Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

2tbl puréed aloe Vera per gallon apply foliar

Ive been doing this for a few weeks now,not just with mary but my whole damn garden with excellent results!My aloe leaves give me about a tablespoon each cuz they not so big yet but just make sure to be careful filleting them.I use a butter knife cuz the skin is so tender but make sure not to get any skin mixed in cuz even after blending at high speeds those little green pieces will clog your shit and piss you off ;)
If you ever get heat stress or any stress at all observed, I've noticed a good aloe foliar is great. Also with a little kelp meal mixed in.
2tbl puréed aloe Vera per gallon apply foliar

Google 'structured water 2008' and you can see and hear researchers around the world explain much more than pseudoscience! It is kind of long and only a short part around 15 minutes about ag stuff. Most of them are not from North America. If you don't get it after watching that no amount of hand holding will get u there. Structured water for the ladies and veggies = more natural genetic expression. The fish pheno research blew my mind, especially for monocropping like we are doing. Also keep in mind there is A LOT more to the natural systems of earth than all scientists put together can understand/publish. INITY

I googled it and did not find the video, but I found this thread:
Just a heads up you will probably need a nylon bag or sieve to run the aloe thru before you add it to your sprayer or it will most likely get clogged.
This was a mix up with the label. It says "SoCal Master" but it's actually Gogi OG. Damn stoners! This is a great update for our ROL and No Till thread. Great example there.


neemresource is worth it.

if you buy the DTE (down to earth) neem, you will have to use roughly 2x as much in order to achieve the same results. a.k.a. you'll end up spending the same amount of $$ per amount of azadirachtin and crew.

also neem is up there with humus as far as quality goes - you won't be able to achieve the best results w. your soil without using truly high quality neem.

BTW their karanja cake is awesome...has such a cool appearance compared to the neem. mocha latte comes to mind...smells much nicer than the neem too :)

neem is one of those few items that it is worth paying the shipping for...and also one of the only times in ROLS where local is almost never an option (unless you live in india :)). bite the bullet....

5 lbs of neem and karanja arrived from MN today so I'll be mixing my first batch of soil this weekend! Thanks all for your help...getting started anyway!
hey all in the relal organic soil teachers in here, first i want to thank you all the efforts in here and in the old thread back in icmag forum on bringing down the dollar myths on the cannabis scene now a days, and teaching us all on real botany, the merging of man and nature in the cannabis cultivation community.... im in the other side of the atlantic in Portugal, where mj is not as "free"as it is now in your here we dont have any drug war going on ... the plant its not legal but its not a big issue it maybe is more free from the business that only seeks profit over true service to the customers....

im a begginer in growing cannabis, im currently on my second run only, i have a small drawer thingy to grow ... my space is 80*60 cm (almost 3x2 feet) so i dont have a nice space to get large notill pot running on .... my plant's have been growing on bagged soil (biobizz allmix) with bottled nutes (also biobizz) through flowering, but i always hated this thing. i know its a corporative imposed style of cultivation and i'm going to work my soil in this summer to start a real organic living soil cultivar... it's the true way and it's beautiful... thanks to all again for teaching the ones that want to be open minded and free themselves... lettting nature get things done around here!

but as you might expect, here in my country there are only 3 or 4 hidro stores and the sourcing for certified organic products is hard...we r strugling with a financial crisis and investment in passing the word on organic farming is not what it should be but anyways, im want to the a free journey around the countryside the find my own ammendments and minerals and i have some questions that you might answer to the stoner noob here bongsmilie (i read half of the five hundred pages of the old rols thread, that stuff was soul cleansing and a real comedy festival some times hehe , time well spent i say)

