The UK Growers Thread!

Bilbo Baggins

Well-Known Member
Have you been continuously growing for 10 years?
well most years 2 grows, some years only one.....thing is, I grew NL up in the attic about 10 years ago and managed with very little effort to pull off two and a half ounces a plant.......sorted........I thought I was the dogs bollocks I just did it again and again......never really bothering about all the high tech shit that goes with growing, ----- I reckoned all that stuff was for commercial growers and my weed was pretty good as well. That until I visited a friend of my daughters, the young guy she was hitched up with showed me his wee grow closet in the upstairs room----holy shit-----I realised how backward my little throw soil in a pot bung a light over it and some times point a fan at them grow really was.-----------so I thought I d make a bit of effort this time. maybe Itll work out maybe not, but already I notice my plants are staying green because this time Im fertilising them and trying to ventilate a bit---and its fun.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
well most years 2 grows, some years only one.....thing is, I grew NL up in the attic about 10 years ago and managed with very little effort to pull off two and a half ounces a plant.......sorted........I thought I was the dogs bollocks I just did it again and again......never really bothering about all the high tech shit that goes with growing, ----- I reckoned all that stuff was for commercial growers and my weed was pretty good as well. That until I visited a friend of my daughters, the young guy she was hitched up with showed me his wee grow closet in the upstairs room----holy shit-----I realised how backward my little throw soil in a pot bung a light over it and some times point a fan at them grow really was.-----------so I thought I d make a bit of effort this time. maybe Itll work out maybe not, but already I notice my plants are staying green because this time Im fertilising them and trying to ventilate a bit---and its fun.

I can give you some advice if you want it?

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
OK cool, bit of back ground.

What kind of space are you working in?

What kind of light do you have?

What is the intended goal in tying that plant down?


Well-Known Member
well most years 2 grows, some years only one.....thing is, I grew NL up in the attic about 10 years ago and managed with very little effort to pull off two and a half ounces a plant.......sorted........I thought I was the dogs bollocks I just did it again and again......never really bothering about all the high tech shit that goes with growing, ----- I reckoned all that stuff was for commercial growers and my weed was pretty good as well. That until I visited a friend of my daughters, the young guy she was hitched up with showed me his wee grow closet in the upstairs room----holy shit-----I realised how backward my little throw soil in a pot bung a light over it and some times point a fan at them grow really was.-----------so I thought I d make a bit of effort this time. maybe Itll work out maybe not, but already I notice my plants are staying green because this time Im fertilising them and trying to ventilate a bit---and its fun.
so u bin grwin in "allgrow" wiv occassional fan fer 20+ seasons an u measure ur pots in inches, cool, but wat i am strugglin wiv is attic grow wiv fan...does the attic smell a bit wen u growin? peace

Bilbo Baggins

Well-Known Member
so u bin grwin in "allgrow" wiv occassional fan fer 20+ seasons an u measure ur pots in inches, cool, but wat i am strugglin wiv is attic grow wiv fan...does the attic smell a bit wen u growin? peace
how do indikat mate, when I say fan I mean a oscillating fan, like you would have in an office on a hot day, one to ruffle the leaves a bit


Well-Known Member
some pics from today which is day 29 for my BB cheese auto and day 21 for my Blue Lemon Thai, it has been a few days since i topped the blt and i think she is looking good now but thats just my opinion as this is my 1st attempt at topping a plant lol, what u all think?

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Well-Known Member
morning uk'rs, does anyone else see sun or am i imagining things lol ;)



Well-Known Member
I see the sun too - it's burning my eye so I gotta look away
the suns bein goin around the last couple days, dunno what its playin at last 6 months has nearly been darkness, bet alot of ppl topped emselves last winter depressive country...


Well-Known Member
I see the sun too - it's burning my eye so I gotta look away
lol what you like haha what have you been mostly eating this week ;)

the suns bein goin around the last couple days, dunno what its playin at last 6 months has nearly been darkness, bet alot of ppl topped emselves last winter depressive country...
we may be in for our lil bit of sun soon ;)

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
some pics from today which is day 29 for my BB cheese auto and day 21 for my Blue Lemon Thai, it has been a few days since i topped the blt and i think she is looking good now but thats just my opinion as this is my 1st attempt at topping a plant lol, what u all think?

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They all look really well mate, a tip for next time though.
Put a some more soil in he pot so the level comes up a tad and top a couple of nodes above the rim of the pot, it makes watering and work so much easier with access later on when it goes wide on you.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Well my Polysorbate 20 came, time to knock up batch of this here spray.


Divvy me forgot to order a decent thermometer though, I can do it by eye but not as efficiently.