Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
Yeah I've read on the same strains spitting out 2 types of phenos, just never seen it till this strain! And you remember the 2 Royal Queen clones I took b4 I had to leave?? Well now they to are looking as if there two types of phenos!! And its really odd because they both came from the same plant!! I mean just at one glance you can tell that there not the same. Hopefully they'll both sets of both strains will produce great smoke, I am sure they will. Now with the Belladonna, I can't wait to try her smoke out!! She (the one flowering) is starting to stink sommething awful!! But in a good way.. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Yeah I've read on the same strains spitting out 2 types of phenos, just never seen it till this strain! And you remember the 2 Royal Queen clones I took b4 I had to leave?? Well now they to are looking as if there two types of phenos!! And its really odd because they both came from the same plant!! I mean just at one glance you can tell that there not the same. Hopefully they'll both sets of both strains will produce great smoke, I am sure they will. Now with the Belladonna, I can't wait to try her smoke out!! She (the one flowering) is starting to stink sommething awful!! But in a good way.. :mrgreen:
If from same plant, that's pretty damn odd. Bella is going to put you on the floor. Make sure your wife has a spatula to scrape you up if you over-do the first round with her.


Well-Known Member
Haha!! Yeah, I am hoping I do aswell! :mrgreen: I do remember reading that in the informmation on each strain box they have on seedbanks. I tell ya what! If I do, I will send you guys a small sample, cool beans?! ;) I love 2 share! Getting high isn't fun,m unless you can get high with your friends! Know what I mean?.. ;)

I have been hoping with a few of my "blue" & or my "purple" strains that atleast one of them both will produce some colorfull buds!! Don't get me wrong, I love those compact light green nugs! Its just I love those compact blue/purple buds more!! Haha.. ;)


Well-Known Member
Beautys in the eye of the beholder dank. Shades of summer are in right now. Purples officially out in my books lol anyone got some nice blues? :):):)


Well-Known Member
Beautys in the eye of the beholder dank. Shades of summer are in right now. Purples officially out in my books lol anyone got some nice blues? :):):)
True.. there's just something about those purple buds!! And there taste aswell!! If the "color" purple had a "taste" a "purple" strain is what the color would taste like!! Imo.. :mrgreen:
I've really never smoked on any "blue" strains other then the Blueberry, and a strain my Dad had crossed he named "Blue Demon".. now talking about a super heavy hitting strain!! The Blue Demon will put your ass on the floor with NO getting up for hours!! No BS!! I remember when I smoked it feeling super trippy feeling, and feeling as if it had glued my eyes shut, & I couldn't open them hardly!! And damn she tastes good also!! I may just grow one out of her so you guys can get a look at her & get to know her. ;) I do believe you may fall in love Nija.. haha.. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone!! Glad 2 be back!! Sure did miss everyone!! Well, I know I dropped the ball, & let a few of you down, but as said b4, it couldn't had been helped, if you "only" knew what all I've had to go through while I was away, you wouldn't think twice!! Just one of the issues I've been dealing with is loosing over 1,400$ of income a month!! So, now I am trying like hell more then ever to get my "seed" thing up and running!! I've done pretty good with it thus far, would just like 2 see/have more growers coming to me 4 there needs. But oh well, maybe 1 day it'll take off. ;) wishfull thinking I guess. Lol.. anyways, enough of that!!

Ok, I am going to do my very best to update everyone & catch y'all up to speed as to what all I have going on, and fill you in on what all was missed during the time I was gone with my notes, and pictures of the strains most of you where watching at the time I had to split.. again, I am sorry about that, and it won't happen again!! The strains that I /you seen that I had going at that time are now alittle bigger, and for the most part are either still in vegging, or flowering, which theve only been in flowering for a week to 2, so not really that far behind.

The strains I have vegging are as follows: Belladonna (2) White Urkle, Super Pig, China Yunnan, all the strains that's flowering, there (clones) are vegging, also vegging are, Royal Queen Critical (clones) y'all seen, also Blue Mammoth, Original Berry, Wild Rose, Casey Jones,Snowcap,Critical Jack Herer,Northern Lights x Shiva Skunk.

The strains that are flowering now are as follows: Peyote Purple (clones y'all seen) 2 of them. Blueberry "was a baby last time y'all seen her", Purple OG#18, Chocolate Heaven, Chemmy Jones, Blue-OG, Purple Pineberry,Bluedream, Belladonna (1) Purple Fire.

All the strains that are flowering have only been flowering for a week to two, all but the "Bluedream, & Belladonna(1)" and those have been flowering almost right at a month.
Belladonna(1) just started showing her preflowers/hairs, and she is stinking to high heaven, but in a super good way!! :mrgreen: the Bluedream hasn't started showing sex yet, which a few of the past strains have took it seems like 4 ever to show sex, like the Peyote Purple, she took I know right at almost 3 weeks to show her hairs!!! I know that the "Bluedream" is a female though just by her characteristic's.... I was just wanting to go ahead & catch everyone up to speed on the strains going now, along with the ones flowering, & I will gather my notes, and pictures on my other sd card, and post a update of the ladies y'all seen/was watching before I left, I will do that here in a few. Well, I hope you enjoy what you are about to see, and I would really love to hear from all of you, about how you think the girls are doing, and also on your grows, and how y'all have all been doing???... please. Thanks guys.. Your friend, Dank..

