Vertical Coco Tent Grow-Breeder's Boutique Deep Psychosis, Sour Cherry & Qrazy Quake

That looks like a nice haul and you still got plants growing. Nice.

And yeah, getting drunk and acting the fool is never a good thing. Tis one of the reasons I quit drinking. :) Good luck with all that, hopefully you can get to a place you are at least cool with. I hate that unfinished, weird feeling with girls.

Loving the buds dude.
mmmmmm pink loveliness. my girl would freak if i laid fresh cut flowers on the floor like that hahaha props man.

I dont have a lady but would appreciate it if i found a chic that thought it was beautiful. Yea that was a nice surprise I got about two weeks ago when I was digging through the foliage to realize shit this girl is gonna be purp red and pink. She's beautiful. The only problem may be that I'm not sure which clone is her in veg. Hahah. I definitely should have labeled the clones. I actually still have one sour cherry I haven't transplanted and considering throwing away. I'm hoping its not her. Maybe I should keep her just in case.

Thanks for the props bruh. I owe a large majority of my success to the people that have me tips throughout the grow.
I may need everyone's help to figure out which pheno is which that I currently have in veg because I'm a dumbass and forgot to label them. Let you know soon as I get past my harvest and get pics up.
Riu has a good crew geared for paying the knowledge forward. We all stand on the shoulders of guys been doing this for time. Labelling is moat definitely not my strong suit tho man :lol:
Okay so the initial weights are in for the sour cherries after drying are:

sour cherry 3 - 78.2
sour cherry 2 (purp pheno) - 148.3 g (there's also a small gladware container that has some which I haven't weighed so a little more than that)

on the rack now for drying is deep psychosis 1. I anticipate it getting 3-4 oz. I still have deep psychosis 2 and the QQ in the tent but I believe they should get the chop in a day or so.

On a personal note this weekend was great. I got to hang out with my younger bro all weekend. Went to the beach, caught a baseball game and went to a roller coaster park. Not bad right? i miss the hell out of being away from my bro. Funny how when youre beatin on each other as young kids i never thought he would be my best friend. Oh and i recovered from tht deunken foolish night with that chic. I did it MY way instead of listening to friends and it worked out great. Life is looking great. Hope all is goodie with erryone.
Hell yeah. Nice little haul you got. And glad you followed your gut with the girl.

I ain't got no siblings, but I know as the years go on I love my family more and more. I miss my parents and wonder why I ever wanted to move away. These days I'm trying to figure out how to get everyone back together.

Hope all is good with you too bro. Baby's doing good over here. 23 weeks. :)
Hell yeah. Nice little haul you got. And glad you followed your gut with the girl.

I ain't got no siblings, but I know as the years go on I love my family more and more. I miss my parents and wonder why I ever wanted to move away. These days I'm trying to figure out how to get everyone back together.

Hope all is good with you too bro. Baby's doing good over here. 23 weeks. :)

i was thinking the same thing not bad so far. I got the other three chopped Monday. I'll upload pics tonight of the others.

Yea I followed my gut but nothing materialized from that chic other than friends still got some work to put in to get her back in bed. When I have time. lol. Seen her the other night though and talked wit her a little bit at the bar. No stress on my head anymore.

Glad to hear the baby is doing well bro.
Well I know I said I would do this days ago but life kinda has it's own way of handling time.

As promised here are the others minus the deep psychosis 2. For some reason I didn't take pics of her. Mostly because she isn't gonna yield much.

Deep Psychosis 1:

She can't hold herself up...




She had some light burn in a couple spots...




QQ: (she smelled like foot loops the entire grow) can definitely see the Space Queen in her:









Deep Psychosis 1: 139.1g (almost 5 zips)
Deep Psychosis 2: 55.9g (this one was a late add to the tent)
QQ: 111.2g (almost 4 zips)
Sour Cherry 3:78g (also late into the tent)
Sour Cherry 2: 148.3 (purple pheno)

Grand total: 532.5g (a little over 19 zips if rounding to 28g=1oz)

So 0.8875g/W

:clap: happy days kicks ;)

hear ya on life getting in the way of errr life!? lol

what's your preference so far?

