one little soldier


Active Member
good looking girl over there! u should transplant soon!!
thanks. It was a bag seed. I thing GDP x kush? I really forgot. I was tempted to transplant today. I've read so many different things tho. I have empty 1 gallon pots but, I'm shooting for at least 3 gallon.

Its still only 2 inches also. I was hoping I can get one more inch , and let the roots really bind. 1 week max I'm guessing ? I have holes on the bottom and I believe I see the roots .... I'm sure its them. But I see none pushing out of the holes.


Well-Known Member
My growing experience only (and it has worked every time) for starting in solo cups: grow plants until the leaves begin to drape over the edge, then transplant into final destination.


Not doing anything special. Just seed, fox farm and sun. The purple trips me out ....first time growing anything.
welcome to rollitup and welcome to the wodnerful world of growing your own meds, dont let anyone make you think its to hard or you can't do it yourself, everything in this world that you need to survive CAN BE PRODUCED BY YOU, just as good or better than the mega-corps and large drug cartels that tell you that you need them to get these things. just remember, it all started by being made by 1 or some people/person, do your homework and youll have some awesome medicine/product, sorry for digressing.

all you need is a good medium (decent soil) - a decent light (150watt hps/ 7-10 large 50watt CFLs' at the minmum, 600-1000 watt high pressure sodium light or the sun would be 'optimal')
decent water, most of the time its pretty basic, if you can drink it then your plants can drink it, be aware of chlorine, that is the worst thing for plants in most tap water. usually its okay, and to be sure you can fill up a few gallon juges or whatever else and leave the cap off so most of the chlorine will evaporate over a few days time, but usually either way it fine. as for nutrients, as long as you refer back to the decent soil you should pretty much be good. if you want you can get a basic NPK (Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium) feeding formula from any garden variety, hardware type store or simply wal-mart, as long as your not over zealous and be stingy with the crstals, miracle-gro can work fine, just make sure its highly diluted and dont add alot. EVER. they will burn easily because of the high concentration of the NPK and other micro nutes in miracle gro....its usually as 30-15-30 formula with miracle gro and really its all you need to grow decent little or even nice size plants, i have used MG to grow over an LB of MMJ with a 600 watt light and 5gallon pots, there are also other brands at these stores that are fine as i said, make sure it as NPK, the ratio really doesnt matter, as long as those nutes are the main ingrediants of the formula. Marijuana also needs micro nutes to grow and although the soil usually has these micro-nutes it doesnt hurt to try to add some to your feeding, although not necessary, as i said, first time should KEEP IT SIMPLE and as you gain experience and know how then you can start adding yourown deal to the feedings. some of the micros' are: magnesium, calcium (cal-mag formula usually) ---- sulfur, boron, iron, zinc, Manganese, Molybdenum, copper...i may have missed one, i beleive there is about 12-14 in all (14 exactly i think), but anyhow . good luck bro


Active Member
Not doing anything special. Just seed, fox farm and sun. The purple trips me out ....first time growing anything.
welcome to rollitup and welcome to the wodnerful world of growing your own meds, dont let anyone make you think its to hard or you can't do it yourself, everything in this world that you need to survive CAN BE PRODUCED BY YOU, just as good or better than the mega-corps and large drug cartels that tell you that you need them to get these things. just remember, it all started by being made by 1 or some people/person, do your homework and youll have some awesome medicine/product, sorry for digressing. good luck brother :peace:
thanks aknight ! I hear you loud and clear.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the pointer
It seems that unless you train them in some fashion beyond topping, that most cannabis plants grown inside for a vegetative stage of <45 days will not grow wider than their container. I speculate it is because the plant cannot exceed the expansion of its roots. So when the MJ plant is as wide as it's container, it is ready to move up to the next size.