Moving out need advice on moving grow


Well-Known Member
why don't you just ask your ex to let these flower out, split the nugs at the end, and move on from there? seems like the easiest thing to try. call me crazy.


Well-Known Member
^^^this!! Gotta be the easiest method? Unless of course she's Bitter Betty towards you and might trash your gear ??


Active Member
Im just getting into cloning. i need my wardrobes for drying, so i will build a mother chamber out of 2 x 4 and staple mylar to it for walls. it will be ghetto, and cheap. which i like lol...


Well-Known Member
NO FRIENDS...the less people who know the better. only the people who absolutley need to know need to know...
listen to the moonlander champ.. deont tell noone, recently i moved 7 flowering plants in my car.. mangled the fuck out of em though.. get a u haul lmao, just stay cool while youre driving with em if a cop pulls up next to you at a light or something