Police were just here omg


Active Member
Im just looking for tips for if you have a grow inside and the police are at your door.

My god its so scary im shaking and i was so nervous my face got hot...Wow does anybody have any tips to look more calm jesus christ.

They didnt know about it and left but omg dude i neeed tips

Open the door, picture them naked :o


you know , I never used to refer to the authorities as pigs before someone close to me was flashbanged in his underwear WHILE cuffed in his front yard where they placed him. cuffed in your underwear and then flashbanged. I for one have never had to call the pigs for help.
you want another story that pisses me off about our wonderful authorities? not long back there was a retarded teen and he was distraught about something or other so he grabbed his airsoft and headed out the door. the police were called and informed that the teen was handicapped and the gun was a airsoft, the police assured the brother and or mother that the police in the field knew the facts. kid ended up shot to death by the police. again, fuck the pigs!
I completely agree with you, actions like these are completely unacceptable. It's just like the little girl who died from a flashbang and getting shot during a raid on the wrong house. Inexcusable. BUT I don't clump all cops into the "pig" category unless they do something that would change my mind. I guess what I am saying is this. I will treat a cop with respect as long as he follows my rights AND his. Once he steps over these boundaries, he turns into a pig, who only cares about abusing his power, and I will treat him as such. This is the one rule I follow, and it has probably saved me a couple of times. I could have been hateful because of what other cops have done, but that might have dug me a bigger hole.


Well-Known Member
Been there done that man, happened to me last grow.. on harvest day would you believe! Was just sitting getting ready to chop when I got a knock knock knock. At the time all you can think about is that your busted and it's one of the worst feelings, but if you think about it if you were busted they would be busting in ,not knocking. They may be trying the old knock and talk because your semi busted ,but just don't go to the door and when they leave get rid of your shit. I didn't go to the door and fortunately the cops were just going around everyones house about a local crime.. keep that in mind, if shit happens in your area you could have them at your door. Hid that shit in the attic and they came back the next day, came in for a talk and everything, and I have a cannabis plant hanging from the rafters, the smell didn't travel down at all thankfully. But yeah just never go to the door and accept the fact that when growing weed, if you don't play it smart you might end up getting your door bashed in some time. Keep it the most ultimate secret ever and I really can't see the cops at your door for THAT reason


Active Member
So, what are you going to do to protect you and your family in a world with no law? Your going to get guns, and set up a nice big fence, and shoot anyone who even attempts to look hostile. Its the simple truth, your life is worth more than theirs.
That's what we already do now. We have perceived laws, cops and courts, but crime still happens. They don't slow it down, they profit off of it.
The Answer: Get rid of cash, government and all paid public services.

The actual law isn't written, but it is clear: Do as you will.

It can be argued that if the system shut down and all the police stations closed, we would riot and act like savages. I tend to believe that is plausible, but only for a very short time until the culture shock subsided and natural order restored itself. I think people would be less inclined to commit a crime knowing that someone could punish them in any way they see fit. The sick, weak and elderly would simply need be good people to their neighbors throughout life and their community would protect them. There's another way to live, but we'll probably never see that. And this definitely isn't the thread for this anyway :lol:.


Very bright solution. Get rid of cash, government and all paid public services.

Statements like that make me nervous about some of my fellow board members. Civic disobedience, maybe. Anarchy? Fuck no.

Police are human like you and me and they are doing their job. If you are doing your job then there is no way you should be talking to them through, at, or ignoring your front door. If you are confident in your grow, forget about freak visits. Simply keep the grow secure.

And unfortunately you do have to deal with government, but there are much worse things to deal with. Like total stupidity.


Well-Known Member
That's what we already do now. We have perceived laws, cops and courts, but crime still happens. They don't slow it down, they profit off of it.
The Answer: Get rid of cash, government and all paid public services.

The actual law isn't written, but it is clear: Do as you will.

It can be argued that if the system shut down and all the police stations closed, we would riot and act like savages. I tend to believe that is plausible, but only for a very short time until the culture shock subsided and natural order restored itself. I think people would be less inclined to commit a crime knowing that someone could punish them in any way they see fit. The sick, weak and elderly would simply need be good people to their neighbors throughout life and their community would protect them. There's another way to live, but we'll probably never see that. And this definitely isn't the thread for this anyway :lol:.
you are an idealest thats for sure lol.

i love the idea of anarchy but in reality it probably wont work. government.... in the most simple words i can put government needs to be reduced, and the amount of power/money of which a corporation has, needs to be monitored.


