Hey all... I could do with a bit of seasoned advice.
First up tho, some pics from today, Day 20.
This is how she was lookin, after a couple weeks of pretty full on LST

Things were gettin a bit messy in there, with all the cable... So I untied her.

Now after a bit of a stretch, she's back under some slightly tidier LST

So, now for the bit where I'm fishing for some knowledgeable advice.
I've been tryina figure out the next step from here... and I've been considering 3 main options.
1) Leave her be and LST
Just keep training her along, and keep tying that main cola back down. The downside to this seems to be that I'm gonna fill up the main cola side of the tub way faster than the other side. Plus having to keep pulling her top back down and working that around the free space.
2) FIM
I had this in the back of my mind as the main plan... But now I'm thinking that it'd be even worse for my situation than option 1, it just means i've got four main colas to attend to and keep locked down.
3) Off with her head!
Now, at first I would never have considered this option. But the more I think about it, the more sense it makes, all things considered. I'm thinking of chopping off the top of the plant, about of third of the way from the node beneath it. The way I figure this, it'd mean the main growth would stop being pushed to the top of the plant, therefore sending all the energy to the few branches that are remaining, but in a more equal amount. These branches would be easier to keep low and to evenly fill the space I have for my grow.
So normally, I'd think fuckit, and just go with option 3 as I reckon that makes the most sense... But I've held back to see if I can grab some advice from those in the know.
I can't seem to get great pics of her with this camera... but here's a half-decent closeup of her stem, as it is today.
Ohhh... and HOW MUCH have i missed that smell of a growing mj plant. Not the sticky weed smell, but that distinctive 'veg' grow smell. *Gorgeous*