Ps.. I know its a lot of pics! But hey isn't that everyone likes 2 see!?? :mrgreen:


Kite High

Well-Known Member
you know I was thinking bout an old tip about planting hot peppers near your maters and it makes them a bit spicy...now this proved true in action in my garden ....so what about co planting with cannabis? hmmmm.....


Well-Known Member
Man dank those girls are beautiful, even though we havn't seen you much, its obvious you've been busy as usual. Very healthy looking man, Bellas are beauties for sure, and that purple pineberry looks gorgeous too. Does it have a pine smell to it yet, I've wanted to find a nice piney strain for my collection.

I've seen a few things recently about co planting. If I can find it I saw an awesome chart the other day that showed all kinds of different plants that it was benificial to plant near od in your gardens. Sage, and honeysuckle are the only 2 off the top of my head I can think of right now though.

I know you guys all love new genetics, so I thought I'd share a link to a new project of mine https://www.rollitup.org/seed-strain-reviews/648565-sincity-seeds-sinmint.html#post9011863. Hopefully it turns out well, and I don't fuck them up, I would be sad.


Well-Known Member
Can you put up a pic of that OG18 tomorrow? How far is she?

Yup. Sure thing bro.. she's doing good. Reason why I didn't is because she was in the flowering cycle at the time I took all those pics yesterday, along with a few others.. :mrgreen: I really liked the way that strain looked on the seedbank I purchasedthe beans from!! All nice and frosty looking! They almost look like velvet 2 me.. maybe it was just me,lol.. or maybe I was just to stoned!! ;) either way she sure looks good..


Well-Known Member
you know I was thinking bout an old tip about planting hot peppers near your maters and it makes them a bit spicy...now this proved true in action in my garden ....so what about co planting with cannabis? hmmmm.....
You know bro, I didn't even think about that!! Oh hell... isn't that going to be interesting!! Cause that last picture of the clones with my peppers happens to be all my "most hottest" peppers I plant every year in the garden!! If that ends up being the case, then where going have some hot Blueberry & Super Pigs!!! Haha.. I just hope it doesn't burn ones lungs when smoked!! Know if it does add alittle spice, I think that would be ok.. ;)

joe blow greenthumb

Well-Known Member
Or, even better, peppers that get you high!
You know bro, I didn't even think about that!! Oh hell... isn't that going to be interesting!! Cause that last picture of the clones with my peppers happens to be all my "most hottest" peppers I plant every year in the garden!! If that ends up being the case, then where going have some hot Blueberry & Super Pigs!!! Haha.. I just hope it doesn't burn ones lungs when smoked!! Know if it does add alittle spice, I think that would be ok.. ;)


Well-Known Member
Man dank those girls are beautiful, even though we havn't seen you much, its obvious you've been busy as usual. Very healthy looking man, Bellas are beauties for sure, and that purple pineberry looks gorgeous too. Does it have a pine smell to it yet, I've wanted to find a nice piney strain for my collection.

I've seen a few things recently about co planting. If I can find it I saw an awesome chart the other day that showed all kinds of different plants that it was benificial to plant near od in your gardens. Sage, and honeysuckle are the only 2 off the top of my head I can think of right now though.

I know you guys all love new genetics, so I thought I'd share a link to a new project of mine https://www.rollitup.org/seed-strain-reviews/648565-sincity-seeds-sinmint.html#post9011863. Hopefully it turns out well, and I don't fuck them up, I would be sad.

Hey bro!! It was good 2 hear from you!! ;) and yeah, I would LOVE to see that chart if you can locate it.. because I am going to placing quite a few of the girls in the garden this year right smack in the middle of my corn patch!! And if that's the case, then I will take a few & plant them next to whatever the chart sais would be benificial to them.. ;) thanks 4 letting me know that bro.. I've herd something about that before, can't remember which plant/flower it is, but your/its suppose to keep pests such as "spider mites" and etc' away/off our girls!! I want to say either rosemary, or some kind of mint, don't quote me on that, but its one of the two I believe!!
And yup!! Y'all know me. I've been super busy round here with the girls, trying to get all my other veggiess ready for the garden, tilling the garden(still have to do) btw!!! I may just hire someone to do that!! ;) and the finances has been somewhat of an issue! Lost 1,400$ a month income! So yeah, been trying to make ends meet with other side stuff I do. Would really like to get my "seed" thing up & going! That would help out a lot I feel. But its all good, will make it one way or another!! ;) I won't let it keep me down to long..
And that Sinmint sounds interesting bro.. keep me up to date on that if you will.. thanks. And again it was great to hear from you..

And everyone else too! :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Oh! Sorry. Yeah the Purple Pineberry is starting to smell super piney!! That I would say has to be one of my favs right now.. I am going to keep clones of that one going, cauase I've seen where secret valley seeds isn't going to make anymore of that strain!! Idk why there doing that! Hell they have/had some kick ass strains imo!!


Well-Known Member
Or, even better, peppers that get you high!
Now that would be the shit!! Haha.. wouldn't that be nuts!! See I take some of my produce & sale it at the farmerx market around here, haha!! That just put a picture in my mind of a little old lady buying some peppers for her beans & getting bombed!! Haha.. maybe where onto something! :mrgreen:
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