ISLAM - just clearing a few things up for ya'll


Well-Known Member
My country is prospering. I am too. I am neither fat and I don't mind women walking around in thongs. Arouses carnal desire? So what?
cool to hear about ur prosperity and health, guess my comments dont describe u, but they pretty big problems in the US. i enjoy random eye candy too, but daily exposure to sexual images (be it real-life or thru the media) desensitizes you, thats the obvious bad side. marriages fail more often than succeed in this country, families are broken, and children grow up in unstable environments.

You don't even understand (it seems) what even moderate muslims do to their women. In Pakistan honour killings are frequent. If the man has the suspiscion that his wife is looking at other men in a lustful way he can beat, and in extreme cases kill the woman. The man, after claiming it as an honour killing, will most likely pay a fine. Women are fighting for their lives within this religion, most too afraid to speak out.

One case is of a woman suspected of looking lustfully at another man. Her husband hung her upside down by her feet and beat her with a stick. Then he gouged out both her eyes before pouring petrol on her and setting her on fire. The woman survived and it took her 10 years and the attention of the world to get some justice. Her husband was sentenced to a term in prison. She is now a leading figurehead of the womens movement in Pakistan. How much harder will it be for these women if the Taliban take control?
guess im rather naive in how brutal muslim society can be. i still dont think its the US's responsibility to try to police the situation. maybe if we had our shit together (like your lovely country) itd make more sense to lend a helping hand. besides, and help from the US should be looked as a double-edged sword anyway. any society that we "help", we end up keeping our hand in the pot well after the fact, spreading our power all over the globe.

I can't sympathise with the state of your economy, or the fact that you don't have a platinum mobile (I haven't got one either btw). I can sympathise with a guy that's got no money, but you can't blame your government for this. there are ways to make money preo'. There's no excuse to start living like muslims.

WTF are you talking about preo', seemingly doomed to live a shitty life? What sort of an outlook is that?
im not looking for sympathy, im just letting u kno how it is. (and for the record, i doubt they make cell phones out of platinum. i was just saying that to point out the contradictory logic of our government) i can and will put blame on my government for the way our country is. its their job to look after us and theyre doing a shitty job. theres ways to make money? i think u missed my point. theyre aint. im sure its hard to believe if u buy into all the hype coming from this countries entertainment media, but we really aint doin all that hot. there are no jobs available around here. none. i aint bullshittin. i would have to leave my family behind (theyre all in debt, forced to stay where they are till they die).......

fuck. i give up. like u said, this aint a good outlook on life. im not usually this pissed off about stuff, i usually dont involve myself with political issues. frankly, i think its lame that the taxes in this country (i understand that we pay less of a percent in taxes than most european countries) are bleeding the poor dry and we arent getting much back in return. and if ur questioning my definition of poor its anybody who can barely afford the necessities of life. and that describes me and just about everybody i know. i dont live in a ghetto, i live a standard american lifestyle. and even if only 25% of the country is like me or worse, i think the government should spend more time helping its own instead of waging war.

i said whats on my mind, i guess i kno now to stay away from political discussions. i barely have my own shit together half the time, its silly to think i can even fathom what would be best for others.


New Member
Preo', you and I are very similar in regards to what we can afford.

Yet, truly it is all about perspective, it is a fact of life that when you have more money your cost of living goes up to match it. Suicides amongst the rich are just as frequent as they are with the poor. Problems are the same. Having more money is only good when you get it as a bonus. If it becomes regular income your needs will start to go up.

When I said I was prospering, I suppose I meant (more than anything else) mentally. I am a writer that hasn't written a word in over 3 years, although with this skill of mine time can only improve it.
I make my money illegally, I've never even had a bank account in my name. I'm hardly prospering in a material sense either I suppose, but one day preo'... one day I will.

You have to believe that everything is going to turn out alright in the end. If you have faith in this fact something WILL come along. Positive attitudes are welcomed in society, others will feed from it.

Do you cultivate preo?


Well-Known Member
no, it wouldnt work well with my living arrangements. some day tho. but i do have a pretty positive mindset. shit just gets tiring after a while, sometimes i fall back into how i used to look at things, u kno?


New Member
ethanatos: i appreciate your knowlege of the events. relating the 'big picture' is essential to making informed decisions, and avoiding prejudice.

but i disagree with your tone. being ignorant of something is just uninformed. berating others for NOT knowing what you know may have your message lost. no offence...

good comments everyone. i've learned some things i didn't know. but, imagine the behind the scenes, classified info we'll never know, which really drives the war machine decisions.


Well-Known Member
"a wise man knows an ignorant man because he was once ignorant, but an ignorant man does not know a wise man because he was never wise"


Active Member
u all know how it is... its loads of bollocks....and why we white are allways raicist?? that crap always works in one way... save my opinion 4 me...


Well-Known Member
Every religion has it's crazies, a good 75% of any religion is one too!

I just don't get why its so hard for people to believe this kinda ordeal caused 9/11.


Well-Known Member
soo many killings happen in the name of other religions its crazy, its just not in the news because its not as interesting. I.E, shortly before 9/11, two rabbis were arrested for planning to bomb a large mosque in florida. Im sure no one has heard this, of course not, cnn, fox etc.. dont think that qualifies as news


Well-Known Member
soo many killings happen in the name of other religions its crazy, its just not in the news because its not as interesting. I.E, shortly before 9/11, two rabbis were arrested for planning to bomb a large mosque in florida. Im sure no one has heard this, of course not, cnn, fox etc.. dont think that qualifies as news
You only hear what they want you to hear. Mainstream media holds %87 of popular opinion. They can literally tell you who to vote for now with mainstream media.


