Police were just here omg


New Member
The only good cop I ever meet was one that resigned from the Flint Police Dept . I was educated well by him of how fucking corrupt the system really is .


Never open the door or they'll force their way in and call it justified.

You don't have liberties. You may think you do. The only muscle you can flex is a really good lawyer.

I have family in law enforcement and law, and they tell me to NEVER trust the cops. They seem to think about 40% are corrupt or mentally unfit. They will protect their own and family members, but everyone else is fair game. They tell me police snap much more often than most people because they are under more pressure than the rest of us.

A couple examples:



google it yourself and get informed !

Better yet search youtube for "police abuse" or "police brutality" or something of the like..and be prepared to cry or fits of rage..there are thousands of videos..it happens everyday!

Sorry to hear about your troubles OP
Good luck to you


Active Member
^^^^ Fuck the police they are worthless pieces of shits. I have a Great Dane and no one ever wants to come around my house
While dogs may discourage the ganja thieves, they don't scare the sus scrofa domesticus away. In fact, it's an opportunity for them to use their guns.
Trust me, when they show up, calmly put your dog(s) away BEFORE you open your door. Dogs will feed off of your energy. So please, do not get your poor dog shot for trying to protect you.

To the OP: A couple of folks have also recommended not growing at all. And while I subscribe to the OverGrow school of thought, I also agree that "if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen."
Whether you have a MMJ card, or you live in a legalized state, you're taking a risk cultivating cannabis. Point blank. Period.
But you already know that.

This post was much longer, but I'm going to split it in two pieces...


Active Member
If You Have An Encounter With Police...
(My Advice in a Nutshell)


Before opening the door, and after locking away any pets they might shoot, you have option A.)
Commence the Recording...
Place a phone call to your lawyer or your own cellphone (not your house phone, unless you have voicemail versus an answering machine).
This will allow you to either have your lawyer listen in if you've reached them or their voicemail.
And if you called your cellphone you can record the encounter on your own voicemail.
If you called your house phone... well, you're probably shit out of luck, because the cop is gonna hear your answering machine and that's the end of that.
Feel free to add any other monitoring devices to that list if you have them.

Or option B.)
Skip the Recordings... Of course, you're possibly losing potentially valuable evidence should they beat you, rape you, steal anything, kill your dog or jerk off to photos of your wife and/or children... (typical procedure):cuss:
Just kidding, mostly.

Now at this point, you're going to open the door. Remember that you're probably going to jail if there are plants in your house (unless you have your MMJ paperwork in order, but even that may not save you). But don't worry, the guys in jail with you are actually a lot nicer than the guys that bring you to jail. Weird, right? I know.
Anyway, depending on what state you live in, prepare to get out from anywhere between 3 hours and a couple dozen decades or so depending on the size of your grow.


And They Appear Hostile...
Remain calm and politely ask them what they are there for.
remain calm and inform them that you realy don't feel comfortable answering any more questions without your lawyer present. If they tell you "you're gonna have to come downtown" with them or any other hooligan-speak, agree to their terms. They won't expect that from an innocent party. Make sure your door is locked as you exit your home. Leave the keys inside, you can figure that problem out later, but they can't use them to sniff around. Go with them. Remain calm. They (sort of) can't hold you without formally charging you with a crime and your lawyer will know that. *ahem,NDAA*
Even if they take you in cuffs and put you in a cell, KEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT. DON'T BREAK! Wait for a lawyer. More than likely they're making you sweat it out for a couple of hours while they fiddle their fish sticks. They'll come back in a couple hours, try to scare you one last time, then let you go and tell you "they better not see you again" or something along those lines.

If They Do Not Seem Hostile...
Don't be deceived or naive, they may be trying to sweet talk their way in. You should be as easy going as you can, while firmly refusing to allow them inside of your home, even if it's only for a few words in a blizzard. Again, be polite to avoid any further incident. A small victory now could cost you a severe penalty later on. Don't tell them anything more than you have to. Avoid making up unnecessary lies that you'll need to (but won't) remember. After they leave, swiftly upgrade your filtration, downgrade the size of that circle of "friends" you keep, or get rid of your grow. You don't get lucky twice.

But again, if they come with a warrant and you've got plants and no MMJ card, it doesn't make a difference in hell how what you tell them or how nice you are, you're going in cuffs. KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT!

