Jackson Michigan Cannabis Lawyers????

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
I don't need one, so it's probably best if I talk to one now so does anyone know any good lawyers in the Jackson county area? I just want to talk to someone about overages and the transfer of etc. with a lawyer. I've talked to a few Compassion clubs and dispensaries but nobody gives up a name. Thanks,
Matt Abel is in Detroit.

He will do a phone meeting for all your questions Cory. He is one of the best. Think it was $300 for Belle to go see him.
Corey I have an attorney in Lansing, I carry his card around in my wallet. Believe this... He was a cop before he became a lawyer.
He isn't a huge name ^ like Abel, but he can be Johnny on the spot if you are screwed, only requiring (around) 1500$ for a retainer. Which is a fraction of what most other attorneys may require. Thing about this guy, he's relatively young @50 and is a hi-energy attorney, not some laid-back near retirement hog attorney like so many.

I'm not sure if he is thee best consultant, but I've met with him (he's gotten "3" of my friends -completely- out of sticky situations) and he is connected in the Lansing area. Guy is a mad-dog trial attorney that any prosecutor would def not want to face ever. I can pm you with his name and number. Hope none of us ever really 'need' his services. :bigjoint:
Thanks both! go on and PM me if I ever get hit up I want a wallet full of cards a head full of names and suitecase full of cash! LOL....but seriously A SUITCASE OF CASH! Glad, what's the price on a retainer if you know and..um before I sound retarded what exactly is a retainer and what does it entail?
A retainer is what you pay a lawyer to get you started on them looking into/processing paperwork for anything necessary in the beginning stages of of a case. It usually covers several hours of time spent working on your case as well as other things. Basically, ist what you pay to "hire" them.
I guess what I thought it was and what I wanted to do was find a legit lawyer who looks good and drop some money on him so if it hits the fan he knows me and he can start instantly getting me out of a cell should I be there. Thanks, hunter
So it seems you are worried about getting caught giving people your overages and excepting the donation for it and the transfer between locations with your plants and or cured marijuana? I have looked into our Michigan Laws and as far as I know there is no law preventing you from this therefore it is totally legal to do. Besides the specification in the law that states your legal possession of only 2.5 cured ounces and 12 plants obviously.
So it seems you are worried about getting caught giving people your overages and excepting the donation for it and the transfer between locations with your plants and or cured marijuana? I have looked into our Michigan Laws and as far as I know there is no law preventing you from this therefore it is totally legal to do. Besides the specification in the law that states your legal possession of only 2.5 cured ounces and 12 plants obviously.

Its good to have a lawyer ready to contact even if you are just a simple patient that doesn't make any kind of transactions with other patients. The harsh reality is that LEO and prosecutors don't always fight fair, its better to be prepared for the worst...
Its good to have a lawyer ready to contact even if you are just a simple patient that doesn't make any kind of transactions with other patients. The harsh reality is that LEO and prosecutors don't always fight fair, its better to be prepared for the worst...

ALL OF THAT! both guys, yes.
Corey I have an attorney in Lansing, I carry his card around in my wallet. Believe this... He was a cop before he became a lawyer.
He isn't a huge name ^ like Abel, but he can be Johnny on the spot if you are screwed, only requiring (around) 1500$ for a retainer. Which is a fraction of what most other attorneys may require. Thing about this guy, he's relatively young @50 and is a hi-energy attorney, not some laid-back near retirement hog attorney like so many.

I'm not sure if he is thee best consultant, but I've met with him (he's gotten "3" of my friends -completely- out of sticky situations) and he is connected in the Lansing area. Guy is a mad-dog trial attorney that any prosecutor would def not want to face ever. I can pm you with his name and number. Hope none of us ever really 'need' his services. :bigjoint:
Hello I am looking to possibly get that lawyer information you have.Is there anyway u could post that info or send me his name and number please.
I am in the Jackson Lansing area looking for a great mmmp lawyer to represent me in a trial that I had 73 plant instead of 72. I was one plant over. They are charging me and also took all of my patients plants and meds. I am 67 years old and i served two tours of Vietnam before I was 21 I have never been in any kind of trouble before and now I am scared that I will have to go to jail in the same country I fought and watched my brothers die for. I can't believe this is happening to me.
I wouldn't lose one minute of sleep over 1 plant over the limit. they can only charge you for that single plant, you'll be asked to plead to lesser and given probation. smoke one and chill, there are many soldiers in this fight in much worse trouble than that. I'd be more pissed about losing my gear.
There is Matt Able down in the Detroit area. He is pretty well known and frequents your area. http://www.cannabiscounsel.com/

What exactly are they charging you with Green bean machine?

The 72 plant count limit is part of MMMP administrative law, not criminal law. I believe criminal law, and the affirmative MJ defense, was intentionally written without any such limits to avoid any such LEO game against it's citizens.
I hope everything works out for you GreenBean. It sounds like a lawyer may not even be needed. Don't let
the stress get the best of you brother.

Can you share any of the circumstances that lead to you getting searched/compliance check?
I would get Dan Grow on the phone. It isn't one plant. You are going to need a rather solid section 8 defense.

Start off by coming up with a very good reason your 5 patients needed 72 much less 73 plants to keep them supplied. That is the first question you are going to be asked. Just because 72 is the max, be prepared to explain why you needed that many.

We did a couple of cases like this and it comes to what is wrong with the patients, did they need oil and why, etc. This is not a trivial defense. I hope your doc stands by you. You need a very good lawyer as well. Try Grow, Komorn, Abel, and there are a couple of more in Lansing I could recommend.

Dr. Bob
Hello I am looking to possibly get that lawyer information you have.Is there anyway u could post that info or send me his name and number please.

may the positive-force be with you GB, this is the attorney I like: http://www.avvo.com/attorneys/48933-mi-michael-maddaloni-749060.html
I stand by everything I said about him previously, hope he hasn't been f'in up :bigjoint:

you'll see that he's been cited in both 2010 and 2013 w/ some state disciplinary action. Lol. let us know if you get any details about that heh heh... but I wouldn't assume that he's done anything wrong, or doesn't do a good job for his clients. Most of the people I trust get a little wild especially when passion or stress is involved. good luck man!!