Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
ok i'm gonna use all 4.
zacatecas purple
jamaican black
jamaican red
afghani red
these are old strains that i never hear anymore.


Well-Known Member
Here's an update for you guys on my Mamba Negra from Blimburn. She's pretty cloudy with a few ambers here and there. 52 days since 12/12 flip. Hope you don't mind my pic on your thread Dank?
Na, I don't mind 1 bit bro! :mrgreen: infact I would LOVE 2 see more pics such as this from other growers also!! We all have all these beautiful babies of ours, we should be "proud" to show them off!! Shit! I know I like 2 show my gilrs off.. :mrgreen: it is rewarding showing other growers just how well you as a grower can take care of your plants. Plus, I do believe they "all" like haing there pictures taken!! They know what's going on around them!! Did you know that "can't remember" where as to I read it at, but I read that if "plants" had teeth such as animals do, they would be at the top of the food chain!! Lol.. ;)


Well-Known Member
Hey man I read on an earlier post of yours that you got purple pineberry beans. You ever grow em out its my face strain? I've never had it but from pics it looks to be a goddess


Well-Known Member
Welcome me to your world Dank... The old lady doesn't care too much for a 8 x 4 x 7 tent in the bedroom! Who woulda thought? lmao She actually just said she likes it more now that I have my closet back though. I'll drop two guesses before your next hint... Purple power and purple mazar


Well-Known Member
Hey man I read on an earlier post of yours that you got purple pineberry beans. You ever grow em out its my face strain? I've never had it but from pics it looks to be a goddess

Yeah, I searched high & low for that particular strain bro. At 1st Secret Valley Seeds was sold out like forever & a day! I also herd that it was "clone only", that they had beans at 1 time and it would sale out so damn quick I could never get my hands on any!! Well not 2 awfull long ago I 4 some reason went to there seedbank and they actually had some in!! So you better believe I jumped on that shit real quick!! Now, I've checked back with them, and for some reason none of there strains are in! Every dang 1 is sold out!! So who knows! I herd they may be going outta business!!
And idk if you've seen her, but yeah, to answer your :??: I have 1 going now! Damn I love that girl!! I would have to say she is 1 of my top strains!! She is starting to smell just like a "pine tree"!! :mrgreen:
I am hoping she will turn purple for me also! If you check out where I did my past updates, you should see her. I list as to what is what on each pic I post. So you should be able to locate the pic no problem.


Well-Known Member
Welcome me to your world Dank... The old lady doesn't care too much for a 8 x 4 x 7 tent in the bedroom! Who woulda thought? lmao She actually just said she likes it more now that I have my closet back though. I'll drop two guesses before your next hint... Purple power and purple mazar

Nope, neither 1 of those bro..


Well-Known Member
Hey guys! What's up? Boy I was sure hoping to see some of you guys pics of your females!! Oh well. Guess you don't want to show off all your hard work,time, & effort you put into them! :)
Kinda makes me think I am the only 1 growing! J/k... I just like seeing yalls progress also is all.

I am sorry I hadn't really been on here today! I have had a lot of things around the house to take care of. I hadn't been ontop of my game today with hints, so I will post 3 hints in one! Sound good!?

1 being a pic of the strain. She has already popped her head up to say hello. The thin membraine is still somewhat attacthed still to her little cotyledon leaves!! I 4 the most part when this happens will take a pair of tweezers & carefully remove the membraine. With this one I think I will just let her do her thing on her own. She should be open here in a few hours, no later then in the morning!

I also am posting pictures of the baby Snowcap, Jack Herer,Wild Rose, & Casey Jones, and last but not least, Northern Lights x Shiva Skunk. Idk what's going on with the Northern Light x Shiva, but 4 some reason she isn't wanting to bust open her shell!! Hell that strain just may take alittle while longer then others! If y'all remember correctly, that's the strain that I got not to long ago that came in from "Bulgaria". Forgive my spelling,lol..
I will just keep my eye on where I planted the NLS, and hopefully she will pop!!

Ok guys, as for 3 hints of the day! HINT #1 is the pic of the strain.
HINT#2 the strain I picked has a super smell of lemons, "somewhat"!!
HINT# 3. An very uplifting high can be exspected from toking on this strain!!

I will be back in the morning to post some more hints throughout the day! If anyone doesn't end up guessing her during the night.. ;)

I hope everyone is having fun playing along with the guessing game. ;) I know I like it, and I am having fun myself!!
Ok well guys I am going to link the pics, then hop off here! I hope everyone had a great Friday! Good night. Your friend, Dank.



Well-Known Member
Whatever it is it looks like a baby bird in the pic sticking its head up for some food. That isnt a hint man, no fair ;)


Well-Known Member
Is to a hint shit ass!! :mrgreen: lol. ;) just playing. I will post a better picture. And another hint, cause it is kinda a hard strain to guess i'd say, cause not to awfull growers you hear growing this one 4 some reason! Which is odd in my book. Hell I grew it out 1 year, and it was super good!! And it has a really unique taste!

HINT#1 This strain has a "fruit" smell, & also "taste"!! Now that should help alittle bit more...

Whatever it is it looks like a baby bird in the pic sticking its head up for some food. That isnt a hint man, no fair ;)



Well-Known Member
Those "clues" were the same as last time. Fuck the clues, hows the sativa doing? Pics...dad says so 4x4x4x4x.......

If you don't like the clues I am giving, then simply don't play bro.. lol. ;)
Besides, its kinda hard to "give clues" without "giving" away to much. Lol. And which Sativa are you speaking of bro? I have quite a "few" Sativa's going now.
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