Auto NYC Day Update. **


Good evening, everyone.
Happy Sunday.

I just wanted to post a couple update pics of my baby, but we have some worries. We did a full flush the other day because we began to see the stem turning purple. And after we flushed she slowly but surely began to turn back to green again. Today when i When to turn the lights back on for her, the two bottom leaves are starting to get a yellowish shade to them.

If possible please tell me what me be going on, and how i could fix it.

Thank you

PS- I took these pictures right after i turned on the light for her today, so she is still sleeping.

photo (12).JPGphoto (13).JPG:shock:


Active Member
What kinda soil what kinda nutrients are you using because you shouldn't be using any..
Check water and soil pH
Temps should be round 80
Don't flush anymore man..... it causes stress


What kinda soil what kinda nutrients are you using because you shouldn't be using any..
Check water and soil pH
Temps should be round 80
Don't flush anymore man..... it causes stress
We are using Gardeners Gold potting soil at the moment. For nutrients we are actually using miracle grow tomato food. OUr plan was to get all fox farm products but we just cant seem to find them

The only reason we flushed to begin with was because we believed the yellowing was because of too much nutrients, but now we are just not sure.

As for the Ph, i have to get a reader because the one I had was giving misleading readings.


Active Member
Yea dude I always wait until I can stick my finger a 1-2 inches deep in soil and its dry then water if its still moist let it ride


What could i do or buy to help increase to pottasium?

and right, im going to be doing that from now on. I am also going to buy some more perlite to add to my soil. Sense it doesn't have much.


Active Member
Don't wory about the stem purple it'll get better just keep it all natural for now and make those roots work for the water don't drowned them