pictures that make me feel things

Really? Haha I would let my girl put that up there is really nothing over the top on it you can't only not see her face but only some side definition of ass, it's homage to gaming, smoking, and having sex appeal... It gives the kids downing Mountain Dew staying up all night yelling at ten year olds and not going out all weekend so they can fester up some acne hope in this world that a sexy girl is on the other end.... You must be the kid who goes into the library to look at tasteful nudes and giggles with your buddy about the porn in the library
Really? Haha I would let my girl put that up there is really nothing over the top on it you can't only not see her face but only some side definition of ass, it's homage to gaming, smoking, and having sex appeal... It gives the kids downing Mountain Dew staying up all night yelling at ten year olds and not going out all weekend so they can fester up some acne hope in this world that a sexy girl is on the other end.... You must be the kid who goes into the library to look at tasteful nudes and giggles with your buddy about the porn in the library

I must be the only decent guy left. She needs to dump his ass. She prolly cheats too.
Before you were together? Does he know these are still online? You just posted it recently... I got his back! I truly feel bad for him now. If my gf ever posted pics like that all over the internet I'd dump her in a sec. An obviously cry for attention. Sorry unless you gettin paid, you bringin shame.

See guys dumping girls over expressions of art is sad. I feel sorry for girls. When a guy posts up his abs(not for art mind you) it isn't frowned upon. Abs turn girls on as much as butts turn guys on. Yet it is ok? Don't feel bad for him. He gets to hit this while others can only dream about.

If you made art, wouldn't you want it to be seen? My ass is a work of art and I'm proud of it. Does that make me a whore? Maybe in some closed minded eyes, but not in my eyes. I can be proud of my ass just as much as a man can be proud of his abs.

cheats? What?! I HATE cheaters. I have been cheated on I would never wish that upon anyone. I am the most faithful girlfriend in the world. If anyone cheats between the two of us, it's you. Thanks for telling me I have a nice ass.
Whoa WHoa WHOA there newbie sock puppet. You have underestimated our love for the dalia that is dank. She is beautiful. She is intelligent. She is one of us. YOU are a stranger.
See guys dumping girls over expressions of art is sad. I feel sorry for girls. When a guy posts up his abs(not for art mind you) it isn't frowned upon. Abs turn girls on as much as butts turn guys on. Yet it is ok? Don't feel bad for him. He gets to hit this while others can only dream about.

If you made art, wouldn't you want it to be seen? My ass is a work of art and I'm proud of it. Does that make me a whore? Maybe in some closed minded eyes, but not in my eyes. I can be proud of my ass just as much as a man can be proud of his abs.

cheats? What?! I HATE cheaters. I have been cheated on I would never wish that upon anyone. I am the most faithful girlfriend in the world. If anyone cheats between the two of us, it's you. Thanks for telling me I have a nice ass.

Question: why did you have to get someone else to do it behind his back, not tell him, and post them? You shady. I love all forms of art, but sorry I just really feel for this guy.
I think someone is just jealous that they're not hitting this. lol. I always get attacked verbally by guys that want to put it in my butt.

smoke.jpg doing some lung training.
it's an older picture. my hair is still purple and fabulous.

K I take my previous statement back then, I spoke to soon

and here is a pic that makes me feel happy, the white dog is Casey she is 13 and still letting it all go girl
King might wanna step down cause there be some Queens in the house ;)

There's also a pissed off Figong since respect isn't being shown... I've been quiet so far, but that may not last long after a few more comments from the peanut gallery.
There's also a pissed off Figong since respect isn't being shown... I've been quiet so far, but that may not last long after a few more comments from the peanut gallery.

LOL! Hope you don't mind Fig. Step aside I have some Disrespecting to do.

Kush: No disrespect, But you ain't even good looking. Part of it is your attitude and how you show yourself off thinking every dude wants you. That's just a turn off for me. Yeah, I'm picky with my Queens, so be it.

I dont wanna Fight. Actually you have some great Skillz with pictures or whatever, finding things off google what have you.
That's all for now, lemme know when you got some other Pics of cool shit.(Not Saggy asses)