Nutty sKunK

Well-Known Member
Actually a lot of psycho/sociopaths are cops and they aren't even human in my opinion.
They are human that's obvious, you're just seeing how deluded humans can be. Do you see that when you're born you are free of this world, the world that we all get upset about and see in one another? All your opinions, memories, fears, selfishness, what you think is good and what you think is bad was not there, you were free from the past. Can you remember your first year of this life? These 'Psycho' cops were not always Psycho cops, we merely adopt a position in this world and know no better, we all don't know better otherwise we wouldn't need to know anything more because we would already know everything. So when you realise this you realise it's no ones fault for 'who' they are. We're all innocent in are doings, because we don't know any better.

When you are still and without thought you're in the state of when you were a baby, free, content and now. You are free of your past and your association with it, we just associate ourselves to our past and create this 21 cycles of the sun old position, see position as a person, who is personal. The true you is nature, the thing we all love, the air we breath and the beloved plants of yours. The way how everything works, everything has a purpose in nature, now that's true love.

So can you see how it's not the policeman's fault for being who he is?

Death is life, life is death. Without death there would be no life, for it is death that brings the bare means to life. For a tree to grow it must need it's nutrients from the ground, as does everything that grows so there must be death of others to give it the potential for life.

When you see nothing comes or goes, it merely changes form you see that nothing truly dies, it's just somewhere else. Your awareness, the awareness that takes you from the physical world, to dreaming and into dreamless sleep. That is the true you, that is what you have always been, even when you were a baby, you always have that awareness, now. But we become aware of different things as we grow older, our parents and everyone influences the person we all recognise today, not the true awareness behind, the immortal being, human 'beings'. So our memory fills with all our experience and we start to compare and judge and end up having an awareness of self, what we think is good and right, who is wrong and what is bad what we should do in the limited choices of the world.

I will become a policeman because I've experienced threat, mindless violence and the other 1000 things they think is wrong and they want to stop. For one, drugs are bad because all of the drug dealers are shooting one another and innocent people. He want's to stop what he thinks is bad and parents have a large part to play in this part of conditioning to the mind. For it is the mind that makes us all 'different', what conflicting opinions will clash next? We measure intelligence as to how much information one can store in their long term memory, oh dear. That's not going to lead anywhere but the past and nothing get's done in the past, only now with action. Action is always now, try not to act in the now :)

So can you see how it's not the policeman's fault for being who he is? When you don't know better you adopt a position to the subject.

Ask yourself, why should upset myself over something that has no value to this Earth?

When you are still you hold no position you are free and now, see beyond the conditioned mind.


Well-Known Member
I think people hate the meaning of 'Police' rather than the actual police, sure some of them slack at their job but I'm pretty sure we've all done it at some point, man was clearly not made to work.
The police man who only knows what he thinks is right, just as you think you know 'what is right' irrelevant to the subject as it's a position you stand, I'm talking about the position itself. He becomes a policeman/women to get a job to 'survive' in this aggressive world man has created.

So you should really see how it's not his fault for the way he is, for we're all born innocent unconditioned children, our own ignorance (mankind) leaves us unhappy.

So respect the man, whoever they might be, even if you don't agree with them let them carry on, for why upset yourself?
This I disagree with. I respect the "Police" and what it should stand for, it is the individuals who make up the police form that corrupts it and causes the problems. The job of a policeman attracts certain personalities, and the types of personalities it attracts tends to be in direct conflict with the type of personality I have. Cops suck for the most part, sure there are some good ones sprinkled in but the majority just suck.


Active Member
My old friend and roommate was trying to be a cop and he was a jerk. Strait up. He was a disgusting slob and had so many gross habits and it ruined our friendship when we moved in together. He tried to be an EMT and was fired from that and after he lost me as friend he put my name as a reference and they called me up for an interview, I told them that absolute truth and needless to say...he has no chance of ever being a cop


