"research" is not reading the loony-tunes blog posts of people who blame the jew conspiracy when their morning shit isnt the propper white man's colour, nor does "research" involve watching youtube videos in your underpants.
all your claims are either complete fallacies which only make sense after you have gone down your personal rabbit hole, or are such obvious statements of fact as to be banal, but only you can see how sinister the Jews really are.
jews own many businesses, jews also are heavily involved in the entertainment industry and the media. jews also are deeply involved in the manufacture of jewelry, the buying and selling of commodities, particularly gold and diamonds, and jews are deeply involved in the financial industry.
none of this is a result of conspiracy. it is in the jewish character. 2000 years of being thrown out of country after country has resulted in a jewish character which values knowlege, expertise, portable wealth, and the performing arts, since these things GO WITH YOU when you get ejected from the latest country you called home.
read the merchant of venice (shakespeare, written in the 16th century) . jews have been moneylenders for CENTURIES because a moneylender can pack up his money and run, while a farmer really cant roll up his farm, tuck it in a cart and take off down the road.
ill leave it at that, you think about that for a while, then re-evaluate your conspiracies through the eyes of somebody who has been kicked out of every country his people ever lived in, with only what they can carry. if you have a functional brain you may derive some enlightenment, and it wont even require "research", just thought.