Freebased THC

Free basing cannbis; you are whacy. Free base is very bad stuff; I highly advise you not get involved. Cannibis has postive attributes; free base is pure crazy.
I prefer to smoke my reefer:) hell i'm not one of those dope fiends you see on tv:)i'm not always looking for a fix:) just an occasional smoke will do.
i love my weeeeeeed man i love my shrooms and love my St. Andrews cacti. Its all from the earth you know .
I prefer to smoke my reefer:) hell i'm not one of those dope fiends you see on tv:)i'm not always looking for a fix:) just an occasional smoke will do.

KNOW YOUR DOPE FIEND! their knuckles will be white with inner tension and their pants will be encrusted with semen from constantly jacking off when they cant find a rape victim.
I think the use of a blow torch to burn any drug looks bad....

Ya think anyone ever tried to shoot up with bong water?
I think if they did shoot it you wouldn't get a readable answer!! I don't know about freebasing ganja? I wud like to get baked and basejupmp or skydive, That'd be Cool. Smoke some sock sweat, it might knock you out before you get a chance to smoke it tho.