911 Revisited Poll

911 Happened Because

  • Shit happened like they say...

    Votes: 3 8.6%
  • Someone dropped the ball...

    Votes: 5 14.3%
  • They knew in advance but let it happen...

    Votes: 7 20.0%
  • The official story is a fairytale...

    Votes: 20 57.1%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
so it WASNT Mossad or are you asserting that "them jews done it, and them jews is all in it together?" cuz thats the only way to get from "Mossad done it" to "Inside Job"
Well you wouldn't know who dunnit or not. You obviously don't even know the official stance the government has taken on things.


Well-Known Member
What? want proof?

Official NIST conclusion:

From : http://www.nist.gov/el/disasterstudies/wtc/faqs_wtc7.cfm

Incontrovertible proof that the official stance is that fires, and nothing but fires took down building 7. You cannot argue this, it is fact.

Whether or not fires really did take down building 7, I give that about a .0000000001% chance of being true. It is obvious to anyone with eyes and ears that WTC7 was taken down by means other than fire.


Well-Known Member
Why do you keep showing me this video? Is this the OFFICIAL Government video?

Apparently you are so goddamned obsessed you can't see through your own veil.
I am NOT saying wtc7 was brought down by fire, the GOVERNMENT IS!!!



Well-Known Member
Why do you keep showing me this video? Is this the OFFICIAL Government video?

Apparently you are so goddamned obsessed you can't see through your own veil.
I am NOT saying wtc7 was brought down by fire, the GOVERNMENT IS!!!

And the government says cannabis is evil, bad for you, and has no medicinal value.... Video wasn't directed at you, just what you were talking about - chillax... And BTW, this is the first time I posted this video so WTF are you talking about "Why do you keep showing me this video?"


Well-Known Member
And the government says cannabis is evil, bad for you, and has no medicinal value.... Video wasn't directed at you, just what you were talking about - chillax... And BTW, this is the first time I posted this video so WTF are you talking about "Why do you keep showing me this video?"
sorry, got you confused with zzwasted. It happens when you have no avatar. You get lumped in with all the other non avatar having muther fuckers.

IF you don't mean to direct something at someone, you shouldn't quote them.


Well-Known Member
sorry, got you confused with zzwasted. It happens when you have no avatar. You get lumped in with all the other non avatar having muther fuckers.

IF you don't mean to direct something at someone, you shouldn't quote them.
Gotcha.. Sorry about that. My bad.


Well-Known Member
I hear you and I ordinarily wouldn't bat an eye at government screw up of an agency, its just when the entire alphabet of agencies that failed from the TSA, the FAA, the ATC, THE WH and the Pentagon, including DoD, US Air Force, PoTUS, VPoTUS, FEMA. NORAD, FBI, CIA, etc etc.

The biggest error? They were warned and had already run drills of what would happen if airliners were flown into the WTC towers. Not to mention the previous attempts to blow up the towers.

I mean, HOLY FUCKIN FAILURE BATMAN!! If government really is this incompetent, why do we EVER listen to them about ANYTHING?????

If I always lied to you, but you kept believing me even when all evidence is contrary. The problem becomes yours, not mine.

It is like taking anything the Congressional Budget Office says as gospel. I think the CBO official statistics at being correct with any estimate is less than 1%. Which makes it an abstract failure to be off that many from the standard deviation. Even a random estimate would be correct more than the CBO is, which tends to make me think they do it on purpose. Do you really think that many federal agencies that have many many people being paid 6 figure incomes for their expertise can really be that wrong that often?
CBO is a bad example because it's obligated by law to assume that present law will always be present law. So when they make economic projections they must, by law, reflect what Congress has enacted and the courts have interpreted. Start throwing your wrenches in the numbers.


Well-Known Member
A skyscraper fell on it? Prove that a skyscraper fell on it, I see the building standing and then collapse, nothing falls on it whatsoever. If instead you mean to exaggerate by a HUGE amount and that a very small piece of the tower fell on it causing some very minor damage to the facade, then you would be correct, but since the outside of building #7 is not a part of the support structure and is nothing more than a pretty covering, its destruction would have no effect on the integrity of the building.

You can't have a building fall at near free fall speed unless all support is taken out at the same time, fires on 4 or 5 floors out of 40 cannot cause it, so what did?

Play a game of Jenga
The first thing you don't understand about World Trade Center 7 is that it was built on top of a power substation that was originally designed to have a much smaller building standing on top of it. It was also a relatively old building with an antiquated sprinkler system that was never intended to handle a substantial number of fires burning simultaneously throughout the building. They basically had no choice except allowing the fires to burn uncontrolled--they had a difficult time getting water around the building.

