Light Bleaching, Deficiency, Nutrient Lock Out - or All Three?


Well-Known Member
These plants are 29 days from seed today. They sprouted in red solo cups, under CFLs. They are now in 3 gallon smart pots under a 600W metal halide. The soil has been Fox Farm Ocean Forest. They have been in the current pots about two and a half weeks.

When I first set them under the 600 watter, I put them way too close. Take a look at this picture. I think the damage seen is to the larger fan leaves is bleaching. Only the very top has this damage. The rest of the new growth is a very light green, with some yellowish tints. I'll get to that later. So, with this first pic, the damage to the large fan leaves seems to be bleaching. Thoughts on that?


With this next one, I return to the the coloring - all the new growths seem to be a significant shade lighter than the old growth. It isn't as pronounced when not under the MH...but still there is a difference. At first I thought this was still a result of bleaching - but what has grown out in the lighter shade doesn't have the "look" of the first picture. So, if the first picture is bleaching, then I don't think this is. The light is about 16 inches above the tops of the plants....maybe a bit more, maybe a bit less, depending on growth.

From doing reading, as this is my first grow, I think the discoloration is most likely nutrient lock out or a deficiency. I have very hard water here, at around 445 ppm out of the tap. That is generally what I've used. It's also of very high PH - above 8.0. In general, I must have the worst tap water in the world. Anyway, here's the second plant.


Tonight I gave a heavy feeding of distilled water. 1.5 gallons for each plant. Not really a flush, but not able to do a proper flush tonight and won't have a chance to tend again until Friday. They weren't totally dry and ready for a feeding...but I thought this might be a mini-flush. It was three times the amount of water they normally receive.

I've tried to include the relevant information...but if I forgot something that may be of use, please ask.

Based on the pictures and the descriptions, what are your thoughts? I've decided to feed only with distilled water from here on out. I figured I have another week or so of veg stage and another week or so of sufficient nutrients in the soil, but I don't really know. Maybe it is a deficiency...but I'm thinking it's more likely the beginning stages of nutrient lockout. Or perhaps it is still light bleaching.

I am truly lost and any help is greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Another thing, growth has slowed lately. I topped it (about a week and a half after a failed FIM), and the new growths are there, but not shooting up very high. I'm not concerned if it is staying stout because of the 600 watt metal halide, but the new tops are less than a centimeter in height after maybe 4 or 5 days.

So maybe that's just stress from the topping. Or it's also combining with the other issues going on. Who knows...I certainly don't!


Well-Known Member
They look fine and healthy. As they get larger,(and especially after topping) the vertical growth becomes less prominent because the energy is being spread all around as the plant gets bushier.

As far as the growth always appears brighter and more lime green than the larger older fan leaves. The color will even out as the leaves mature and uptake more nitrogen. You might want to do something about that water though. A 2 part carbon/sediment filter would help. Hydrologic makes a fairly inexpensive one (the small boy, theres a larger one called the tall boy).

Looks like youre doing well..relax :). Those plants look like Olympians compared to what some other newer growers have on here.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the thoughts.

I saw another grow that had similar coloring and two people said it was the beginning of a cal mag deficiency. I don't think that can be the case yet - these plants don't even have three weeks in this soil. I supposed it wouldn't hurt to get some cal mag handy though. Any thoughts on potential cal mag deficiency?

I've also read the same thing you said, that new growth is lighter and more lime green and will even out.

I've got a grow journal where you can see from start to present, with a lot more pictures if you are interested.

Anyway, thanks for your thoughts and stopping by!


Well-Known Member
To be honest Im not sure how it would effect ph. Ive never dealt with hard water when growing,where Im at the water doesnt register on a ppm meter (so less than 100) and the ph is about 7.5. I think people are a bit hasty to diagnose Cal Mag deficiencies on here, it just seems like one of those things that is echoed without cause for any sort of problem.
If anything your water probably has an abundance of calcium with a ppm that high. Fox Farm is a nutrient rich soil as well. Anything you might need to add probably wont be necessary until a little later on in flower,but I grow in coco/perlite with bottled nutrients so you might want to ask around in the soil organic section for further clarification. Thanks for the rep.

70's natureboy

Well-Known Member
I would mix the tap water an distilled water about 50/50 and ph it around 6.5. If you use straight ro you will need cal mag. I'm going to try some of that Ocean Forest this year outside. It looks like potent stuff.