RI Card process question?


Well-Known Member
I am mailing my application, copy of my RI license and my $100 money order made out to the RI general Treasurer tomorrow. I just had a few quick questions for those of you who have gone through this process please.

1) Can I send the paper work priority usps so it gets there faster and it has delivery confirmation so I will know that it was delivered? Or do you have to send it snail mail?
2) I have heard it takes 3 weeks and other places say 60 days.. What was your experience with the time frame for getting your card?
3) Do they contact you if the DOH approves your application(if so how do they contact you) and have you go have your picture taken for the card? If so do you get your card that day or do they make you wait even longer for it to come in the mail?
Sorry for all the questions but I is very vague on the RI DOH site and I can't find answers anywhere!
no they dont cantact you if approved... just wait 3 weeks for letter to come in for id appt. if not approved it took my buddy 4 days lol to get the denial notice. so just hope you dont get any mail for couple weeks an you good.

beware, doctor up there is nice but she will put weird desciptions next to the chronic pain section an DOH will turn you down. so before sending it double check that it makes since... read the line like a sentance. example, "i need mmj for my chonic pain related to (this is where she writes in line)" if that sentance doesnt make since or isnt reasonable it will be sent back to you.

do not do any special mail. i went to post office an mailed mine with 2 stamps and they recieved it the next day. normal envolope and just 2 stamps.

when letter comes in saying accepted then you can go to DOH the same day and get your id card.

edit: congrats btw lol... good to see they actually turning people down haha. before it was like 30ppl an all were in and out yes answers. since other day when someone mentioned some investigation they prob buckled down for rhode island... mass however can have any US doctor sign for card an that colorado docter there just signing away lol.
I am mailing my application, copy of my RI license and my $100 money order made out to the RI general Treasurer tomorrow. I just had a few quick questions for those of you who have gone through this process please.

1) Can I send the paper work priority usps so it gets there faster and it has delivery confirmation so I will know that it was delivered? Or do you have to send it snail mail?
2) I have heard it takes 3 weeks and other places say 60 days.. What was your experience with the time frame for getting your card?
3) Do they contact you if the DOH approves your application(if so how do they contact you) and have you go have your picture taken for the card? If so do you get your card that day or do they make you wait even longer for it to come in the mail?
Sorry for all the questions but I is very vague on the RI DOH site and I can't find answers anywhere!

The DOH has 15 buiz days to inform you IF you have been DENIED..If you dont hear anything with in those 15 Buiz days then your good to go.
no they dont cantact you if approved... just wait 3 weeks for letter to come in for id appt. if not approved it took my buddy 4 days lol to get the denial notice. so just hope you dont get any mail for couple weeks an you good.

beware, doctor up there is nice but she will put weird desciptions next to the chronic pain section an DOH will turn you down. so before sending it double check that it makes since... read the line like a sentance. example, "i need mmj for my chonic pain related to (this is where she writes in line)" if that sentance doesnt make since or isnt reasonable it will be sent back to you.

do not do any special mail. i went to post office an mailed mine with 2 stamps and they recieved it the next day. normal envolope and just 2 stamps.

when letter comes in saying accepted then you can go to DOH the same day and get your id card.

edit: congrats btw lol... good to see they actually turning people down haha. before it was like 30ppl an all were in and out yes answers. since other day when someone mentioned some investigation they prob buckled down for rhode island... mass however can have any US doctor sign for card an that colorado docter there just signing away lol.

Well she didn't write anything weird.. Under severe, debilitating, chronic pain she just wrote: head + neck. So it is pretty straight forward. Thanks for the mail input, I was going to send it priority but that does make more sense. I hope I don't get denied! I had all the proper paper work, primary care referral, and unlike a lot of the gangsta looking guys in the clinic I actually need it lol. I had to control myself or I would have busted out laughing at these young 6 foot 4 black guys with dreads strolling in reeking of weed... They were all MA residents though so they didn't seem to have as strict a doctor. They have to deny some people or they won't be around much longer. I could tell the young kid before me had nothing wrong with him, I was really shocked when she came out and he was demanding to have his BP taken again because he drove 3 hours to come there! Like that automatically means he should get a card.. Please! The doctor just said you can have it taken again but it's not gonna change my mind.
Well she didn't write anything weird.. Under severe, debilitating, chronic pain she just wrote: head + neck. So it is pretty straight forward. Thanks for the mail input, I was going to send it priority but that does make more sense. I hope I don't get denied! I had all the proper paper work, primary care referral, and unlike a lot of the gangsta looking guys in the clinic I actually need it lol. I had to control myself or I would have busted out laughing at these young 6 foot 4 black guys with dreads strolling in reeking of weed... They were all MA residents though so they didn't seem to have as strict a doctor. They have to deny some people or they won't be around much longer. I could tell the young kid before me had nothing wrong with him, I was really shocked when she came out and he was demanding to have his BP taken again because he drove 3 hours to come there! Like that automatically means he should get a card.. Please! The doctor just said you can have it taken again but it's not gonna change my mind.

