Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Vacuum cleaner guy saw her tits and she hasn't driven for 3 years.


match box

Well-Known Member
Hay I liked Deadwood. That show had more cocksuckers than any other show I've ever seen. I wonder if the people of that time talked that way?
Behold, the Twirl-a-Squirrel, a birdfeeder that can fling small fuzzy animals off itself whenever something heavier than a bird steps onto it.


Here's the full video if you have a couple minutes to kill and wanna see something hilarious



New Member
Hmm, you're right and now that I look what the fuck the douche is wearing, makes the glance look more like a girly figure lol, prolly had that on purpose, or coinsidence if it's from an add.


New Member
Iv'e met a few but they were the poor trailer trash kind that only had relatives who farmed and owned land. The kind who only believe what they were first taught, close minded kind, not so much the yee haw mud bogging silly kind lol.

Think.you could call them the bitter ones.


Well-Known Member
There are plenty that do where I grew up.
Iv'e met a few but they were the poor trailer trash kind that only had relatives who farmed and owned land. The kind who only believe what they were first taught, close minded kind, not so much the yee haw mud bogging silly kind lol.

Think.you could call them the bitter ones.
Maybe I've met the city mouse instead of the country mouse huh ;-):bigjoint:


Staff member
[video=youtube;haRourcyu1s]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=haRourcyu1s[/video] cox n crendor make me laugh so fucking hard


Staff member
[video=youtube;n49EPVhFkf8]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n49EPVhFkf8[/video] MOARRRRRRRRR COX N CRENDOR