Auto NYC Day Update. **


yellow leaves happen from a deficiency in nitrogen. the older leaves are effected first but as long as the new growth is fine you should be good. If the new growth starts turning yellow you should up the nitrogen a little.

Yeah my new growth is still a nice nice green, and doesn't look likes its going to fade to yellow, so i hope i will be good. If it does though, could you recommend a good fert. to fix it?

Big Trees

Well-Known Member
if you want organic you can make a tea out of guano and earth worm castings. Chemical, there is a million manufacturers out there to choose from. Imo i would use bontanicare they are chemical/organic.

Big Trees

Well-Known Member
Botanicare is as close as your gonna get to organic from liquid nutes. If i where you I would pick up some grow and bloom so you can give them whatever your base is missing in your feedings. If they are green then leave them be though. Its just nice to have some shit to fill the gaps of whats not in your soil. Teas work excellent though


Botanicare is as close as your gonna get to organic from liquid nutes. If i where you I would pick up some grow and bloom so you can give them whatever your base is missing in your feedings. If they are green then leave them be though. Its just nice to have some shit to fill the gaps of whats not in your soil. Teas work excellent though
Tea's? what do you mean tea's? And where could i get this botanicare?


if you want organic you can make a tea out of guano and earth worm castings. Chemical, there is a million manufacturers out there to choose from. Imo i would use bontanicare they are chemical/organic.
I have bat guano and worm castings both in my soil

Big Trees

Well-Known Member
amazon or a good grow shop but amazon definatley has them. Teas are when you put bat guanos and other organic materials such as earth worm castings in a container with water and let is sit with an air stone pump running for week or two and you feed it about once a week or as needed. Amazon is the shit when it comes to shopping for anything, only problem is you can't ask them questions like a hydro store but if your in occupied territory then it don't matter anyways. I would stray away from miracle grow as well. If you want simple I would look into subcools supersoil recipe. its a just water start to finish recipe


amazon or a good grow shop but amazon definatley has them. Teas are when you put bat guanos and other organic materials such as earth worm castings in a container with water and let is sit with an air stone pump running for week or two and you feed it about once a week or as needed. Amazon is the shit when it comes to shopping for anything, only problem is you can't ask them questions like a hydro store but if your in occupied territory then it don't matter anyways. I would stray away from miracle grow as well. If you want simple I would look into subcools supersoil recipe. its a just water start to finish recipe

im going to go look on amazon right now.
and may i ask what is an air stone pump? is it like the whole hydroponics idea or totally different?


Though if they are green and healthy I wouldn't worry
and i know, im going to let them go off of regular water until she starts to flower. Im taking this information in for my next grows. i have 3 more seeds. Im just taking my time and focusing on one at a time.

Big Trees

Well-Known Member
Nah its a pump for fish tanks but you can you use them in hydro. They oxygenate the water. It helps mix all the guanos and castings in the water. If you make a tea you but all the stuff in a sock or something in a bunch of water with the airstone running.

Big Trees

Well-Known Member
That's good though. When you make things complicated that's growing gets complicated. When you get more experience that's when you start messing around to see what works best. Learn the basics first


New Member
I'm pretty confident after what you've told me your soil conditions are good, the 'tomato food' breakdown you posted also looks good for vegging reefer... Only thing to try is dry her out for a few days if the soil is pretty wet, over-watering is easy and was the mistake I made most often followed by over-feeding and feeding too soon, I think we all run into that using soil at some point.

You can speed up the drying by pointing a fan at the pot and making sure air circulates around it real fast...

I'd recommend popping another bean, though, once stunted ganja rarely recovers fully, putting all that time and effort the loss of 20 days might just be easier to deal with than spending an entire grow's effort on an under-performing plant.

All the best, hope your ladies THRIVE!



I'm pretty confident after what you've told me your soil conditions are good, the 'tomato food' breakdown you posted also looks good for vegging reefer... Only thing to try is dry her out for a few days if the soil is pretty wet, over-watering is easy and was the mistake I made most often followed by over-feeding and feeding too soon, I think we all run into that using soil at some point.

You can speed up the drying by pointing a fan at the pot and making sure air circulates around it real fast...

I'd recommend popping another bean, though, once stunted ganja rarely recovers fully, putting all that time and effort the loss of 20 days might just be easier to deal with than spending an entire grow's effort on an under-performing plant.

All the best, hope your ladies THRIVE!

Thank you so much. I think we may start to germinate our Blue cheese tonight.