New Strain/Cultivar


things are looking beautiful with this cross.awesome colors..getting closer...........were calling this one Deadly Poison for now..that will probably change though....



Well-Known Member
This is what it's all about people passion and love and dedication is what creates dank. While many breeders warn against "peeing in the gene pool" I welcome new hybrids and some of my favorite smoke has been created combining the genetics of our favorite smokes.
Well done mate and stunning shots!


This is what it's all about people passion and love and dedication is what creates dank. While many breeders warn against "peeing in the gene pool" I welcome new hybrids and some of my favorite smoke has been created combining the genetics of our favorite smokes.
Well done mate and stunning shots!

thanks so much subcool...truly honored to have you posting in my thread....i truly love cannabis with a passion......and i try to take the best photos I can with this damn cam i works...:mrgreen::mrgreen:

thanks again really means a lot to me...


New Member
I had something that looked like that. This is 2*5 weeks before harvest. It got nice and purple like yours. It is a local strain!! Yours look very nice!! Awesome job!:joint::hump:



I had something that looked like that. This is 2*5 weeks before harvest. It got nice and purple like yours. It is a local strain!! Yours look very nice!! Awesome job!:joint::hump:
oh man....that looks great...looks very similar to the momma i used for my was a local strain call "Dead Man Walking"..but it looks and smells/taste like Purple Erkle or atleast a cross.........nice job on that grow the plant looks amazing:mrgreen::hump:


shes so close.....going to be an early one like her parents.........trichomes are all nice and milky..nice large full trichome heads..........



taste fruity, with an anise overtone....really heady....really gets the brain going in hyper mode...........really couch lock at the same time....good stuff, I'm growing out some clones of it right now.................we just keep calling Deadly Poison........that's the name..



Well-Known Member
things are looking beautiful with this cross.awesome colors..getting closer...........were calling this one Deadly Poison for now..that will probably change though....

Thats beautiful man, some real high times shit. Judging by the leafs it looks like a pretty even 50/50 indica and sativa, the buds like slightly more indica, though I'm sure you have a much better idea of the blend than me. How did it smell once it was dried?


Thats beautiful man, some real high times shit. Judging by the leafs it looks like a pretty even 50/50 indica and sativa, the buds like slightly more indica, though I'm sure you have a much better idea of the blend than me. How did it smell once it was dried?
smells like, fruity pebbles and's totally a 50/50 indica sativa split...:blsmoke:


Good grow. Very good. I hope my Jock Horrors live up to this or even pass it.
you will like the Jock Horror, I have grown JOck out a few times and it is some kills.....really spicy and of my favorites for sure....:blsmoke: