911 Revisited Poll

911 Happened Because

  • Shit happened like they say...

    Votes: 3 8.6%
  • Someone dropped the ball...

    Votes: 5 14.3%
  • They knew in advance but let it happen...

    Votes: 7 20.0%
  • The official story is a fairytale...

    Votes: 20 57.1%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Fundamentally religious? The Koran specifically denounces the killing of innocents. I think you have been listening to the MSM news again.
no true scotsman?

there are many different texts to ignore or obsess over in any religous manuscript anywhere in the world. theres also plenty of hate in there to obsess over too

either way you got a weak case claiming being islamic guarantees you wont hurt anyone else

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
omg you dont read i said ages ago this is not all about jews im trying to say that your country is defending isreal and giving them aid .. your misinterpreting what im saying ..........
no, i am not misinterpreting anything you said. YOU SAID IT!

if you claim youre just expressing yourself poorly and it only SOUNDS like you blame the jews for every misfortune and disappointment in your life, then perhaps you should do some "research" on expressing yourself intelligently.

if you insist on calling idiotic youtube videos and posts in a forum full of racists "research" then youre going to have to take your lumps like a man junior.
MY country, the USA supports many regimes around the world. i do not agree with many of their choices, as they are usually based on expedience rather than principle, but supporting israel is a PRINCIPLED IDEAL.

you might feel all icky because the US is supporting the only progressivve liberal democracy (in the real sense of these words, not pop-culture idiocy) in that region, and the only one thats is not dedicated to spreading their religion across the face of the earth by the sword if need be, but thats your problem.

next youll try and insist your opposition to israel's existence is based on the "oppression" of the palestinians or some such twaddle.

its a little late in the ranting fo you to transform into a palwestinian Martin Luther King, in fact your more like Martin Luther than Dr King. (Martin Luther was a notirous jew hater and bigot, his hate for blacks in particular was legendary, im juist spelling it out because i dont think you actually know this, or in fact anything.)

but since youll probably start waving the pallie flag anyhow, ill save you some breath by refuting your claims before you even make them.

israel is NOT engaged in a genocide. there are now 1100% MORE pallies today than there were in 1948. worst genocide ever.

Isreal is NOT involved in apartheid. the "occupied territitories are OCCUPIED TERRITORY, and this occupation is being carried out far more gently than the US does when we have to occupy some shit.

israel is NOT oppressing "palestinians" or arabs or hashemites, or moslems in general. arabs and moslems in israel have the same rights as any jew christian or athiestr. even that hideos abomination squatting like a gilded toad atop the Temple Mount, the al aqsa mosque, has not been demolished, despite being an affront to every jew and christian on the planet. meanwhile the hindus in india are pulling down mosques and rebuilding their temples which once stood there. are the hindus racist for doing that? i think not.


Well-Known Member
With thousands of jets in the skies, even launching jets to intercept takes time and they have to identify which of the thousands of jets are the targets.

So you take off knowing there have been two jets crashed in New York into a civilian target and there MIGHT be more hijacked commercial jets out amongst the thousands of jets in the air.
All airplanes registered by the FAA have transponders on them, making it as easy as punching a keyboard to identify EXACTLY where the plane is, and by exactly I mean within 5 feet. Then we have this thing called RADAR, been around for a while, it also does an excellent job of tracking objects ion the sky.

All the planes were tracked the whole time they were in the sky, they knew exactly where they were at all times.


New Member
im high as shit just got some nice herb .. im not in my intellectual zone right now haha

my point is that the people fighting the war's are pawn's
911 was allowed ,to further their foreign agenda
there are poison's in alot of the food's
and tap water is not drinkable .. well it is to people who do not give a shit about their health





New Member
oooooo but let me guess fluoride is good for your teeth ???? lol i bet your the kind of people who believe that its not harmful lol

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Fundamentally religious? The Koran specifically denounces the killing of innocents. I think you have been listening to the MSM news again.
you forget that after denouncing the killing of innocents, mohammed goes on to use a very narrow definition of "innocence" which leaves only infants, and those moslems who believe exactly what he tells them to believe as "innocent".

