Sea level and hg for bho

i have a question. when i smoke my budder with my titanium nail, after taking my hit thers a thin black crust on the nail where the budder vaporized from the heat. what does this mean and is it bad?

some 1 please answer this question

answer number 1
real bad, go see a foot doctor asap

answer number 2
dude you need to see a doctor!

when i smoke a bowl of flowers, i tend to sometimes get this white ashy stuff that stays in my bowl... should i also see a foot doctor ?

also, sometimes, my bong water splashes and hits my face, is this bad?

can i continue this mayhem? or should i stop smoking?

100% sarcasm :]
oh man the ash means that someone close to you will die, if its black they are young ,if its white they are old

and the bong water might as well be acid to your organic cells . . . . . wash face with bleach right away, if it burns you are doing it right, if not apply more

good luck if you need more help call Poison control 555-555-5555 80's
can you guys stop posting nonsense please this is a serious thread trying to get good info not immature people fkn around
ive been smoking BHO for 8 years, long before i knew how to make it clean, my lungs are immaculate

stop being child afraid of what you dont understand***

residue is normal,as most do not winterize their oil now go google that asshat and you will know all you want, and in response to your disdain to my comedy . . .beggers cant be choosers . . i learned by reading and doing not by asking for the easy button, in the end its up to you to decide what is smokeable and not, more black residue and ash on TI is bad a little mark left where dab went on a hot TI jsut fine(lipids aka plant fats)