911 Revisited Poll

911 Happened Because

  • Shit happened like they say...

    Votes: 3 8.6%
  • Someone dropped the ball...

    Votes: 5 14.3%
  • They knew in advance but let it happen...

    Votes: 7 20.0%
  • The official story is a fairytale...

    Votes: 20 57.1%

  • Total voters


New Member
Just for some perspective on dr kunt, he's our RABID ZIONIST DEFENDER, a staunch republican, a card carrying ADL & JDL member, who like most republicunt chicken hawkes support israeli aggression, as they are just defending themselves.

He hates muslims and will throw out biggoted slurs, but DON'T YOU DARE CRITICISE ISRAEL or it's POLICIES or else your're an anti-semetic holocoust denier... This coming from a redneck retard that lost his job to unskilled illiterate illegal labour.
haha so true their so brainwashed they can't comprehend what they have been taught is not 100 % anything that wasn't reported by the local new's man on their tv set's must not be true anyone who question's known liars must be a whack job nut who believes reptilians control the earth from the moon haha(i dislike ike and his new age bs) but they have to tie you into everything haha if you believe 911 was a inside job then you must believe everything else too lol ,

before i say anything do you vote ?


New Member
haha so true their so brainwashed they can't comprehend what they have been taught is not 100 % anything that wasn't reported by the local new's man on their tv set's must not be true anyone who question's known liars must be a whack job nut who believes reptilians control the earth from the moon haha(i dislike ike and his new age bs) but they have to tie you into everything haha if you believe 911 was a inside job then you must believe everything else too lol ,

before i say anything do you vote ?
I'm an aussie, I vote, but I know it's just an excercise in futility...

I just can't get over the fact the bush white house knows so much more than they let on.

We know BUSH SR. was involved in the Bay of Pigs, JFK's murder, Iran-Contra, Money for Oil... His connections are criminal at best and helped cover up their involvement. But he is his fathers son, and the apple never falls far from the tree.


New Member
I'm an aussie, I vote, but I know it's just an excercise in futility...
oh fair play probably a bit different out there i could imagine thought you where american, even if it is corrupt you got the most cleanest country in the world their so touchy when i come's to items being aloud in very nice place . but i bet it's not all that to those who live there ? than it is to those who look from another place ?


New Member
and totally i hate it all, im more on the whole gmo food thing atm and the aspartame in the drink's etc im waiting to go back to college atm ive been on this whole truth researching thing haha its so crazy to know it then see the people who deny it and i just think wow they have successfully tricked a population into believing what their told to conform and not ask questions

i don't think money is everything but it pisses me of to think they have brainwashed people even tho they right books telling us their plans because they know the really brainwashed people will not go and read it ther'l be sat at home watching their nightly new's


New Member
uno donald rumsfeld was the man to get aspartame on the shelf's and 1 of the compound's in it are methonal ? crazy tottally agree they have been planning this way before any of us where born we just happened to catch on to their bs not that it has physically changed my life in anyway but whole stereo typical "awakening" really made me want to learn and get a good job and to not eat gmo's or low sugar drinks that have aspartame and saccharin in


Well-Known Member
911 thread , i just can't believe how many think there was no agenda behind it even tho we all know who gained from the attacks
Moo. Is there a single fact you had in mind to discuss or is the cow like discourse all ya got?


New Member
Moo. Is there a single fact you had in mind to discuss or is the cow like discourse all ya got?
works well with your wife... Is there a single fact you can prove? throw one out there and I'll let know just how wrong you are... AGAIN...


Well-Known Member
Watch this video of building 7. You will see explosions where there are no fires, watch the windows blow out, then a pause, then collapse starts at the very very top, then another pause, then the whole building goes at once. This can only be accomplished by explosives, a steel framed building would fall where it was weakened, not all at once with no resistance.

Go about to :43 and begin. Remember that the "official" word is that building 7 is the only steel framed building in the history of mankind that ever fell from fires alone and nothing else.



Well-Known Member
Watch this video of building 7. You will see explosions where there are no fires, watch the windows blow out, then a pause, then collapse starts at the very very top, then another pause, then the whole building goes at once. This can only be accomplished by explosives, a steel framed building would fall where it was weakened, not all at once with no resistance.

Go about to :43 and begin. Remember that the "official" word is that building 7 is the only steel framed building in the history of mankind that ever fell from fires alone and nothing else.
Well I'll ask if you know the physics that refutes all this? And if I explain it to you, would it make a bit of difference?

