I have seen post after post that says that rui is full of inexperienced noobie idiots
actually grow and breed, raise a family by myself, surf, camp.....ya know not jusr sitting there like im the man, cause i can type fast.
All i asked was for you to tell me whar part you thought was me talking out my ass, and you give me this moronic reply???
1) those where probably post made be me

2) not to make a competition, but i have far more hobbies than the ones you listed, but those are things i do as well. i also grow vegitables, mushrooms, some ornimentals, repair and build car, computers, hike, exercise daily, , and more. the point is my life is not dull the computer, since losing mine in recent robbery is not the top priority anymore but i do find enjoyment chatting for an hour from time to time when i did have it.
3)the strain you are talking about, could be a strain, but that is not what hollow stems are, sounds like a mutant strain to me, like grindspoon and few others. use your brain we where never talking about mutants or strains we were talking about the hollow stem pheno.
so why are you arguing?
I replied with that, because all i was trying to do was share some knowledge of one of the uniquist(if thats a word) strains i've come across, and i felt like i was being called full of shit for some reason.
I do understand that most are talking about a pheno from their seeds, but i just wanted them, and u to know their was an actual strain like that.
But from some of the responses i read.....it bums me out that their is very limited knowledge among newer growers about exotic older strains.
Some of the greatest weed i've smoked, and grown, werent estecially beautiful.
One of the best and most potent strains i grew only grew with cluster of huge golden green pods, barely any leaf, kinda like Grinspoon. You would pluck off about three or four pods for a bong hit, and about 10-15 for a fat joint. The flavor was like a sweet candy lemon pledge and was a very strong flavor. This was the most cough inducing strain i ever came across. I was and still am known for taking the biggest shacks without coushing....even from 4' ers that are topped with bubble. Not trying to brag, i was just blessed with a huge chest cavity, and the mind crushing high lasted for hours n hours.
Point of my rambling is that it seem that alot of newer grower only know strains from what seed breeder tells them, and the results they get. When i started there were no seed companies available so it was all up to what chronic you came across that had a few beans in it, of if you were lucky to know someone cool that would hook you up. So you found the sickest pheno's and bred them.
Now a days it mainly comes from a seed bank. I've noticed that, since bc bud hit america, that seed breeder concerns are mainly bud structure and amount of resin. Almost every strain now has lage tight buds with massive resin production. They stopped focusing on the unique qualities, and flavor and potency have diminished. The buds have to look a certain way, just look at the seed bank pics of their strains.
So i was just trying to show people that these rare varieties still exist to some degree, and hopefully get sought out by breeders that aren't concerned that eveything has to look like kush to sell.
Kush, was always a good strain, but not concidered top grade, cause its not that strong. The stone only lasts an hour or two, and it makes you sleepy is smoke to much.
Sorry Poly for my reactiveness