second indoor grow


Well-Known Member
well i don't mean to sound rude, but no shit. if you have read the hole thread then you wound know that this is my learning curve, biggest mistake made is over watering. i don't have all the soil testing stuff i need so most of it is by the seat of my pants grow, and only the second time to grow indoors, and first time for female plants. i have always been a outdoor grower that watered when i had to and got them when it was time. my next grow will be better and i'm gonna stay 12/12 from seed. there are two fans and 4 plants and yes i did have a few problems. i am trying to find some fox farms soil but have been talking to the wife about air or hydro.
Go to the FF site and check for distributors.
I did, found 2 local nurseries close to me, and I guess I got a lot of growers around me, because they both told me over the phone they had sold out over the weekend, one even said a guy came and bought half a pallet.:lol:


Well-Known Member
thanks bro i'll do that. we have also been reading about hydro, but i believe it will be a later grow, she wants to go soil one more time to see if we can do better. hell yeah the ol lady is getting involved. i know the 4 i have now don't need much more for the tops but the new growth on the bottoms is doing good, so they will keep growing while i germ more seeds.


Well-Known Member
#1 isn't doing much on top, but the lower flowers doing good. i get my new magnifier tuesday or wednesday, so i may be taking to top off of it.

#2 is showing a lot of improvement, so maybe i got something right on it. to bad it took so long.

#3 is about like #2 it's looking better everyday.

#4 is more like #1 it's showing improvement, but not much. this is something i got to figure out before i start the next grow, but the two better are on the left side of the box and the worst two are on the right. i don't know how it would make a difference. maybe in the air draw, i'll have to see.


Well-Known Member
#1 isn't doing much on top, but the lower flowers doing good. i get my new magnifier tuesday or wednesday, so i may be taking to top off of it.

#2 is showing a lot of improvement, so maybe i got something right on it. to bad it took so long.

#3 is about like #2 it's looking better everyday.

#4 is more like #1 it's showing improvement, but not much. this is something i got to figure out before i start the next grow, but the two better are on the left side of the box and the worst two are on the right. i don't know how it would make a difference. maybe in the air draw, i'll have to see.
Chalk it up to experience man, at least ya got sumpin' to smoke you can call your own!:hump:


Well-Known Member
yes it is chalked up to experience, and i can do better. atleast i do have 4 buds the size of a bic lighter. i must have done a little right because the buds even small are hard as a rock. i'm gonna get a better exhaust fan and reroute my added wires as they are going through one of my intakes and do a better light setup. i have 7 lights mounted on one plate for overhead and i can't adjust for each plant, that will change. i will use smaller pots so i can get more plants, being i gonna stay 12/12 from seed. i have thought about veg for two weeks but all of my lights are 2700k, i do have two 6000k 13 watt's but that's not going to change much, but will be added to next grow.


Well-Known Member
yes it is chalked up to experience, and i can do better. atleast i do have 4 buds the size of a bic lighter. i must have done a little right because the buds even small are hard as a rock. i'm gonna get a better exhaust fan and reroute my added wires as they are going through one of my intakes and do a better light setup. i have 7 lights mounted on one plate for overhead and i can't adjust for each plant, that will change. i will use smaller pots so i can get more plants, being i gonna stay 12/12 from seed. i have thought about veg for two weeks but all of my lights are 2700k, i do have two 6000k 13 watt's but that's not going to change much, but will be added to next grow.
Check out my thread, I posted pics last night, and you'll see how I keep my lights all at the same level, and just stack stuff under one plant or another if one is taller, but right now I'm trying to just LST them to keep same height.
When I have to raise the lights, I bump them up quite a bit and put the milk crate under, then drop the plants down as needed, so I'm not drilling new holes every few days.


Well-Known Member
i started to do the raising of the plant thing but the buckets where a little top heavy when up that high. another thing i'm going to do is have a catch pan for each pot, as i had 2 big pans for 4 pots. like i said lots of changes.