I know in detail exactly how the building failed. I've studied it and I am well enough, technically trained, to see what happened. No building can withstand what happened. But, these were chosen because of a construction detail of how the floors were connected to the wall. Basically they were not.

But, do you care? Have you looked at both sides with no drama?

And building 7 is all there is really of this so called conspiracy? And what happened to some money that, some say, Rumsfeld alluded to?

And looking at un-registered in 3D coordinates, and not corrected for video lens and frame distortions, is just amateur.

There are real facts and unless you can provide ANY fact that enve hint the US flew the planes in, and not merely what the 9/11 kooks said happened; then you are only engaging in Cult Logic.

Hey! Did you see that? No building can fall like that!!!

It is just that the viewers are arm chair, butt ignorant of the science.


Well-Known Member
love the list of fact's you have,, i do not need to prove anything to you you need to do some homework
You don't have the wherewithal to bring a single fact, so you hide. You dance around with your passive aggressive haahahahahahahahahahahah

This is fact finding, not hand waving.

You claim the US govt did this and everyone knows it.

I say, only a tiny handful of fools with have used it as a political icon of stupidity. And then there is the larger group stupids believe it with no facts.

Give a fact.


Well-Known Member
And I have to add, since this is an adversarial process, groups of unrelated people cannot keep a conspiracy secret like this. Its too powerful, it's too big so the whistle is blown.

But, here is my point. So what? If I stipulated that shadow forces in our govt did this, then we are lucky they did.

It's self rule and those were fucked up buildings to begin with. I think you guy want the govt to be a perfect sugar daddy.

It doesn't have to conform to under-educated ideas of morality. There is no morality in govt nor should there be. A code of ethics is all that is needed and punishments for being caught.

Some try to preach it, some bemoan the lack, but it's self rule and we all know that by and large we pretend to have a moral stance in this world. But, we have always relished the idea of Ugly Americans.

We don't care and where we are strong, we appear weak. We act like we want the world to like us.

We don't. It's operational deception and even me telling you, doesn't matter, the deception is that deep.

If it all happened the way you say, you cannot tell me what can be done about it.... or even give a single facts or name.

So what? It's like atmospheric gold on some other planet. So what?

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Watch this video of building 7. You will see explosions where there are no fires, watch the windows blow out, then a pause, then collapse starts at the very very top, then another pause, then the whole building goes at once. This can only be accomplished by explosives, a steel framed building would fall where it was weakened, not all at once with no resistance.

Go about to :43 and begin. Remember that the "official" word is that building 7 is the only steel framed building in the history of mankind that ever fell from fires alone and nothing else.

"fires alone, and nothing else" is shit claimed by Troofers and nobody else.

there was a GIANT FUCKING HOLE in the ciurtain wall, the building had been slammed by tonnes of rubble from 100 stories up, and was full of backup generators, diesel fuel, gel acid batteries, power transformers and other shit.

thats not "fire alone and nothing else" thats "some fires but mostly other shit".

the "explosions" you see are not explosions they are venting of compression when windows blow out


New Member
You don't have the wherewithal to bring a single fact, so you hide. You dance around with your passive aggressive haahahahahahahahahahahah

This is fact finding, not hand waving.

You claim the US govt did this and everyone knows it.

I say, only a tiny handful of fools with have used it as a political icon of stupidity. And then there is the larger group stupids believe it with no facts.

Give a fact.
fuck of you stupid idiot i said nothing about the us govt being involved i said mossad ... so actually read my post's and stfu go and do your fucking homework and and drink your fluoride and get your vaccine's then watch your shiny box as you drift into your manufactured world full of denial !!! stfu you fucking faggot im not going to carry on a argument any more over the fucking internet....its been 48 hour's give up your in denial your a slave get over it stop the denial and move on its been 12 years ffs surely your homework would be done by now ???

your probably a full grown adult sat arguing politics on a weed forum to a teen please do your homework your govt is not your mommy they have staged false flag attack's way before we where born its nothing new why are you so shocked all i sense is denial ......

all i have to say is norad .... one word norad ........

dummy! .


New Member
all i can do is laugh because you sad people judge my intelligence by about 15 comment's of me blabbering to denier's haha how can you make a judgement from that you people are truly sad and in denial


New Member
do we at least agree that the population is memorized by the tv and pointless absurdities ?? forget the theory's of what happened on 911 fuck that do we at least agree on those things or are you people really living under a rock that you never leave ???