And I just quoted your reply to the quote of mine that I quoted which you had originally quoted. Now that we've established that, what's happening? hahahha

Just got back from hunting the ever elusive morel mushroom. came back empty god damnit!! i need to eat some to satisfy this itch
Go for it. Maybe it'll give you the urge to pick one up.

Just got back from hunting the ever elusive morel mushroom. came back empty god damnit!! i need to eat some to satisfy this itch

Can be difficult from time to time, depending on where you live - good luck with the hunt man, and don't eat every one you may find at once. :P
man wtf did someone just erase my post.... or am I so high I forgot I forgot to post it???? either way that's some bullshit...
your still pretty skinny and i think youll see better gains if you just start eating egg whites and tuna vs supplements. Maybe a creatine cycle. Sorry lil dude, your pretty skinny, like help me open this pickle jar skinny. I dont even work out and my lil bitch arms are twice that size (mostly triceps) :):):)
Aww ninja. That's not nice. Some people just have rediculously high metabolisms and can't gain muscle easily. Their lean muscle can be just as strong as the bulk muscle tho.
I want my husband to start working out again, but he has no motivation to do it alone. And he pisses me off when I work out with him. Cus he moans and bitches about having to work out.

Only time he actually stuck with it was when he was doing it with my brother, but my brother doesn't respect schedules very well. Say they are gonna start at 5 and they arent done until 9 because my brother yaps his jaw for hours. Brother also doesn't care that it bothers me an hubby.

So.... *sigh*
ya know... most of the offensive shit I say im just kidding.. no need to take shit to heart... just putting that out there.... its 75 outside today and sunny.... ima get an 8 ball... who got half on it