Growers Going

God digs Game of Thrones, so he has some peeps over for some grilling, brewskis, and hits out of the world's only 40 foot ice-bong. NO ONE can beat him at COD, he's a beast...
omfg lmfao!!! did you watch the new episode tonight or what?

I just started watching the series last week after several friends kept raving about it. They were right! I'm addicted, and almost finished with the first season. I'll blow through the second season this week, and should be caught up soon so NO SPOILERS ;)
Invited him here, and he didn't show. Now that I know he was debauching, I understand. Maybe he didn't like my home movies.
...the neurological traffic was pretty bad, and I did not take my usual root. Simultaneous day and night well spent, though.