Need nutrients advice.


New Member
I have a small outdoor plant going on right now, but im not sure what nutes to give it? It's growing quite slow and I don't know why, it seems healthy im wondering if its a nutrients problem? help!



Well-Known Member
post closer pics! u may need to add more soil in ur pot and prepare to transplant next week! if ur plant is less then 3 weeks old dont give it any nutes 6.5 pH water will be enough!


New Member
Thank you, its about half a foot tall, and im still confused where to get nutrients and how to add it? its been growing for almost 2 weeks and It's kinda skimpy compared to other plants, im starting to take it outside for a couple hours everyday so it gets better light then sitting on the window sill all day. also, the stem is kinda thin, so i hope the wind helps the roots grow stronger


Well-Known Member
Thank you, its about half a foot tall, and im still confused where to get nutrients and how to add it? its been growing for almost 2 weeks and It's kinda skimpy compared to other plants, im starting to take it outside for a couple hours everyday so it gets better light then sitting on the window sill all day. also, the stem is kinda thin, so i hope the wind helps the roots grow stronger
if ur growing ure plant outdoor u should expect pests and other problems related! better get a CFL light and 3 parts GH Floraseries they are kinda simple to use but dont feed till week 3! transplant ur plant and ask as many questions as u can to get trough ur grow successfully! happy 420!


Well-Known Member
great advice from above,the plant looks sound for its age,(good job) it will take of in terms of vigor and growth, once the roots are established, that normaly round 4 weeks old from day 1 of the seeds life, depending on technique/mediums, pots, lights conditions ect ect. been prepared for the next stages to come is key for you


Well-Known Member
soz op i missed the q,,, nutrients im a canna man, swear by them, but i only grow indoors , so im not the one really to give advice, sorry,,


Active Member
No nutes yet....still in seedling stage. Wait until it grows some more nodes, fan leaves etc. Roots still filling out that space. It prob needs more light, just be careful with sunlight maybe go get a couple CFL's and a fan to help build stem strength. What are your current temps and how much light is she getting? When you transplant you are going to want to bury that stem so it is not so tall and lengthy. Should be fine, if you transplant into a good soil that has fert already in like Fox Farms Ocean Forest you will be good for another 3-4 weeks with no nutes. The very basics is for Veg you will want something a little higher in N (there is a NPk ratio to look at). And then for flower (bloom) something with a little higher P ratio. I use Dyna Grow products...there is a lot of good reading nutes on this board. You don't need to shell out tons of money for magic formulas just keep it basic and get an understanding of what NPK is and how it effects a plant. For your first couple grows just get a good feel for watering, paying attention to the plant, not over feeding. My basic schedule right now is watering around every third day. I feed, water, the plant grows and moves into flower I will end up watering around every two days and feeding every other. Of course this is all a variable based on how old the plant is, what stage it is in, how big the pots your growing in are, temps, etc. Hope that helps....