each other chewy, hopefully next time you are up we can meet. glad you got some goodies and had a good time, woulda sucked to go home empty
sorry we missed each other chewy, hopefully next time you are up we can meet. glad you got some goodies and had a good time, woulda sucked to go home empty
It's ok buddy, it was quite a busy weekend! I had fun and ended up making it worth it! Guess I called you too late last night! I was on the verge of crashing anyhow! Thanks
Fuck, I forgot! All the excitement, then disappointment, then dabs, then excitement again! What's up? I'm going again tomorrow to pick up some glass and new titanium! You gonna be there? I am in town till Monday!

Hey guys. Umm, what are "dabs?"

The Cup? Disney on Ice? Baaaaaaahhhh...I have you all beat. I went to Target and King Soopers. TOP THAT!!!

That's nothing. On 4/20, I was holed up in a bedroom with my one year old and four year old, charged with keeping them quiet, while the wife used another part of the house as her photography studio to do a session for someone. And, both kids love Barbie and My Little Pony.
Hey guys. Umm, what are "dabs?"

That's nothing. On 4/20, I was holed up in a bedroom with my one year old and four year old, charged with keeping them quiet, while the wife used another part of the house as her photography studio to do a session for someone. And, both kids love Barbie and My Little Pony.
Oh I could have fun with that acronym d.a.b.s!
i tell myself "do another blast sucka"
I tell the cops "drugs aren't bad stupid"
i just tell the girls "wanna dabs?" (Dick and ball sack) Jk!

Dabs is a term coined by hash Friends! It's a reference to grabbing a nice piece of hash like wax, or shatter, flake, peanut butter, honeycomb, any of those consistencies, and "dabbing" onto a nice pre heated nail and vaporized through a pipe, bong, bubbler, or whatever your means may be, and inhaling the most concentrated amounts of THC possible, the flavor and effect excels past any regular cannabis could ever offer!
So I took chefs advice and got a nice basic perc rig it's a single disc? It works great and is blown by Glenn if anyone has seen his work! It was priced right for my first hash specific rig! $230 and $60 for the dish and dabber plus both 20% off so I couldn't really turn it down! Also the domeless dab essentials titanium was only 120. the piece has a Slime mouthpiece and a nice piece of art on the side! The entire set up with nail ran me 350! I tried uploading pics a second ago and it wasn't plugging them into the manager, so give me a few and I will post the pics I took of the stuff!
Nice glass. I didn't even know the cannabis cup was taking place right now. Oh, and that gummo avatar cracks me up lol. That was a weird movie