Well-Known Member
WOW...I just got done reading all the posts on this thread...and I'm at a loss for words. Communication like this is great.


Active Member
You only hear what they want you to hear. Mainstream media holds %87 of popular opinion. They can literally tell you who to vote for now with mainstream media.
Well...let's see. If they're telling me to vote fucking green party, then why aint my fucking candidate winning every election. Huh? There's your first hole I've discovered...It's sad to see this. On every side...White-black...Thesist-Atheist...Fanatic-Moderate. I'm sorry to say Euthanatos, that with a moniker like yours (the Euthanatos being a cult based around the wheel of life and death) you would have no problem seeing loved ones die, that's how the great Circle Spins. Birth-Death-Rebirth. Apparently you didn't buy that Mage Supplement?Long Live the Christian Reich! Death to the Unbelievers! Death to the people that believe the same way we do but call God a different name! Death to Nonconformity(lalalalalalalalalalalalala!) {boom} Death to Death...?!?Fuuuuck...why is this even a fuckin forum? Politics be like religion be like sex preference be like soda preference be like what you call Santa be like whatever...Everyone has an asshole and opinon and you definately ain't gonna change mine, so what is the fucking point of this forum except to breed contempt amongst growers instead of breeding righteous delta-9 strains?Anyone?p.s. I lived every Saturday night (when I was alot more young then I am now) as a Mage, guy, so don't even turn this one opened the fish with'em. I can White Wolf outgeek any'em.Ask me anything I can answer...


Well-Known Member
OKAY!!! I just read the racism thread and resisted the urge to reply (although I voted) because 90% of the thread belongs here.

Islam itself has nothing to do with "terrorists." Religion has and always will be an excuse for violence, war, hate, and persecution. Those of you who associate "islam" with "terrorist" are ignorant as shit to begin with. I'm not going to explain why you are ignorant as shit because ignorant people CHOOSE to be that way and nothing I say will dissuade you.

Actually I'm here to put you in the shoes of the ACTUAL terrorist. Then you might have a lot more respect for the muslims that choose NOT to get involved with the violence. In might wonder why they haven't...shit if I grew up in palastine I don't doubt I'd have volunteered to fly that fucking 747.

And I'm a White, long-haired, peace loving, pot smoking, HIPPIE!


WE started this shit. Back in '68 (may have began prior to this, however this is when israel officially "occupied" palastine. We started giving Israel $2BIL/yr for the EXPLICIT purpose of invading, occupying, and "reclaiming" "their" "holy land". Which by the way for you ignorant shits is MUSLIM holy grounds. Have you ever heard of Islamic violence & extremism before this? Fuck no. Americans didn't even know about Islam and palastine didn't give two shits about America. Right up until Israel invaded and dominated Palastine and america footed the fucking bill.

If you were born and raised in palastine you life might look something like this:

@ 13 my dad was given a piece of paper that said he had to register his property and his home with israeli authorities.

@15 We've been to the israeli's about two dozen times (mind you its a days trip to make this application for our own fucking land). They just bulldozed my best friends house and now he and some of his family live with us. I'm afraid they're going to tear down our house too. Where will my family go? Where will my friend and his family go? My family has owned this house for SEVENTEEN DOCUMENTED GENERATIONS!! We have all the paperwork..why won't the israeli's let us have our own fucking house? they patrol the streets daily. ANyone who argues with the soldiers our is out past curfew is shot on site no questions asked. We buried my uncle last week because a soldier stole his food and he argued with the Israeli who ended up shooting him.

@16 They bulldozed our house today. It's my fucking birthday! These Israeli's are fucking evil! Why do they do this to us? From what I gather they say this used to be there land because thousands of years ago their god promised it to them. FUck that bullshit they're just fucking evil.

Our family has been taken in by one of my dads friends. He shows us these movies about how the Israeli's are supported by Americans. WHy would America do this to us? We live in poverty. From what they tell me america is full of luxeries and opulence. Being FAT is major problem. They grow SO MUCH FOOD their government BUY TWO BILLION DOLLAR OF CORN EVERY YEAR AND THROWS IT AWAY. On top of that they pay farmers even more money TO NOT GROW FOOD. I"M FUCKING HUNGRY!


Tell me if this was your life wouldn't be a little pissed at americans...ALL RELIGION ASIDE.

Throw a little mind programming propaganda in the mix and BOOM...I almost don't blame them...

Remember the 72 virgins that suicide bombers were supposed to get? if not there was a big media hype about this so-called-fact. Guess who started that and a hundred other anti-muslim propaganda.

Guess who's MAKING MONEY off this whole situation?

Remember those are YOUR TAX DOLLAR AT WORK OPPRESSING THOSE PEOPLE. I'd be a little PISSED at me too.
Dude, I'm way way WAY too tired to even address this post. Just the first few sentences show me that you, like so many NUMEROUS American's are oblivious to what Islam truly represents. Try intensely studying the "religion"...for that matter, attempt a short course.
I'm so tired, I will only address the first lie..........
"We"....."America" did not help any single country "occupy" Palestine. Israel just always was. Whether you believe in any religion, any "book".............Bible came first.....grasp onto the rest.


Well-Known Member
Oops, I skimmed over to the end.
Nope, suicide bombers alone were not alloted those 72 virgins. Mohammad promised those virgins. "For what deed" you ask? Go study...