Well-Known Member
i had cut the top off of the #1 plant and had it drying, but last night we had some of it. i believe it was still early but even being uncured, it was smooth and mellow. it was a good buzz, tingly, easy, and mellow, sativa type buzz. we vegged enjoyed the buzz and watched tv. i can't wait for the other three to mature, they are still a little clear. i really thought they would be done by now but i guess not. i wrote everything about these seeds on a piece of paper and put it with them, they have a low smell to them so that is one thing i really like about them. i'm planning my next round and i plan to have a mix of what i have and i know on my first grow the two males where more indica dom. and i really want to see what it could turn out like. i have some street brought kush seeds and some other bagseeds that where pretty good, so we will see.


Well-Known Member
i had cut the top off of the #1 plant and had it drying, but last night we had some of it. i believe it was still early but even being uncured, it was smooth and mellow. it was a good buzz, tingly, easy, and mellow, sativa type buzz. we vegged enjoyed the buzz and watched tv. i can't wait for the other three to mature, they are still a little clear. i really thought they would be done by now but i guess not. i wrote everything about these seeds on a piece of paper and put it with them, they have a low smell to them so that is one thing i really like about them. i'm planning my next round and i plan to have a mix of what i have and i know on my first grow the two males where more indica dom. and i really want to see what it could turn out like. i have some street brought kush seeds and some other bagseeds that where pretty good, so we will see.
Don't rush it man, remember mine just went 85 days of flower.:o


Well-Known Member
i really didn't want to, but it was acting sick like. the sugar leafs where turning rust and yellow colored and would break to pieces if touched. the lower parts of it are growing but the top had stopped. the other three are doing ok and getting bigger but not much, like i said before i learn from mistakes and i made a bunch on this grow. i'm really looking forward to the next round. these have been in flower since 3/10 or there about, so i'm around 48 days now. if they are more sativa dom. then i may be even longer, a buddy that started a more indica dom. about the same time, has finished and is still in the cure process, can't wait to try it too. he is real scared so he will not post anything and didn't take pics. hell i didn't know he grew till the other day. he is using a mix of cfl's and t-5's. i'm thinking about the 100 watt hps that i have had stored away for years, to go in with my cfl's the next round. i just worried about the heat and need to be in a better area, other then my closet.


Well-Known Member
well i haven't posted pics for two weeks, but i am pleased in what it is doing. i wish i had gotten a handle on what i was doing wrong earlier in the game, but i didn't. i added a 26 watt 2700k flood light to plant 2 and changed 2 2700k 13 watt to 6000k 13's and have seen some change. they are starting to cloud and i hope they finish soon so i can do something different. for some reason the temp jumped to 91 deg. today, and i don't know why, as the temp was cooler to day then it has been. anyway i didn't take a pic of #1 as all it is is the lower nugs, and #4 is looking better but will never catch #2 and #3. i still don't know why the two on the left side of the box grew better then the two on the right side of the box.




Well-Known Member
got my new magnifier today, 40x and 60x. i used it to see i still have a ways to go, their standing out there but not much to the clouds yet. i'm going to try to add more lights too.


Well-Known Member
trying to do pics through my magnifier, first one is 40x.

these two are 60x. like i said their standing up but not much on the clouds yet, i have even seen a amber one here and there on the lower part of the cola.



Well-Known Member
i'm looking forward to it too, hell i know it won't be much but i sure hope it is good. what the seeds came from was pretty good.


Well-Known Member
Good job on the turn around have it all planned out for the next grow?
who cares how much you get def a great learning tool. Some is better than none and even better you grew it.


Well-Known Member
yes i have a plan, and from the looks of it, it is going to be even better. tried to do pics last night but they where all side ways and couldn't get anymore. maybe tonight. thanks for checking in bro.


Well-Known Member
well i don't know what i did but all my pics are coming out side ways, even tried to turn the camera, but i'll figure it out.


Well-Known Member
i use da bucket, and turned them around right but when posted they came out side ways. i'll play with it when i get a little time.