They only people afraid of cops are those doing illegal activities. Those who classify ALL cops as pigs or doughnut eaters have not had to call them for help EVER. Things change when the cops are the ones busting into your house to save your life. (This happened to me when I was 7) They seem to be pigs when they are doing there job against YOU, and seem to be hero's and saint's when they are catching someone else. I mean come on, you expect EVERY cop in this nation to fight harder drugs? To find rapists and murderers? Only so many cops can do that on a daily basis, or none would be available when YOU need them. I'm sorry, but I don't hate cops, I know that the "system" that they are in may be corrupt, and that sometimes, being a human gets the best of them and they do wrong, nobody's perfect. I know that when I get caught by the cops, its not THEIR fault for catching me, its mine. I should have done something more to avoid getting caught. LOL I think that's the problem, nobody wants to man up for their actions. So you THINK pot should be legal? Maybe I should THINK murder should be legal then go out a do it. Then cry and whine while im being dragged to prison because my beliefs did not directly reflect the law. Don't be mad at the cops for catching you, be mad at the government that makes them have to follow the law. I had a cop bust me for a grow once, I told him, how can we get this to slide, its only 4 plants, and you and I both know I don't grow to sell. HE TOLD ME SORRY, I AGREE WITH YOU, BUT THE LAW IS THE LAW AND I HAVE TO UPHOLD IT, THAT IS MY JOB. So basically, people want to be exempt from the law because that is what the believe the law should be. nonsense I tell you. without cops or some sort of group to uphold the basics of law, we would all be eating each other alive, 21st century style.

I got off on a rant, everything above is an opinion and obviously can be debated. In my personal experience, it's best to show some respect to the cops, and know the law that concerns you (growing marijuana laws in your state) BUT, don't let them walk on you either, there job exists because you exist, if everyone was perfect, they wouldn't have a job, so demand a bit of respect from them as well. I blatantly told a cop to speak to me with some respect, once I get charged with something, you can treat me like a criminal. It was nothing but smooth sailed from there. Just depends on the cops. I think "street smarts" is useful in this situation.


Active Member
without cops or some sort of group to uphold the basics of law, we would all be eating each other alive, 21st century style.
So we're all closet cannibals who would rape and murder at the drop of a hat, but the only thing stopping us is the police?


So we're all closet cannibals who would rape and murder at the drop of a hat, but the only thing stopping us is the police?
Not everyone, but I can tell you right now, there has been a couple of times I didn't break the law, because the law was there. If it was not there, I would not have thought twice about it. I'm sure you can think of some people, that only follow the law, because of the fear of breaking it (charges, prison, etc.) So your a nice person who does not want to do anything to anyone and just wants to survive. Now we take away the law. Now that the law is gone, someone who knows you grow, or you have something they want, is going to rob you. They could take it a step up and kill you and your family, because there are no repercussions. So, what are you going to do to protect you and your family in a world with no law? Your going to get guns, and set up a nice big fence, and shoot anyone who even attempts to look hostile. Its the simple truth, your life is worth more than theirs.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
I don't know what tv show you saw this on but that don't happen in real life. They don't have to show you shit. ......snip.......
No, nor do they have to Mirandize you etc... However their failure to follow these procedures will result in you being either blue sheeted without charges being filed or getting your charges dismissed during the discovery phase.

Unless of course you use a PD then you'll, usually, get pled out.



Active Member
It had rythem? "Your Rights" are made up sentences used in the court of law. Being exonerated after a three hour alley ride and a week of jail is a real blessing. If you have faith in your rights your blind.


Well-Known Member
. Those who classify ALL cops as pigs or doughnut eaters have not had to call them for help EVER.
you know , I never used to refer to the authorities as pigs before someone close to me was flashbanged in his underwear WHILE cuffed in his front yard where they placed him. cuffed in your underwear and then flashbanged. I for one have never had to call the pigs for help.
you want another story that pisses me off about our wonderful authorities? not long back there was a retarded teen and he was distraught about something or other so he grabbed his airsoft and headed out the door. the police were called and informed that the teen was handicapped and the gun was a airsoft, the police assured the brother and or mother that the police in the field knew the facts. kid ended up shot to death by the police. again, fuck the pigs!


Well-Known Member
I once read online once a guy was arrested for trying to call 611 (customer support) and instead he kept dialing 911, after 22 calls to 911 in 1 hour they sent a officer to the guys home and they told him he had to let them in to make sure everything was ok.

He ended up letting them in and he was exposed as he had 18 plants....He was nabbed, so the moral of the story is---if your not under arrest you do not allow anyone to enter your home. LEARN YOUR RIGHTS, PROTECT YOUR SELF, AND most importantly EDUCATE YOUR SELF!
I did this...ONCE. Mixed up the digits when extremely intoxicated, the 911 operator sobered me up in a hurry.

How anyone could manage this 22 times is beyond belief.