Well-Known Member
Very bright solution. Get rid of cash, government and all paid public services.

Statements like that make me nervous about some of my fellow board members. Civic disobedience, maybe. Anarchy? Fuck no.

Police are human like you and me and they are doing their job. If you are doing your job then there is no way you should be talking to them through, at, or ignoring your front door. If you are confident in your grow, forget about freak visits. Simply keep the grow secure.

And unfortunately you do have to deal with government, but there are much worse things to deal with. Like total stupidity.
dont be a fucking douche, oh wait too late. you right wing fucks love to point out "public services" since when does getting shot on the ground, unarmed, in the back, while held down, qualify as "human" or "doing your job"?
fuck the police, im not saying individual police im saying that whole fucking idea and "justice" system dont tell me they are "doing their jobs" just wait till they turn their back on you! they give a fuck about you cop or criminal. yeah if your a pig they might keep you out of jail, but they will be just as fast to take your retirement. you want justice? join the military, at least where they send you its kill or be killed.


Active Member
I suppose I could be called an idealist. I just think that we're trained to believe we need zookeepers and biscuits to keep us in line.


Active Member
Very bright solution. Get rid of cash, government and all paid public services.

Statements like that make me nervous about some of my fellow board members. Civic disobedience, maybe. Anarchy? Fuck no.

Police are human like you and me and they are doing their job. If you are doing your job then there is no way you should be talking to them through, at, or ignoring your front door. If you are confident in your grow, forget about freak visits. Simply keep the grow secure.

And unfortunately you do have to deal with government, but there are much worse things to deal with. Like total stupidity.

I hope you're not directing your closing statement at me, because I'm not stupid. Sure, many people are. I'm just not one of them. Refer to my above post.


Active Member
The Idealist in me says if people were taught love, respect and dignity above all else from birth, we would't need to capitalize and skip out on our fair share. We wouldn't need to compensation for doing the right thing. People would feel compelled to do unto others as other do unto them. I'm sure many of us can agree with that idea, no?


Active Member
I hope you're not directing your closing statement at me, because I'm not stupid. Sure, many people are. I'm just not one of them. Refer to my above post.
Although I should further elaborate with my opinion that we all potentially share the same capacity for knowledge, wisdom and understanding but that these things are the product of condition verse conditioning. And that really, nobody is "stupid".

420 happends

Active Member
what id do is get a card and grow at your growing limit, i had a cop one time come knocking at my door cause my next door neighbors are dicks, n they called the cops saying i was growing weed, but i was under the legal grow limit i showed the cops im legal to grow up to this many plants he read my papers n seen my card and he left, soo get legal although if there real dicks they can still do somthing but nothing ever happend to me :D


Kite High

Well-Known Member
They only people afraid of cops are those doing illegal activities. Those who classify ALL cops as pigs or doughnut eaters have not had to call them for help EVER. Things change when the cops are the ones busting into your house to save your life. (This happened to me when I was 7) They seem to be pigs when they are doing there job against YOU, and seem to be hero's and saint's when they are catching someone else. I mean come on, you expect EVERY cop in this nation to fight harder drugs? To find rapists and murderers? Only so many cops can do that on a daily basis, or none would be available when YOU need them. I'm sorry, but I don't hate cops, I know that the "system" that they are in may be corrupt, and that sometimes, being a human gets the best of them and they do wrong, nobody's perfect. I know that when I get caught by the cops, its not THEIR fault for catching me, its mine. I should have done something more to avoid getting caught. LOL I think that's the problem, nobody wants to man up for their actions. So you THINK pot should be legal? Maybe I should THINK murder should be legal then go out a do it. Then cry and whine while im being dragged to prison because my beliefs did not directly reflect the law. Don't be mad at the cops for catching you, be mad at the government that makes them have to follow the law. I had a cop bust me for a grow once, I told him, how can we get this to slide, its only 4 plants, and you and I both know I don't grow to sell. HE TOLD ME SORRY, I AGREE WITH YOU, BUT THE LAW IS THE LAW AND I HAVE TO UPHOLD IT, THAT IS MY JOB. So basically, people want to be exempt from the law because that is what the believe the law should be. nonsense I tell you. without cops or some sort of group to uphold the basics of law, we would all be eating each other alive, 21st century style.