-i cant source kelp so im going to fetch some brown seaweeds from the beach... should i wash, dry and pulverize them before adding to soil and teas?
-my minerals are going to be just bentonite,basalt dust and gypsum- cant source the oyster shell stuff, and most of the stuff .... kind hard when amazon gives u the finger when you try to buy something from the us...
-for the ammendments im going to rely on:
-alfalfa hay for rabbits,crushed crab shells also from the beaches, biological neem powder, fish meal that is used for fishing bait, those minerals, those brown seaweeds i mencioned and bat guano (some questions on this last one though..)..
-blond peat moss from the baltic.. cant find any place that has spaghnum peat
-for aeration perlite... i know that it doesnt stay put but it's what i can get!
-can i use pro-silicate from grotek instead of dyna gro's product? agsil is out of my reach too heheh..
-we have lots of nettle,dandelion,mallow so botinacal teas are assured... aloe is a but pricey but im going to search deeper for cheap aloe products in here...
-for humus material im going to get 100% EWC from local vermicompost especialists 15 euros 11 pounds, and im starting a 5 gallon compost bin indoors hope it heats up well in this tiny container...

wow sorry for the long post but i hope u understand it... i've learned some much with you all, and i'll make an effort to change some opinions round here, where most of the guys that grow can't live without their bloombastic 0-93-103 just for the last day before the flush....

cheers from portugal , GP
Ya bud. Your buds will be cheaper and danker! I am in Europe now and lots of the inputs are growing everywhere I look! Happy hunting.

Rinse the kelp (brown seaweed) well to get the salts off
-i cant source kelp so im going to fetch some brown seaweeds from the beach... should i wash, dry and pulverize them before adding to soil and teas? Yes I would wash and dry and crumble.
-blond peat moss from the baltic.. cant find any place that has spaghnum peat Never tried it but I would think it would be fine.
-can i use pro-silicate from grotek instead of dyna gro's product? agsil is out of my reach too heheh.. Any silicate should be fine I think its the price that most people tend to steer toward specific brands.
-we have lots of nettle,dandelion,mallow so botinacal teas are assured... aloe is a but pricey but im going to search deeper for cheap aloe products in here... Look for powdered Aloe like freeze dried you will get more for your money.
-for humus material im going to get 100% EWC from local vermicompost especialists 15 euros 11 pounds, and im starting a 5 gallon compost bin indoors hope it heats up well in this tiny container... Don't forget to let your soil sit for a month so the nutrients start to break down and the soil biology starts doing its thing. Also if the compost bin doesn't work look into bokashi < it is and easy and fast way to compost in small spaces and is usually much faster then conventional composting.
Thanks again for all this info guys---rising moon, head treep, nick nasty, RRog, others that I forgot

My yields are the best they've ever been lately.

So my next questions are-----

How often do you apply the dandelion topdress?

How often is on the coconut water/water?

And, can I use clay from my yard in place of these other clays I hear about? It's a brownish/red thick type clay.

&#8203;Thanks for any answers!
I'm glad structured water was brought up. I have some friends that are big proponents of it, mainly for human health vs agriculture. I have other friends who dismiss it as pseudoscience. I haven't done all that much research on it myself, so I'm on the fence. I haven't watched the documentary 'water' yet, but I have done some searches trying to find some legit articles (not testimonials or advertising) about structured water and haven't found much of anything. I found this when looking for opponent's views: I don't have enough knowledge of chemistry, but maybe some of you guys can give your thoughts?

Mighty wash has been said to be structured water. Something with the bugs not wanting anything to do with the plant because of the frequency of the water. I'm sure someone can correct me if I'm too far off.
thanks, the thing that worried me was that the brown algae that appears in most beaches here isnt ascophyllum nodosum i think, am i going to get all those vitamins, auxins and cyktonins??

also can i do a no till run on 3 gallon pots ? was hoping that it could be enough for 2 or 3 cycles with re ammending, would be enough room for 6 plants in the closet this way
If you want to add mint as a COMPANION plant, then be all means, transplant it into a small pot, and bury that into your bigger pot, to stop it from aggressively spreading and stealing food from the real crop your trying to grow...

Ok so I opted against the mint thanks for the input guys.