this leaves everyone else as "Kaffir" which literally translates to "Apostate" or "Traitor To The Faith", and the punishment for apostasy is death.

the koran assumes all are born with the light of allah's wisdom, and then they reject it for heresy and become "makers of mischeif, and enemies of allah" (and most importantly his apostle mohammed.) which calls for death, enslavement or forced conversion, whichever is most convenient.

of course even infants can be killed if needed, since as "innocents" they will of course immediately go to "paradise" along with anyone who diers killing "Kaffir" in allah's name, anyone who dies in a collapsing building (except kaffirs, mohammed wasnt specific enough on that score) and anyone who dies of a stomach ailment (except "kaffirs" again...)

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
lol at this
  • israel is NOT oppressing "palestinians" or arabs or hashemites, or moslems in general.​

of course you scoff at this, you're an ignorant fool who thinks people in a MILITARY OCCUPATION ZONE have the same rights as people living in a free country like israel.

the MILITARY OCCUPATION ZONE is only a MILITARY OCCUPATION ZONE because the original owners dont want it back, and the silly shits cant figure out that if they stop lobbing riockets maybe they might even get to become israelis since the jordanians and egyptians have abandoned them.

but by all means, scoff away. you just make yourself look even more foolish.


Well-Known Member
freedom of expression is what separates men from sheep (or animals) so why can we not all do so without fear of scrutiny from people who have not done any research apart from what there shiny box tells them before dinner every night
You want to say we've not done the research. It would help if that was so, would it not? Facts are not:

youtube blather
some vague claims and insults
common knowledge

Facts are in evidence in some way. To give a quote is a fact of that persons quote...maybe. It needs a reference.

Go read what was brought to my posts and thread?. Facts as best as I can reference them.

And very often there is not much discussion after that. Facts have power.

Everything about the 9/11/2001 event is documented and all evidence is in. So, quick question.

Do you consider research to include a thorough review of ALL sides. I have looked this from every side with as much empathy and belief suspension as possible.

Have you done that? Are familiar, point by points, all the points that refute these claims?

Do you know why steel does burn in jet fuel, and a building full plastic interiors....(blah blah, blah, whatever you think,) and are you familiar with computer graphics of how these big buildings came down? How about metallurgical evidence?

And on the other hand, do you have one single FACT, that says this was a USA govt plot?

Not the strange coincidence, or the strange turns of phrase, or a faulty logic train...(then why did/didn't "they" yak, yak, yak?) Not some Israel tourists, or anything not facts.

Give any single fact and we can show you a mis-understanding of the physical forces involved.

But, if you say the govt flew those planes give facts.

I don't take sides. I do the whole research.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
oooooo but let me guess fluoride is good for your teeth ???? lol i bet your the kind of people who believe that its not harmful lol
and youre the kind of fool that makes those of us opposed to flourine in water look like doofuses or crazy people.

damn. youre too dumb to realize that youre shooting yourself in the dick every time you flap your gob.
you arent opposed to flouring in our water because you KNOW anything about it, you have been told it's a "heavy metal" so you hate it, much like you hate jews because they are "sneaky and greedy" and think 9/11 was an inside job because them jews are so sneaky...

you believe whatever youre told, and think youtube videos by clueless idiots is "research". YOU are the foolish sheep being led to the slaughter.


Well-Known Member
you forget that after denouncing the killing of innocents, mohammed goes on to use a very narrow definition of "innocence" which leaves only infants, and those moslems who believe exactly what he tells them to believe as "innocent".

this leaves everyone else as "Kaffir" which literally translates to "Apostate" or "Traitor To The Faith", and the punishment for apostasy is death.

the koran assumes all are born with the light of allah's wisdom, and then they reject it for heresy and become "makers of mischeif, and enemies of allah" (and most importantly his apostle mohammed.) which calls for death, enslavement or forced conversion, whichever is most convenient.

of course even infants can be killed if needed, since as "innocents" they will of course immediately go to "paradise" along with anyone who diers killing "Kaffir" in allah's name, anyone who dies in a collapsing building (except kaffirs, mohammed wasnt specific enough on that score) and anyone who dies of a stomach ailment (except "kaffirs" again...)
What Mohammed says and what the Koran says are different things, Some Muslims follow Mohammed and tend to be more radical and pretty much worship Mohammad as their god, while the others true to their faith trust in Allah and the written word of Allah.

