witnesses to compact strains not being as good as REAL stretchy sativas, please


Dude was a genius, great giving spirit and an awesome friend
Wow, that does suck...i've read & ADMIRED his work & great vibe for a long time...Lets all roll up a mixed bag of both sativa & indica, enjoy everything about both, and have peace & positive vibrations in Hobbes memory...Rest In Peace & this summers dedicated to you!


Well-Known Member
He doesn't like the licorice taste of the Durban if I recall correctly
He said it gave him the "dry heaves".

I suspect it wasn't the taste, though.

Like some of the super-potent African sativas, that one can cause nausea if you take too much or aren't used to it. That's why they call it Durban Poison.


My father and I are in total agreement with you. 150%

It was very sad to see the weed transition in the 80's to fast flowering high yielding Indica hybrids clones. The high has been slowly suffering with each generation since and has reached an ultimate low. Whats even more discouraging is that smokers of today don't really know what their missing nor really care to investigate or take action.

The pure land race Sativas we had in the late 70's and early 80's was AMAZING STUFF. It would launch you to a new planet and have you giggling your ass off the entire way up. We would have tears rolling down our faces and be in stiches on the floor rolling around trying to get the side ache to stop from laughing so hard. We would see visuals along the lines of hallucinogenic drugs like LSD and mushrooms. Everything was so radiantly sparkly you could barely even see. Some of the Thai Stick we had once would actually cause audio hallucinations. Everyone that smoked it would hear sitar music for some reason. Don't know if the plants heard it where they grew and brought it back with them or what but it was COOL! If we would of smoked today's stuff back in the late 70's, we would have returned it to the dealer and demanded a refund. Today's stuff is CRAP. You don't even get high...you only get slightly stupid. There is a difference between truly getting high and getting stoned.

Today's stuff versus old school pure Sativas is like night and day. It would be like living in Antarctica your entire life then one day sitting on a sunny beach in the Bahamas. It was so much fun!

It's truly a shame the market has shifted to cash crop hybrid junk. Furthermore, both my father and I agree that the growers are stepping on the plants so badly these days. Growing from clones instead of seeds, throwing away all the males from the group, not letting the plants pollinate, using high intensity lights, growing in water etc. All these things get further and further from what nature intended for these poor plants. We honestly believe the high is lousy because the plants feel lousy. The strains of today might look, smell, and taste good.....but where is the high? Your right, it is all about bag appeal. Who honestly gives a shit about what it looks like? Some of the best pot we ever had was nothing more than burnt brown leaves with hundreds of seeds. We would smoke a joint of it between four people and be RIPPED for HOURS. Stumbling over ourselves, raiding the cabinets eating anything you could find, being uplifting, inspired, happy, energetic, euphoric etc.

High THC content does not mean a THING! There is so much more to the chemical makeup of the cannabis plant other than just THC and CBD content.

Good luck on your search to find old school FUN weed. It is gone and I don't feel it will return anytime soon. Only hope would be to venture out to tropical climates where it grows wild. Or find an old school grower that still understands what the main point of smoking cannabis is all about.


Jeff Gerlitz


Well-Known Member
Ace/Cannabiogen have some pure sativas...
Bring back a thread that is almost 1 year since last post, just to LIE!

Some will even flower for 24 weeks, except some pheno. will be stronger than others.
It's all about finding the right female/male combo, and testing the offspring.