Would marigold be a more suitable companion? or is that something I would want to keep in a separate pot?
thanks, the thing that worried me was that the brown algae that appears in most beaches here isnt ascophyllum nodosum i think, am i going to get all those vitamins, auxins and cyktonins??

also can i do a no till run on 3 gallon pots ? was hoping that it could be enough for 2 or 3 cycles with re ammending, would be enough room for 6 plants in the closet this way

I think 15 gal or bigger is the word on the street.

I am having good results in 5 gals reamending, on my 4 plant in one of them. Just not sure how long it will last.
-i cant source kelp so im going to fetch some brown seaweeds from the beach... should i wash, dry and pulverize them before adding to soil and teas? Yes I would wash and dry and crumble.
-blond peat moss from the baltic.. cant find any place that has spaghnum peat Never tried it but I would think it would be fine.
-can i use pro-silicate from grotek instead of dyna gro's product? agsil is out of my reach too heheh.. Any silicate should be fine I think its the price that most people tend to steer toward specific brands.
-we have lots of nettle,dandelion,mallow so botinacal teas are assured... aloe is a but pricey but im going to search deeper for cheap aloe products in here... Look for powdered Aloe like freeze dried you will get more for your money.
-for humus material im going to get 100% EWC from local vermicompost especialists 15 euros 11 pounds, and im starting a 5 gallon compost bin indoors hope it heats up well in this tiny container... Don't forget to let your soil sit for a month so the nutrients start to break down and the soil biology starts doing its thing. Also if the compost bin doesn't work look into bokashi < it is and easy and fast way to compost in small spaces and is usually much faster then conventional composting.

great input man thanks! .. soo the aloe is going to be a bit hard to find... only cosmetic crap... i'll try to find some aloe plants and get the juices out mnham! is bokashi a good substitute for compost ? because the humus mix would be mainly compost i will only have 10 pounds of EWC to start with and i will be mixing 3 c.feet of soil... thanks for the bokashi tip i've heard about it but haven't look that further... yes ill let the soil sit a month after mixing and ill moisten it with ACT to get those bugs to party...

cheers, GP
I think 15 gal or bigger is the word on the street.

I am having good results in 5 gals reamending, on my 4 plant in one of them. Just not sure how long it will last.

ahh with 15 gallon only 2 girls would fit in there.... 2.5 ounces per plant with only 250w hps is a hard crop to get ...i think ill try four plants in 5 gallons smarties! but thats only when summer's over... right now gotta keep using that allmix stuff till this run is over, ....

and can i dare to question why is the volume of the container so important? i can think in a bro NPK way that if there isnt enough soil, the plant will be hungry coz she will "deplete" the juice's out no?? coz i really dont mind having small plants if it's that what you mean....heck it's even better for my situation.
ahh with 15 gallon only 2 girls would fit in there.... 2.5 ounces per plant with only 250w hps is a hard crop to get ...i think ill try four plants in 5 gallons smarties! but thats only when summer's over... right now gotta keep using that allmix stuff till this run is over, ....

and can i dare to question why is the volume of the container so important? i can think in a bro NPK way that if there isnt enough soil, the plant will be hungry coz she will "deplete" the juice's out no?? coz i really dont mind having small plants if it's that what you mean....heck it's even better for my situation.

Maybe someone else could elaborate on this? -- I was curious too. I think part if it is like you said, not enough soil/=not enough nutes in long haul.
--was thinking the worms needed room to roam a bit. my smaller buckets seem like they were having an issue with compacting too much on my first run. Why only 2 girls?

I'm trying 10 plants in 2 20?gallon rubbermaids right now. Prlly end up with a few males and train the leftover ladies to fill in the gaps. Anyone see any issues with this?
great input man thanks! .. soo the aloe is going to be a bit hard to find... only cosmetic crap... i'll try to find some aloe plants and get the juices out mnham! is bokashi a good substitute for compost ? because the humus mix would be mainly compost i will only have 10 pounds of EWC to start with and i will be mixing 3 c.feet of soil... thanks for the bokashi tip i've heard about it but haven't look that further... yes ill let the soil sit a month after mixing and ill moisten it with ACT to get those bugs to party...

cheers, GP

Yes just use the bokashi like regular compost and add it with the rest of the amendments.