Fat and short?


Well-Known Member
Hey, I'm growing a Jack Herer of GHS outdoors, from the very first day. She seems kinda short and fat to me. Maybe it's because she grew on gusty days early on april. Lately she grow up fast but she's not getting taller but fatter (stems are growing). Although she looks healthy.

She is about 1 month old.

What is your Opinion?



Well-Known Member
I think its doin just fine. lovely indica phenos. it will enjoy the transplant. I seem to think most indicas that stretch, turn to males over half the time, but not all the time. best of luck!


Well-Known Member
oh didn't notice u said "she". im running some fems outdoors this yr too. gonna see how they turn out.


Well-Known Member
Hey, I'm growing a Jack Herer of GHS outdoors, from the very first day. She seems kinda short and fat to me. Maybe it's because she grew on gusty days early on april. Lately she grow up fast but she's not getting taller but fatter (stems are growing). Although she looks healthy.

She is about 1 month old.

What is your Opinion?
Nice plant. needs a bigger root space.


Well-Known Member
Thank you all.. Actually it's my first grow. I'm using organic soil with perlite to keep moisture since we have hot days in Greece.
I'm using 20/20/20 - all purposes fert, once per 3 waterings (watering in 3 day cycle).
I'm planning to keep them in pots till the last days, so i would like to hear any useful suggestions.

Also what about bugs if they occur? I don't want to use chemicals on my plant, so any biological way to avoid them would be appreciated.

Thanks a lot.



Well-Known Member
Look up natural pesticides on google, you'll get all sorts of ideas. I made some with cayenne pepper and lemon peels that took care of my spider mites a few grows back.


Well-Known Member
Look up natural pesticides on google, you'll get all sorts of ideas. I made some with cayenne pepper and lemon peels that took care of my spider mites a few grows back.
Thank you, i will have a look on it. I've been told to get some ladybugs also.

By the way, if i move the plant during the day would it harm it?


Well-Known Member
Thank you for the fast answers, i was worrying that it would stress it, and i've read that stressing may cause hermies..


Active Member
I damn well sure do use them ladybugs!
even a a few in the house for the houseplants and clones.


Well-Known Member
About pot, should i move her to the final big one or first move her to a "little" bigger and then to the "big" one?

Also what about sizes? What would be enough for final pot?


New Member
They seem better suited to three maybe even four transplants. You could transplant her in her final pot now if you want.