You also don't seem to understand that the "facade" of the building was part of the building's support structure; its destruction would have a substantial impact on the integrity of the building. A typical building is a mass of steel connected together; the twin towers and World Trade Center 7 were basically hollow tubes--cores and outer walls with the floors between holding it all together. Had the terrorists targeted the Empire State Building, the consequences may have been very different.

Once the steel in a building starts bending you have a very serious problem. Combine fires burning uncontrolled, an ineffective sprinkler system/firefighting capability, and a stretched foundation at the very beginning and suddenly it seems more plausible that this building would collapse after the occurrence of an extraordinary, unprecedented event that had never been envisioned in the design phase. Adjust your game of Jenga to reflect World Trade Center 7's design and play will become far more challenging.


Well-Known Member
OFFICIAL word from NIST and the Government is that FIRES did it and nothing else.

The OFFICIAL reason WTC7 fell was SOLELY due to fires, and fires alone. Nothing else, just fires. Only fires. Fires did it. Hot stuff make building go boom.
Fires cause steel to weaken and bend. When you don't put the fires out, your structural integrity plummets. When steel starts to fail, other steel starts to fail, and before you know it, it's all coming down. What other outcome would you expect?


Well-Known Member
What? want proof?

Official NIST conclusion:

From : http://www.nist.gov/el/disasterstudies/wtc/faqs_wtc7.cfm

Incontrovertible proof that the official stance is that fires, and nothing but fires took down building 7. You cannot argue this, it is fact.

Whether or not fires really did take down building 7, I give that about a .0000000001% chance of being true. It is obvious to anyone with eyes and ears that WTC7 was taken down by means other than fire.
The fact that something unusual happened indicates that it couldn't have happened?

Official NIST conclusion: The collapse of WTC 7 is the first known instance of a tall building brought down primarily by uncontrolled fires. The fires in WTC 7 were similar to those that have occurred in several tall buildings where the automatic sprinklers did not function or were not present. These other buildings, including Philadelphia's One Meridian Plaza, a 38-story skyscraper that burned for 18 hours in 1991, did not collapse due to differences in the design of the structural system

From : http://www.nist.gov/el/disasterstudi.../faqs_wtc7.cfm

Incontrovertible proof that the official stance is that fires, and nothing but fires took down building 7. You cannot argue this, it is fact.

Whether or not fires really did take down building 7, I give that about a .0000000001% chance of being true. It is obvious to anyone with eyes and ears that WTC7 was taken down by means other than fire.
Assuming "similar" means comparable, the key point seems to be at the very end of what you quoted here--"These other buildings...did not collapse due to differences in the design of the structural system."


Well-Known Member
Wrong again... MOSSAD dun it but bush, et al, where in on it.

Why can't you grasp the concept? Or is your job to steer the conclusion in the wrong direction like your buddy Alex Jones?
I can grasp concepts but not straws.

So, everyone was in on it? How? What actually happened? Not a guess. What even, very thin fact leads you to believe this was a self inflicted wound?

Why do you think somehow this govt flew airplanes in to these large expensive structures?

And what of the fail flight the passengers augered in. More cover up. Sure.

But, of what????

WE can hang them. Do you know that? If you could find one fact that said even a rouge CIA agent with a Mossad girlfriend. ANYTHING????? We'd string them up.

But, no, you deny the story and you don't give a shred, of a hint, of a fact to support some or any other story.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by NoDrama
A skyscraper fell on it? Prove that a skyscraper fell on it, I see the building standing and then collapse, nothing falls on it whatsoever. If instead you mean to exaggerate by a HUGE amount and that a very small piece of the tower fell on it causing some very minor damage to the facade, then you would be correct, but since the outside of building #7 is not a part of the support structure and is nothing more than a pretty covering, its destruction would have no effect on the integrity of the building.

You can't have a building fall at near free fall speed unless all support is taken out at the same time, fires on 4 or 5 floors out of 40 cannot cause it, so what did?

Drama, buddy, this means you don't understand physics that involved here or the building construction.

The only way they could get this tall for the weight is to build what they iuse in airplanes and car racing:

mon·o·coque (m
, -k
)n. A metal structure, such as an aircraft, in which the skin absorbs all or most of the stresses to which the body is subjected.

That's no facade, that the structural support of the interior. It is nearly the opposite of the way the Pentagon is constructed.

But, I have to say again, it is an amateur approach to look at un-registered in 3D coordinate, video and make determinations. It is not evidence that can stand in court. Why is that?

