Would you take this job if you were me?

I'm all for leaving my country and working elsewhere however do you have a contract stating your money and hours. How do you know for sure you would get paid at the end of it? How would you support yourself for 3 mths without money? 12 hours a day for days on end could drive you crazy so do you have a get-out clause? Trimming pays €100 a day here and is less than 12hrs. Only fast experienced trusted trimmers get called in. People prefer using their friends here.

Do your due dilligence first.
Pretty sure this is BS... Do you know how many Bud trimmers are out there? This guy wants to throw 10gs at everyone who snips his buds when he can spend 2-6grand and have it all chopped in a hour?

This thread is dumb
Maaaybe if you were single, but no way would I ever get my gf into that situation. Most of us smoke "free weed" every day, all day. Grow your own, trim your own........ sell your own. Chill at your crib, play PS3, bang your gf on a real bed, eat good food, keep your real job,.....
you would only be making a dollar eighty an hour more if you did that i would say fuck it cause how long would it take to find a decent job when you get back. I agree with bigsby if you wanna trim grow and trim your own.
12 hours a day 5 days a week for 3 months doing an absurdly monotonous job will have you wanting to kill yourself before too long :p

The fact that you are paid at the end would make me personally say no chance in hell. Say you do the job for 2 months and a week before you're due to be paid the guy gets busted, you just lost a hell of a lot of money and did a ridiculous amount of work for absolutely nothing. Weekly payment else it's not happening. You also need to weigh up the risks against the benefits. sure $20K is appealing, but when you state not having a job to come back to, now consider being busted yoruself while doing it, and losing everything, form your freedom to future job prospects.
If you do it, do it for the adventure! It will give you stories for years. The money isn't that good. I live on the east coast and have friends that go west all the time to trim for pay. They get paid by what they trim daily. something like a zip for every lb trimmed or cash per pound. The waiting 3 months for pay is very scetchy. Other than that it would be an adventure that you might regret not doing in 10 years when you are more set in life. In my experience the more adventurious the trip could be, the more neg could be said about it. What a long strange tripp it could be. Good or bad!
I wouldn't do it.
Getting caught by the feds is not worth the potential payoff (there is no guarantee
of getting paid)

You already have a job in a tough market, look at the long term potential ramifications
and weigh the risks vs the non guaranteed return.
Maaaybe if you were single, but no way would I ever get my gf into that situation. Most of us smoke "free weed" every day, all day. Grow your own, trim your own........ sell your own. Chill at your crib, play PS3, bang your gf on a real bed, eat good food, keep your real job,.....

Yup, this guy said it perfectly. Sounds sketchy anyway, could land you in some shit.
I wouldn't worry about getting paid. If he has it like it sounds then I'm sure he has the money to pay you. But remembers Murphy's Law in this situation. And in this situation would could go wrong could be life changing.
My buddy knows a grower in north cal that needs people to trim his buds. Its a 3 month job, 12 hours a day, just trimming buds. You live on his property for free (in a shack in the woods) for the 3 months, smoke all day long for free, and at the end of the 3 months you get paid $10k cash. I am 21 years old making $12 an hour so its not like i'd be giving up some big career to do this. plus if me and my girl did it we would come back with $20k cash which would be huge money to my broke ass. I just dont know about leaving my family and friends, plus not have a job once i return... and if i couldnt bring my dog that would be a for sure deal breaker. Would you take the job if you were me?

I see he's providing room but you aren't getting paid anything until after 3 months? How will you buy food, toilet paper and other necessities of life?
I see he's providing room but you aren't getting paid anything until after 3 months? How will you buy food, toilet paper and other necessities of life?

i would have to bring some money... i wouldnt be "living large" by any means. i doubt i'll do it mostly because i dont want to be unemployed for another 6 months again when i return home.

As far as "getting busted" the trimmers wouldnt see time or charges... feds dont give a fuck about someone getting paid $12/hour to trim leaves. they want the guy growing and supplying.

Pretty sure this is BS... Do you know how many Bud trimmers are out there? This guy wants to throw 10gs at everyone who snips his buds when he can spend 2-6grand and have it all chopped in a hour?

This thread is dumb

its not bullshit... im not sure what world you live in but trimming all his bud for 2-6 grand in an hour is flat out unrealistic. this thread isnt dumb, your opinion sure is though.
My opinion?

Those are facts. The Triminator trims 100lbs every 24 hours.
It costs about 18k
Do the Math, in 90 days he could trim 9,000lbs and the result would be the same as By-Hand Trimming.

So unless he has over 9,000lbs(Which I fucking Doubt) He's going to hire over 100 people to trim 9,000lbs. 100 people at 100K doing 9,000lbs in 90 days. So everyone would have to trim more then 1lb each(You have days off)every fuckin day for 3 months...

The Triminator: http://www.thetrimmerstore.com/triminator-trimming-machine-denver

I'll repeat myself... This Thread Is BS
I've trimmed before. Took me about 8 hours to get a quarter pound plant trimmed to the tit.. This "job" isn't possible. And this thread is fake
Maaaybe if you were single, but no way would I ever get my gf into that situation. Most of us smoke "free weed" every day, all day. Grow your own, trim your own........ sell your own. Chill at your crib, play PS3, bang your gf on a real bed, eat good food, keep your real job,.....

12 hours a day 5 days a week for 3 months doing an absurdly monotonous job will have you wanting to kill yourself before too long :p

The fact that you are paid at the end would make me personally say no chance in hell. Say you do the job for 2 months and a week before you're due to be paid the guy gets busted, you just lost a hell of a lot of money and did a ridiculous amount of work for absolutely nothing. Weekly payment else it's not happening. You also need to weigh up the risks against the benefits. sure $20K is appealing, but when you state not having a job to come back to, now consider being busted yoruself while doing it, and losing everything, form your freedom to future job prospects.

I agree with these statements 100%.

Also, it really does sound sketchy to me overall, even if it is legit. A smart grower would purchase a trimming machine i think, if they had a large operation.
I've trimmed before. Took me about 8 hours to get a quarter pound plant trimmed to the tit.. This "job" isn't possible. And this thread is fake

uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm youre wrong.

EDIT: wait, you've trimmed a QP once, therefor you know everything, including this grower. the job is fake, so fake that we must put the word in parenthesis. the job is impossible and the thread is fake. you actually aren't even reading this, its just your imagination. stop smoking weed its making you see things that aren't there, like this thread.

EDIT #2: i see an electric motor at the bottom of the triminator, and no fuel res. so if it is electric (i'm not claiming that it DEFINITELY is electric, because i don't know EVERYTHING in the world ;) ) , i guess the grower can get this and just plug it into a tree in the mountains. also, where are the "facts"? you said he can trim all of his buds in an hour for 2-6 grand...?