salvia question...


Well-Known Member
sorry this is in the wrong topic. but can anyone give me an idea of the effects of salvia? im growing it right now and im contemplating smoking it.


Well-Known Member
ppl tell me its crazy i tried a low dose before and couldnt stop laughing for 5 min then it was over i dont even no why i was laughing. i was doing it with a friend, Try it and eperience it for urself


Active Member
I smoked some with a friend once. We smoked a couple bowls, probably a total of 2g. We didn't feel anything really so smoked another 1/8th oz. and started to feel pretty giggly. Felt pretty good for a while but was very subtle.


Active Member
It is different for everyone. It is by far the most powerful drug i have ever used. Only because you don't know you are on the drug. I would google "salvia testimonials". Also check youtube for those that have done video documentaries. Quite amazing really.

Do not play with Salvia as a recreational drug. You need to know what you are doing...

Say hello to Lady D for me...



Active Member
Don't both trying to grow it, even if you smoke it you won't feel it. Go to your nearest head shop and buy a bag of salvia; that you will feel. The reason you won't feel anything you grow is because it isn't concentrated enough. When you buy it it is rated in X-- strengths to show their concentration strength; the higher the number the stronger it is. I've never actually gotten the chance to try it before sadly though.



Well-Known Member
I hit a bong loaded with 80x salvia, immediatly I couldnt see anything and felt like I was a deck of cards being shuffled, came to 45 seconds later in another part of the house.

Scary shit I say, will never touch that nasty tasting shit again.


Well-Known Member
Yeah man I had a CRAZY trip on salvia HALLUCINATED LIKE A SONOFABITCH! You need a good bong and at LEAST 20x. I don't know anyone who grows it so I can't comment on that. You should probably go buy some and see if you like it, otherwise whats the point of growing?


Active Member
Don't both trying to grow it, even if you smoke it you won't feel it. Go to your nearest head shop and buy a bag of salvia; that you will feel. The reason you won't feel anything you grow is because it isn't concentrated enough. When you buy it it is rated in X-- strengths to show their concentration strength; the higher the number the stronger it is. I've never actually gotten the chance to try it before sadly though.

im growing it too, you can make your own extractions to what ever you like
so its cheaper


Well-Known Member
because sometimes I feel like smoking's not about the high it's about the trip, and I'm pretty sure ITS LEGAL so whats the big deal if I throw a few seeds in the backyard? Worst case scenario they don't grow and I smoke some o da sticky stuff instead....

don't be such a hater girly, so it's not for you......just because you don't appreciate it doesn't mean someone else can't


Well-Known Member
Its not my favorite thing in the world....but it's different. I HATED it at first but after a chick I knew sat me down a few times, and I started to realize how "unique" the high was I got to liking it. Kinda like Acid you know? I wouldn't drop it everyday but once in a-while it's awesome.

And now this guys thread is way off topic
EFFECTS OF SALVIA! for me it always feels like my consciousness gets cut off from the rest of my mind. No memories, no feelings, nothingness. And that is usually accompanied but pretty severe hallucinations. And occasionally I can't talk for maybe 5 min after I come down.....vocal-chord paralysis kinda thing (I hate it when that happens but everyone else thinks it's hysterical).
So overall I give it a 6.5 on the cool scale.....but you have to smoke ALOT and HOLD THE FUCKING SMOKE IN. I know it tastes funny but just do it dammit....and use a bong for gods sake, pipes are useless.
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Active Member
As said before, your milage may vary experience-wise. But salvia IS a hallucinogen and you WILL trip. Assuming you are not immune to the effects, which brings up a point. Someone said if you don't trip, the salvia is not strong enough. I could not disagree more. I have ALWAYS used 1x leaf and have ALWAYS tripped. One of the biggest mistakes you can make with salvia is jumping into a powerful extract before you have experienced the trip. Some people have BAD TRIPS (go to youtube and see) and while they are very short trips, who the hell wants a bad one. So start small and work your way up, have some respect for the plant. Its a sacred samanistic herb so start slow and get a feel.

As for effects, it always gives me 'silly putty' reality. Time and space get stretchy and flat and undulating, objects take on a pop-up book feel at times. I have often found myself repeating 'Holy shit' and laughing a lot...

Be at home for your first trip, something MELLLOW on the tv or music if you wish, bring along a friend if possible.

As the above poster said, use a water pipe, I always put ice in the neck of mine to mellow, cool, and concentrate the smoke. Load up a BIG bowl, TORCH it till it GLOWS and hold the smoke. Clear the bowl, hit it twice or 3 times if needed but its not like ganga that you can puff and pass. Once you put fire to the bowl, clear it and then load another. Once fire hits salvia, the active ingredients burn up fast.

Some people dog salvia, so let them. It is NOT like pot and its not for everyone, but it IS fun, for me at least. Try it out for your damn self and make up your own mind.


Active Member
Number one word of advice for first time Lady D users... Make sure you have a sitter. Some people like to walk around in their warped trip. And by walk around, I mean roll on the floor, crawl, play with objects that are not the same in your trip. It can be one of the greatest hallucinations you will ever have, or the biggest mind fuck.

Research and enjoy. It is legal in most states, but there are a few that have stepped forward and outlawed this wonderful sage.

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Adamus P.R.I.M.E.

Well-Known Member
i tried it... didnt like it

1) made me sweat like CRAZY!!! ** I'm talkin, take a shower after each hit type sweat... I DON'T SWEAT LIKE THAT!!?!?!?!?!**

2) tasted like ass, chron tastes way better...

3) more expensive than coke... $40 for a half gram!?!? Are you Kidding ME!?!?!?!?

although legal, and having tried it...

I dont think that I feel comfortable with the fact that there is potential for someone to try it while driving and cause an accident..
just My .02 tho


Active Member
You can find good salvia online at 40 bucks an oz, dunno where *your* shoppin.

Dunno WHY the hell you would even THINK about driving while tripping on SD.

Plants can be tough to grow, they need high humidy and bright shade (whatever that is).