All of them are solid smoke. Just depends on what you're looking for. My personal favorite is the deep psychosis as I expected. Then the QQ and then sour cherry. I would also like to pop the smelly cherry I have next round but it may have to wait. I really wish i would have figured the sex out sooner on the males i had because they took up space that the two low yielders couldve used to catch up to the others. I got some plants in veg now. I'll post those up tonight. I will also post the smoke reports on all the ladies by different phenos. I'm glad I had some peeps come through and give advice along the way. Not sure i would've gotten what I did out of it. Now I have to think of the lessons learned and possible improvements. The main thing I would like to change next grow is to have a gravity fed reservoir to make feeding them a little easier. Maybe with a valve. I got the tent bleached and cleaned so she's ready when the veg girls are.
I ran 5 gal buckets with a valve at the bottom worked real well. I some small gague tubing, hard pvc, and these push on valves, they just fit right onto the tube. Drill a hole in the bucket, put the tube through, and use a little GOOP. Works like a charm. One thing I did was poke/ drill multiple holes in the tube that stuck into the rez. That way the roots wouldn't clog the things up. Many places for the water to run out of.
Mane, I have been slacking. I've had plants vegging and I didn't do any of the things I said I was gonna do in my last post so I look to make good on them in the next couple of posts. I'll probably just continue this thread until I can work other strains for my third grow.

deep cosis is a lush smoke. look forward to the toke reports and your next run. grats on your number of zips too;)

The deep psychosis is a lush smoke for sure. The smell and the taste have a strong correlation. The DP1 had a much stronger resemblance to the description at BB's site. The DP2 was similar but didn't the aroma and taste weren't as strong as the DP1.

The QQ was good as well. Has the foot loops smell to it. However, the taste was not all that fruity as with the other strains. It had more of a floral smell when lit.

The sour cherry was nice. I preferred the purple pheno as it had a stronger cherry taste and smell to it. The taste is like a cherry picked a little too early and tart (sour). So it aligned well with the description on BB's site as well.

In all I got exactly what I was expecting.

I ran 5 gal buckets with a valve at the bottom worked real well. I some small gague tubing, hard pvc, and these push on valves, they just fit right onto the tube. Drill a hole in the bucket, put the tube through, and use a little GOOP. Works like a charm. One thing I did was poke/ drill multiple holes in the tube that stuck into the rez. That way the roots wouldn't clog the things up. Many places for the water to run out of.

I went to the local gardening shop and bought a valve, some 1/4" drip line, and 2GPH drippers. I am hoping to simplify the watering a little so I'm not bending over the pots so much and not having water drip out the sides of the pot from watering too quickly. I have a bin that intend to drill a hole at the bottom, with a valve directly off the bin so I can flip it to feed all the pots at once. It will be gravity fed.

I have to begin reassembling my tent and applying the "easy watering" idea. I have some minor things I need to work on inside the tent as well, including installing my new mountain air carbon filter. Kinda stoked about it. I think I will be attaching the filter to the under side of the cool tube. I just need to figure out if and how I need to support the weight (24lbs).
Hey man just read through all this and looks like you had a nice harvest man. Those pink cherry buds were very pretty, and everything looks like it was very frosty!

As far as the filter goes I'd say just set it on a bucket or somthing to support the weight. Are you sticking with the vert setup or changing that up too?
Well as promised long ago, here are pics of what I have in veg. I had a minor mishap and as a result only have one sour cherry. My dog doesn't like smoke so decided to chew on most of them and destroying a sour cherry. One of the QQ was damaged so it's a little stunted. But enough of that shit. here we goooo......


Deep Psychosis:






Sour Cherry:


Nice looking girls man, love the shine on the leaves looks very healthy is that natural or did you just spray them with something?
Hey man just read through all this and looks like you had a nice harvest man. Those pink cherry buds were very pretty, and everything looks like it was very frosty!

As far as the filter goes I'd say just set it on a bucket or somthing to support the weight. Are you sticking with the vert setup or changing that up too?

I did pretty well for myself the first time out. I was kinda impressed with it as well. The sour cherry has a nice bag appeal.

I'm going to stick with the vert setup. I like how manageable it makes my space. I'll post pics up once I have the tent back up. Should be sometime this upcoming week.
Nice looking girls man, love the shine on the leaves looks very healthy is that natural or did you just spray them with something?

They are pretty healthy. However, the shine is from the neem oil. I starting seeing knats towards the end of my last grow so this is more of a preventative measure to make sure they don't effect my grow. But good catch though TC.