Ready to harvest? Pics included


Active Member
Hello I am wondering if it is time to harvest. I looked at the trichomes today and they are all cloudy. Any help would be great!


Active Member
If all are headed-up and cloudy, and you are near the right amount of time for harvest-- AND you've flushed---
YEP! Chop em down!


Well-Known Member
Did you check out the pics?!
You can't tell anything from those pics or pretty much any pic. Buy yourself a powerful magnifying glass or a microscope, and when 80% of the trichomes are amber, its time to cut the plant. The more amber trichomes you have the more of a heavy couch lock high you're going to get.


Active Member
You can't tell anything from those pics or pretty much any pic. Buy yourself a powerful magnifying glass or a microscope, and when 80% of the trichomes are amber, its time to cut the plant. The more amber trichomes you have the more of a heavy couch lock high you're going to get.
Yeah I did they are all cloudy


Well-Known Member
Picture tells a thousand words. NOT ready, if you do chop all your gonna get is airy, barely there bud.
I agree on two weeks. You didnt say you have been checking them or for how long.
I dont use "cloudy". Milky is better, they'll start to cloud and then milk, and then amber.
Better to harvest later.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
How long have they been under 12/12 lighting? What strain is it? And last what size light as they look very fluffy and whispy as if very immature still. What nutes are you using for flower?


Active Member
Picture tells a thousand words. NOT ready, if you do chop all your gonna get is airy, barely there bud.
I agree on two weeks. You didnt say you have been checking them or for how long.
I dont use "cloudy". Milky is better, they'll start to cloud and then milk, and then amber.
Better to harvest later.
I have been flushing since last week should I add nutes?


Mr I Can Do That For Half
What strain is it? If its a sativa then it has at least 4 weeks to go as you kinda dont count the first week flipping into 12 as a flower week you actually count from day 1 week 2 of 12/12 and a sativa plant will need 10 to 12 weeks of flower to finish right which means no flush until week 10 ( aka 11th week of 12/12 light).. How close is the 400 watter seems fluffy but could be from immaturity of the flowers or poor air exchange or movement.


Active Member
What strain is it? If its a sativa then it has at least 4 weeks to go as you kinda dont count the first week flipping into 12 as a flower week you actually count from day 1 week 2 of 12/12 and a sativa plant will need 10 to 12 weeks of flower to finish right which means no flush until week 10 ( aka 11th week of 12/12 light).. How close is the 400 watter seems fluffy but could be from immaturity of the flowers or poor air exchange or movement.
It is delicious seeds cotton candy 75% sativa


Well-Known Member
I have been flushing since last week should I add nutes?
Yes add nutes. I been checking out the whole "flush or not" thing and both sides have good arguments.
I still flush a week or two before harvest... sometimes.

I notice your fan leaves are single blades, I had a purp like that, in fact it's in my avatar photo (a few in the middle), the damn thing would crystal up in veg and the internodes were overlapping, any way, it was slower growing, lower yeilding and a p.i.t.a to clone.


Well-Known Member
looks like probably 4+ weeks left. You can get a lot of mis-information here also.. when it is close you don't want to wait until 80% amber either like some stated here.. way too long.