I only spent 4 years in the Middle East,so I don't know everything.


Well-Known Member
and youre the kind of fool that makes those of us opposed to flourine in water look like doofuses or crazy people.

damn. youre too dumb to realize that youre shooting yourself in the dick every time you flap your gob.
you arent opposed to flouring in our water because you KNOW anything about it, you have been told it's a "heavy metal" so you hate it, much like you hate jews because they are "sneaky and greedy" and think 9/11 was an inside job because them jews are so sneaky...

you believe whatever youre told, and think youtube videos by clueless idiots is "research". YOU are the foolish sheep being led to the slaughter.
Flouride can prevent tooth decay if use as a topical applicant, Too bad 99% of water going into the mouth is swallowed, and there is no point in trying to deny that flouride is a poison that is not supposed to be ingested.


Well-Known Member
and youre the kind of fool that makes those of us opposed to flourine in water look like doofuses or crazy people.

damn. youre too dumb to realize that youre shooting yourself in the dick every time you flap your gob.
you arent opposed to flouring in our water because you KNOW anything about it, you have been told it's a "heavy metal" so you hate it, much like you hate jews because they are "sneaky and greedy" and think 9/11 was an inside job because them jews are so sneaky...

you believe whatever youre told, and think youtube videos by clueless idiots is "research". YOU are the foolish sheep being led to the slaughter.
Give him time...this is a fact finding sub-forum as he is finding out.


Active Member
Got the jump on us? Were talking MEGA FAILURE of every defense component the government has, TOTAL FAILURE. ANd not just failure in the beginning, total failure throughout the entire ordeal.

The only way the government could be that incompetent was by purposeful action.
I don't know man, never underestimate the power of government screw-ups.


New Member
just because i linked 2 youtube vid's about anti semitism means my reasearch is purely based of youtube hahahahahahaha pathetic argument .

read the scientific outlook if you really don't believe these guy's intended for us to be watching tv and to be in the dark about the truth , i read it last year it was what opened my eye's ...
please take the immature comments else where and bring on decent one's that make sense


Well-Known Member
be careful mentioning any connection with israel or mossad there are alot of zionist spewing zionist propaganda on this board. they will use anything to promote thiar agenda. don't believe them it's all lies


New Member
be careful mentioning any connection with israel or mossad there are alot of zionist spewing zionist propaganda on this board. they will use anything to promote thiar agenda. don't believe them it's all lies
huh :S .........

i haven't seen them prevent any fact's supporting the idea that jewish people have not infiltrated the western government and media in support of isreal for their own gain


Well-Known Member
I don't know man, never underestimate the power of government screw-ups.
I hear you and I ordinarily wouldn't bat an eye at government screw up of an agency, its just when the entire alphabet of agencies that failed from the TSA, the FAA, the ATC, THE WH and the Pentagon, including DoD, US Air Force, PoTUS, VPoTUS, FEMA. NORAD, FBI, CIA, etc etc.

The biggest error? They were warned and had already run drills of what would happen if airliners were flown into the WTC towers. Not to mention the previous attempts to blow up the towers.

I mean, HOLY FUCKIN FAILURE BATMAN!! If government really is this incompetent, why do we EVER listen to them about ANYTHING?????

If I always lied to you, but you kept believing me even when all evidence is contrary. The problem becomes yours, not mine.

It is like taking anything the Congressional Budget Office says as gospel. I think the CBO official statistics at being correct with any estimate is less than 1%. Which makes it an abstract failure to be off that many from the standard deviation. Even a random estimate would be correct more than the CBO is, which tends to make me think they do it on purpose. Do you really think that many federal agencies that have many many people being paid 6 figure incomes for their expertise can really be that wrong that often?