Thought I`d post some pictures after I got the start lights installed in the tent, gotta love clip-and-go beaners

. Ladies seem to have really liked the extended nap time, and after a good morning misting, they`re ready to go as usual. I think I`ll take Supas advice and continue the 18/6 schedule, one day shouldn`t hurt their routine too, too much. Anways here`s some tent shots of the crew,

The Family this afternoon (notice new `Blizzard`fan in the back right, $20, steal of a deal, awesome circ fan)

Shots of Leader, Mohican, Mrs. O, and White Lady respectively. Loving that rich light green new growth overnight

Our canopy level, looking pretty even. White Lady is due for a transplant any day now.

... and a shot for HC and Supa after we get all the bugs worked out. This is what I generally see everyday with the CFL`s, the MH seems to keep my RH lower? Not sure how thatworks, but it`s what`s happening! Haha.
Thanks for stopping all, appreciate the support. Almost 2000 views and about to enter flower, you guys will help get this Cataract Refernce noticed for other to enjoy this lovely strain

. Happy growing,