Simple and Plain


Active Member
Cmon fried Im here to learn.....Which makes it hard when we dont know what your using.
Ppl gonna hate thts just the Web,I ask questions its cause im not clear on what your talking about.

Yeah your right, but all people gotta do is ask!
Ill always do my best to answer any question and answer it honestly. Except for the strain...
At the end once its done and vended ill consider naming the strain.
I will do a long post later today about my whole setup into further detail though.

Here is the latest update.

Going to be transplanting some of the plants in the red cups into 3 gallon pots soon.

Here is the Reserva Privada strain:
Out of 13 seeds 10 were good

Here is the Black Ice OG from Cali Connection/OG Genetics
Still got one Black Ice in a rockwool cube that hasn't rooted yet.
Out of 23 seeds 13 were good.



Well-Known Member
Beech, I love you for being in my friend FEED!!!... start your beans in rock to taproot them out...
then transfer to soil cups with added get MONSTER roots early...Then transplant
Am I right?

I know about Black Water...Im new to Black Ice
but im here FOR the RP TESTER RUN!!!


Active Member
Beech, I love you for being in my friend FEED!!!... start your beans in rock to taproot them out...
then transfer to soil cups with added get MONSTER roots early...Then transplant
Am I right?

I know about Black Water...Im new to Black Ice
but im here FOR the RP TESTER RUN!!!
Beech always posts in good/entertaining threads. Ive learned alot just lurking his shit;)


Glad you decided to post.

In response to your statement;
That is a good guess/idea but no, I don't put any microbes in the cups of soil.
I have toyed with the idea but it would just be a waste I think because in my perspective fungi/bacteria needs roots to thrive.
Not live or be existent, but to grow, take off, and have a purpose.
They feed off the plants excretions. Even though there is a few roots, really not worth the microbes/extra work.

I have another little trick I do. Nothing supernatural or some shit but just mimicking nature a little bit.
When I mix my soil, i always leave it outside for 1-2 days before I use it.
I split it in half and cover 1 half to keep it more moist and leave the other half uncovered letting it dry just a little bit more than the other half.

I use the slightly dryer half on the bottom 1/3-1/2 cup and the more moistened soil on the top 2/3-1/2.
What I believe this does is pull moisture from the top, in a downward direction faster, thus "seducing" the roots to go search deeper for water.
Could be complete shit, but in my eyes in nature during a rain shower the top soil is more moist than the deeper soil.
Hasn't hurt.

Im really excited about the RP man...
So far they have been growing incredibly and looking very nice. Only 2 were mutants and one just didn't want to root or something.

I planted in the rockwool AFTER it had germed and showed a root and nothing happened.
Opened up the rockwool cube and NO root, squeezed the seed and a puss like substance came out that freaking stunk..

I loved that black ice last time i did it. Smelt, tasted, and smoked splendidly...

If I can find a good pheno, this grow should be a doozie

How is the Blackwater? Did you grow it yourself?
I was interested in that strain, but I stick with OG's

Sorry for the long post... I type novels...


Well-Known Member
Okay...I have heard of the roots chasing water method...

Ihavent grown the black water...I was into Larry & deadhead...on my CC run.

Im trying to get into the tester league...I sent a PM to a well known...looking for a heads up on
how to become a tester.

I hope he shines a light on it for me ya know.


New Member
Hey all!!! I'm starting a hydro grow this month 4 1000w lights.

how many plants can I grow and typically how much can I expect to yield each plant?

Also what are some techniques or tricks of the trade to maximize yield?

What strain the best quality and yield ratio?

I'm a brand new grower so any and all tips will help


Active Member
Okay...I have heard of the roots chasing water method...

Ihavent grown the black water...I was into Larry & deadhead...on my CC run.

Im trying to get into the tester league...I sent a PM to a well known...looking for a heads up on
how to become a tester.

I hope he shines a light on it for me ya know.
From the research youve done on black water does it look good?

I'm not a tester so I can't help you out in that respect.
The place where I picked up my seeds just said "hey, since your a regular customer of ours we just got a few packs of this new Reserva Privada that hasn't been released to the public yet. We don't have a bunch of em and you'd probably be one of the few who have them if you want to try em out." I said hell yes! Im assuming by the way the guy was talking, it sounded like he kept a couple of packs for himself and is selling a couple of packs. I only know of him and one other guy who have this strain and the other guy isn't in business anymore.

I haven't been able to find ANYTHING about it.

Hey all!!! I'm starting a hydro grow this month 4 1000w lights.

how many plants can I grow and typically how much can I expect to yield each plant?
You can grow as many as you want.
Maybe not legally.... but you can....
1gram-448grams per plant and beyond.

