The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
is that the most youve had come through so far mg? how did they arrive just in a jiffy?

yeah i bet don! i wouldnt even attempt it mate i'd have everyone that took them off me dead or in hospital that night i reckon!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
that 25i looks well dicey. easy to do too much from what i'm reading. stronger than acid but almost instant effect from under the tongue on a blotter. that's some shiz.

looked it up there's a press on the rd for 26.67 coins you can buy a new one for less ffs


Well-Known Member
is that the most youve had come through so far mg? how did they arrive just in a jiffy?

yeah i bet don! i wouldnt even attempt it mate i'd have everyone that took them off me dead or in hospital that night i reckon!
Aye m8, that's the way they came. That's the most so far

@don, I read some shit sayin it's easy to take too much but from what I've seen of them they seem alright. Seen a guy eating 7 one night and didn't seem too bad but also seen a guy eat 1 and he had to leave the room, he say every time someone spoke he could see the words in a speech bubble and the colours of the words kept changing lol, got too much for him.
Most people here love them, one guys eatin loads off them, walkin about eating them all day and you couldnt tell a thing but he says he's fucked, must be doin something or he would be buyin them
takes about 30-40 mins to come up, ur meant to keep them between ur lip and gum for about 20 mins, seen some guys forget and it's still in there when there eating there next one lol

i also took the 25i you snort, now that's pretty much instant. Good buzz just like comin up on pills I thot, the guy says not to mix the red and blue stuff one of my mates sniff some red, then blue, then both together along with some MDMA and a few pills and he's still good


Im doing an outdoors one, im soaking seeds 10 hrs then popping them using a nail, then when 1 mm of stalk is there next day, getting grey drinking straws that i slit down the side so they can expand, and planting them in the ground and putting a seed at the bottom of each straw. should keep the birds and snails a way a couple of weeks till they are more plantey looking. i have a forest clearing, with scrub, entrance through woods, i made a big hole in the scrub, one of my automatics made 400 seeds last year so i will have a fair number to sow, only issues will be getting eaten, dry and mouldy ;)


Well-Known Member
2 timer that's what escrow is for man ;)

Ikode I've watched them all so far. Writers are stringing it out a bit much. Best seasons 1/2/ the trinity killer Arthur Mitchell, was fuckin cold that one.
yeah, that guy was fuckin mad, i like season 1, but the last one was ok, hates s6 tho was just utter shyte.


Well-Known Member
Im doing an outdoors one, im soaking seeds 10 hrs then popping them using a nail, then when 1 mm of stalk is there next day, getting grey drinking straws that i slit down the side so they can expand, and planting them in the ground and putting a seed at the bottom of each straw. should keep the birds and snails a way a couple of weeks till they are more plantey looking. i have a forest clearing, with scrub, entrance through woods, i made a big hole in the scrub, one of my automatics made 400 seeds last year so i will have a fair number to sow, only issues will be getting eaten, dry and mouldy ;)
Why not just start them off indoors and save all the fuckin hassle


Well-Known Member
Alright ladies how are we all.. I'm a sad man today one of my babies didn't make it so I've had to pop another on the go think it wasy fault tho


Well-Known Member
Im doing an outdoors one, im soaking seeds 10 hrs then popping them using a nail, then when 1 mm of stalk is there next day, getting grey drinking straws that i slit down the side so they can expand, and planting them in the ground and putting a seed at the bottom of each straw. should keep the birds and snails a way a couple of weeks till they are more plantey looking. i have a forest clearing, with scrub, entrance through woods, i made a big hole in the scrub, one of my automatics made 400 seeds last year so i will have a fair number to sow, only issues will be getting eaten, dry and mouldy ;)
interesting but i dont quite follow so help me out here...u soak then nail seeds then next day "stalk" appears, when does the tap root show wiv this method? and the straw stays on fer 2 weeks ffs what the plant grows thru the straw ??


Well-Known Member
Any fellow growers selling a HPS? im looking to upgrade from my cfls and thought i'd try here 1st. ideally im looking for a 250w or 400w to do up to 4 plants but i would also take a 600w and use a larger setup maybe 8 plants if i can. im on a tight budget so if i cant sort anything here im gonna need to try ebay which im not a fan of. any help is appreciated. GB


Well-Known Member
Any fellow growers selling a HPS? im looking to upgrade from my cfls and thought i'd try here 1st. ideally im looking for a 250w or 400w to do up to 4 plants but i would also take a 600w and use a larger setup maybe 8 plants if i can. im on a tight budget so if i cant sort anything here im gonna need to try ebay which im not a fan of. any help is appreciated. GB
so bawsically ur after a hps then just not a 1k,, u can get 250 lights on fleabay cheap

if u cant afford 58 qwid then ur in the wrong game pal


Well-Known Member
so bawsically ur after a hps then just not a 1k,, u can get 250 lights on fleabay cheap

if u cant afford 58 qwid then ur in the wrong game pal
i can afford one on ebay just the shops round here are looking for £100 for 1 and i aint paying that, i just dont like ordering things like that on ebay but looks like thats my best option for now

redeye jedi88

Active Member
things like that pay for themselves after one grow, wouldnt worry about ordering stuff like on the internet it all comes labelled different

redeye jedi88

Active Member
ninja turtles i was checking them out b4 aswell, dutch suppliers are far more cheaper its unreal but i feel more secure on a uk vendor shame the guy only does 100