I got off on a rant, everything above is an opinion and obviously can be debated. In my personal experience, it's best to show some respect to the cops, and know the law that concerns you (growing marijuana laws in your state) BUT, don't let them walk on you either, there job exists because you exist, if everyone was perfect, they wouldn't have a job, so demand a bit of respect from them as well. I blatantly told a cop to speak to me with some respect, once I get charged with something, you can treat me like a criminal. It was nothing but smooth sailed from there. Just depends on the cops. I think "street smarts" is useful in this situation.
Have not ever and will never call a LEO for anything. I can take care of me and mine fine and do not want nor need the "criminal sanitation" department for anything. All they try to do is clean up messes AFTER they occur. Quit depending on others to protect you and yours. THIS MENTALITY IS WHAT IS CAUSING THE POLICE STATE!


Well-Known Member
My answer to an outbreak of swine flu is (a)out of house door closed before they hit property greet and sit (b)Cop knock saunter to back door meander around home hands raised speaking as if talking to dog (c) with arms raised approach slowly with greeting,when responded to immediately but very slowly sit your ass down on the ground It's awesome fucks whole program up. Trained to the point of retardation outside the worst possible situation they're at a loss. Other than being trained to carefully remove 90lb "protesters" on camera they are ill equipt to deal with pre-emptive surrender. It's an awesome sight turning that corner. Depending on #s everyone has a job they must do deviation is unacceptable. Last visit I got cop knocked in boxers and sox early am. When I turned the corner speaking calmly to my invisidog 5 crowding door froze locked on job of "covering" left,right,center of door w/o fail. I coulda taken em out with a yo-yo and some banana peels but greeted the 5 barrels and sat my ass immediately down. The door (house) is left half guarded to focus on getting me to my feet so they can protect themselves.(d) if people are inside they are mentally retarded and can't even talk to them the more the better. A house full of tards is like off for people. There were three more posted on other side of home. They had a warrant to arrest me and did w/o knowing charges. My charge 6/8/06 looked like 6/6/06 for a 3 day traffic sentence I chose instead of paying them money. 8 cops,4 cars,120+miles,est.24 man hrs for my $347 fine.
too much drank in the cup bro...


Well-Known Member
I don't answer the door for anyone I don't know. I get all sorts of people knocking on my door. Had a couple dudes in suits come up to my door the other day, just stayed in my room until they left. Thought they were pigs. Open the door after they leave and a flyer falls down. They were fucking jahova witnesses or whatever... omg.


Well-Known Member
The Idealist in me says if people were taught love, respect and dignity above all else from birth, we would't need to capitalize and skip out on our fair share. We wouldn't need to compensation for doing the right thing. People would feel compelled to do unto others as other do unto them. I'm sure many of us can agree with that idea, no?
But people aren't taught those things from birth. We have to live in the world as it is, not as we wish it to be.


Well-Known Member
My first grow ever was in an apartment with a friend of mine from highschool. He ends up getting his girlfriend to move out of her crazy parents house. That night the girlfriends parents called police and said my roommate who also shares the same name as i do(relevant later) had kidnapped her and taken her to our apartment. His bitch and him are long gone partying that night while i stayed home smoking pot and playing dota. At this time i was growing in soil in my closet, afghan kush, smelled like a skunk died in my room at all times and it wasn't my dirty socks :fire:.

Anyway, its about 11pm on a friday night. I just ripped my bong hard and my plants were in 12/12 so i was running my timer to 7pm on 7am off to save on electric. I open the closet door when the lights are on to get my a/c in there and cool it off. I get a hard pounding on my window which had a window a/c unit in it. I freak out and shut the closet door and cover it with a blackout sheet that seals light leaks when the lights are off. The last thing in my mind is police are at my door looking for my roommate the kidnapper lol. I open the door with a wooden bat in my hand waiting to see the motherfucker who was banging on my window, instead i am greeted by at least 5 local police. Once they saw the bat they all put their hands on their guns whilst scream asking me what my name was. I was young, panicked, told them my name. They all draw their guns and order me to drop the bat get on the ground yadda yadda. They get my wallet and realize pretty fast im not the guy they are looking for. They search house for my roommate(no warrant but it was a kidnapping, false but they didnt know that i guess i dont now the law really on that one), entire house smells like pot. I bring them to his room and show them hes not there. They didnt even go into my room for some reason.

Moral of the story is i got super fucking lucky or the cops didnt give a rats ass about pot. Hopefully my story wasn't TL;DR material but i thought i would share my last cop/grow story. Also i'm not in a legal state.


Well-Known Member
My buddy got popped with something like 100 clones running. They took them all. He was like 19ish, and the cops ended up never coming back for him. We have no idea what happened. It was a smaller town, and the cops have known us since we were in grade school. Have a feeling they just decided to brush it under the rug.... Crazy.