Also what are some techniques or tricks of the trade to maximize yield?
Giving them water and nutes

What strain the best quality and yield ratio?
There is a numerous amount of strains...
I dont have a lot of experience working with a wide variety of strains but maybe someone around here might help you out
You'll probably favor Indicas.

I'm a brand new grower so any and all tips will help

I do suggest what Godwork said and read heavily. Your questions are very vague and I could only give you general answers.
There is many options and those options being based on your personal needs. To get good answers your going to need to be specific.
I will tell you this though, I would not run all 4k worth of lights your first time. Run just 1 until you get everything down and then fire up the rest.
That way your not stuck with shitty weed and a 2 grand electric bill...
I bid you good luck

Big update coming today for sure!


Well-Known Member
Hey all!!! I'm starting a hydro grow this month 4 1000w lights.

Whew,Thats a Big bite off the ole Apple.New to growing ans 4k of light.
I can tell ya rt now cooling tht room or space is gonnna be KEY.
You Tube is your friend,use it theres alot of good vids.
IMO,Grow just a few like 3-5 and see if you even like growing,Ive bought countless amounts of
growing gear from peeps tht were all gung ho and found they didnt like being tied down!!Cause its gonna be a big job doing as you say.


Well-Known Member
Cali Conn. is a OG collectors dream...the Mendo X OG...would suggest that black water was a winner....
The Mendo cut is really the only thing I would really research
Only because I know cali conn, & raskal have invested TONS of time into OG's
with over 15 strains of OG...they have ran them all...


Well-Known Member
Cali Conn. is a OG collectors dream...the Mendo X OG...would suggest that black water was a winner....
The Mendo cut is really the only thing I would really research
Only because I know cali conn, & raskal have invested TONS of time into OG's
with over 15 strains of OG...they have ran them all...
What about Alien/OG,or Tahoe/OG......Really wanna try those.
Sry for the Jack,Fried.


Active Member
You know I was just talking to a friend of mine about this today.... We are a little confused
There is a breeder called og genetics, I am not sure if you have heard of them.
Anyways, I always thought that Cali Connection and OG genetics worked together.
Or were ran by the same people. Kind of like DNA and Reserva Privada.
I always associated the two together because they have swapped strains im sure.
OG genetics has strains like Alien Candy, Purple Aliens, Purple Alien Dog, and so on...
After reading beeches comment of him asking hows the alien OG from Cali im a little confused whether they are together or not...

Anyone have a clue?

At first I thought they did, then i thought they didnt.. now im not sure



Active Member
Here is a little bit of an update:

Did all this stuff yesterday.

4 bags of FFOF
Organic OMRI certified fertilizer
Dolomite lime
Worm castings
Seaweed/Kelp extract

Im actually using my reservoir right now as a bin to let it cook for a day or so

Next I mix in 1 cup or so of each EWC, Dolomite lime, Organic fertilizers per bag of soil

After that I mix up my water.
1tsp/gal seaweed extract.
2tbs/5gal of molasses
Bring it up to a ph of 6.2

After I make the water I use a CLEAN bug sprayer and water the dirt evenly with my tea

Voila! Soil is prepared! Then shoveling it all into my tub
Might have added a little to much molasses but im sure itll be ok
More to come


New Member
Hey all!!! I'm starting a hydro grow this month 4 1000w lights.

Whew,Thats a Big bite off the ole Apple.New to growing ans 4k of light.
I can tell ya rt now cooling tht room or space is gonnna be KEY.
You Tube is your friend,use it theres alot of good vids.
IMO,Grow just a few like 3-5 and see if you even like growing,Ive bought countless amounts of
growing gear from peeps tht were all gung ho and found they didnt like being tied down!!Cause its gonna be a big job doing as you say.

YES!! This is going to be a big undertaking! I will NOT be starting this till i'm comfortable with the knowledge I have attained. I've always have had an affinity for growing, ever since I worked for a grower out in Canada, so I assure you that my heart is in the right place.

Thanks for all your help guys!

I look forward to much more insight into this beautiful art from all!



Active Member
Been reading the cultivators handbook! Thanks!
Also Trying to Learn From Others!!
Heres a list of books that'll get yah started

Marijuana horticulture The indoor/outdoor growers bible
Jorge Cervantes

The cannabis grow bible
Greg Green

Marijuana growing tips
Ed Rosenthal

Arrest proof yourself
Dale Garsen


Active Member

dried poultry waste, bone meal, feather meal, kelp meal, alfalfa meal, potassium sulphate.
Also contains 444 viable mycorrhiza, 5 strains of ectomycorrhizae and 3 endo mycorrhizae
humic acids and some other bacillus strains