So imagine a Jenga game where you can only stack vertical and then across. Try it. It's very stable in static but has very little dynamic stablity. Now carefully pull out a corner of the bottom and slowly lean a book against the rest, if you can. Set a few matches in there for effect and then bounce around on the floor. See?

You see, the real question is how Building 7 remained standing, at all. That what all the responders and the after report said.


Well-Known Member
I can grasp concepts but not straws.

So, everyone was in on it? How? What actually happened? Not a guess. What even, very thin fact leads you to believe this was a self inflicted wound?

Why do you think somehow this govt flew airplanes in to these large expensive structures?

And what of the fail flight the passengers augered in. More cover up. Sure.

But, of what????

WE can hang them. Do you know that? If you could find one fact that said even a rouge CIA agent with a Mossad girlfriend. ANYTHING????? We'd string them up.

But, no, you deny the story and you don't give a shred, of a hint, of a fact to support some or any other story.
America ain't gonna string up anyone... You give amerikans too much credit. As long as they got beer and chicken wing money on weekends, amerikans are a content bunch.


Well-Known Member
America ain't gonna string up anyone... You give amerikans too much credit. As long as they got beer and chicken wing money on weekends, amerikans are a content bunch.
Who is they? If you are not WE then the you can't vote.

WE can be content because we have executioners standing by. Lawful and when needed, extra-lawful murder. You think we are playing? No. We want you to think we are paper tigers.

The Elected WE are stone cold killers and appliers of the Torment, I assure you.

How long did Tim McVey live after sentencing? We'd zap a Mossad in a heart beat, if we could, just on general principles.

It's funny how you foreigners think you know more about what goes on here than a card carrying, Ugly American Redneck, like me.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Well you wouldn't know who dunnit or not. You obviously don't even know the official stance the government has taken on things.
sounding awful butthurt there.

your insistence that building 7 fell from "Fire Alone" is ridiculous.

yeah, no damage there.

the window washers just took the day off, that's pigeon poop.

telling me what i do or do not know is ridiculous, and i read the nist report, it mainly focused on wtc 1 & 2, not 7, 7 gets barely a mention, before you start squawking about what you claim the report says why dont you provide the excerpt you claim to reference? cus i didnt recall seeing " collapsed due to fire alone" in there all.

plus i cant be bothered to read that long ass report again. it was tedious ten years ago, i doubt it's gotten any punchier since.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
America ain't gonna string up anyone... You give amerikans too much credit. As long as they got beer and chicken wing money on weekends, amerikans are a content bunch.
yeah we should be more like germans.

germans in the glory days of 1938.

Why so bitter?


Well-Known Member
sounding awful butthurt there.

your insistence that building 7 fell from "Fire Alone" is ridiculous.
Since you cannot be bothered to read the report, nor be bothered to reference post # 199, I will reiterate it for you.

The collapse of WTC 7 is the first known instance of a tall building brought down primarily by uncontrolled fires. The fires in WTC 7 were similar to those that have occurred in several tall buildings where the automatic sprinklers did not function or were not present. These other buildings, including Philadelphia's One Meridian Plaza, a 38-story skyscraper that burned for 18 hours in 1991, did not collapse due to differences in the design of the structural system
It is not MY assertion that the building came down from fire alone, I think that is the most rediculous idea ever. its only obvious that it came down from something OTHER than fire.

it is NIST and Government who claim it came down from FIRES ALONE!! Not mine. If you were a better consumer of information you would have realized that many many posts ago, but instead you just want to lay claim to something else entirely and then pretend the proof that makes your claim false does not exist.

Do you understand now? Or are you just going to point fingers and cry out "Troofer, Troofer, Squawk!!"


Well-Known Member
What other outcome would you expect?
Indeed, what would you expect to happen here?

This is a REAL fire, not that girl scout marshmallow roast thing going on at WTC 7.

fire 3.jpg

know what that building looked like 2 days later after burning uncontrollably for 8 times as long as WTC 7 did??? BTW the design is the same.


WTC 7 is the ONLY skyscraper that ever collapsed from fire. Ever.



Well-Known Member
Indeed, what would you expect to happen here?

This is a REAL fire, not that girl scout marshmallow roast thing going on at WTC 7.

know what that building looked like 2 days later after burning uncontrollably for 8 times as long as WTC 7 did??? BTW the design is the same.

WTC 7 is the ONLY skyscraper that ever collapsed from fire. Ever.
the outside structure concrete is gone and that is not a steel frame building

none of them were.

Concrete structure wall construction

the steel is a light weight structure held up by the walls


Well-Known Member
Heavens to Betsy...deja vu all over again.

(Hat tip to Yogi)

I am going to ignite another delicious bowl, and try to figure this all out.