HOW CAN YOU LOOK AT SOMEONE AND SAY THEY DONT NEED SOMETHING..Just be happy you got signed.A lot of conditions, people look fine at the time or there condition doesn't show.Come on now.
Oh I am! But PLEASE... Gimme a break lol I was uncomfortable because I thought the doctor would see what was going on in the waiting area and send everyone home. It's that kind of thing that will end up ruining it for people who really may need it. I'm not gonna argue with someone online. Groups of friends who all come in together who look like gang members, all in their mid 20's reeking of weed when they come in... I don't really care personally! But don't tell me I don't know what there doing there. They don't even try to hide it at all.
Ehh, no need to bother with others... i understand what you mean but highflyer is right about that. You would never know a sever epileptic. Ask me hhw i know lol.

But, the doctor at this point in time now knows what type of people to accept deny. As long as you got in there and its finished then nothing can be done if shes writting scripts for people.

i remember first day she came in( i was like 6th person to see her). She kept coming out an asking colorado doctor where to sign and everything else. She was nervous and very uneducated to the scene. Aparently after several weeks and hundreds of people going to see her she would get the drift an know whos lying ect.
I hope canna does okay. Feel quite strongly that it sounds too good to be true. Do not priority stamp and when you go to health for your pic dont' go in there with a shit eating grin. They watch everything. As someone from health said to me ' you can't tell me these young people with headaches really need pain medicine'. They judge you so present yourself like you're going on a nice lunch date and dress accordingly. Sounds crazy but it's a truth.

If people have their proper records there really isn't room for lying; remember they are certifying you have a condition that someone else diagnosed so therefore if the paperwork is in order she acts accordingly. It's such a turbulent time that I hope she is very very cautious. The MMJ laws in RI are poorly written and up for interpretation as we found out a month ago when the court threw out the not guilty verdict on the caregiver.
I ended up sending priority because the guy working at my post office convinced me that with the price of the envelope it would only cost a dollar more and I would be able to get delivery confirmation. I always get delivery confirmation when sending anything important so I can prove that it got to where I wanted if a problem arrived(which has happened to me several times) I made sure not to get signature or anything like that. Just when it gets delivered I will know. It's not like I sent it express of are making them sign. If they deny my application because I sent it with a priority sticker than I'm going to make a big deal of it... As far as I know priority just gets dumped with regular mail but gets there a faster so I don't think it should stick out too much , I'm sure other people have done the same thing. What's the deal with the dispensaries in RI? You have to make them your caregiver before you can buy you meds there? I thought you could go in show your card and buy meds and leave? All the ones I have seen all want you to make the your care giver and wait... ??


then this came 2 weeks ago:


THese are the reasons I am so vigilant about telling people to be cautious. DOH and all it stands for is not sympathetic to the person who needs MMJ.

Ugh... I didn't realize how silly the laws here are! I thought I was just missing something or didn't understand the laws but they really are awfully written. I was reading the thread about the prices at slater and I couldn't believe it, there were charging more than dealers for high quality stuff. It's giving too much power to these compassion centers as to how much they can charge if you have to give up a caregiver spot to buy meds there.
Then when people don't want to pay those prices and grow their own meds they get harassed by local LE.
The FED's should just make it legal to grow your own personal, but sales would be illegal.
Then they would still have greedy people to bust, and they can leave everyone else alone.
I don't agree with people making a living selling MJ, we should have more productive jobs.
homegrowing MJ=homegrowing Vegetables, It's just a hobby for consumption.
The FED's should just make it legal to grow your own personal, but sales would be illegal.
Then they would still have greedy people to bust, and they can leave everyone else alone.
I don't agree with people making a living selling MJ, we should have more productive jobs.
homegrowing MJ=homegrowing Vegetables, It's just a hobby for consumption.

I do agree but,
Then cops would get warrants for anyone they want by just saying 'ohh this person is suspected to be selling his meds' ... atleast now they have to find out you grow then get the warrant rather than just pinpoint you an do a raid. an yes they will do pinpoint an misuse there power because they do it daily now.
They are raiding card holders residents just because they have a card? Or caregivers? I could see where a caregiver who is maxed out with patients would get parented by LE because they figure they might be growing more than allowed. They have nothing better to do ya know.. Like going after dealers of hard drugs! Have there really been that many cases of police raids on card holder/ caregivers in RI lately?
raided me while ago just cause my neighbor smelled my grow... i had 1 oz and 12 veg plants... wouldnt call myself a drug dealer or pushing my limits. cops do as they please and abuse there power... not all but most.