World Of Hempy

What shaggn said, sorry for your loss man, i know how it feels though my first attempt ever i was vegging a plant forever because it wasn't showing preflowers and as soon as i flipped the switch i had balls, it sucked >< but it taught me a valuable lesson, never start out with just 1 plant unless you are not using femed seeds.
Well, I left the male growing in my flowering chamber for now. I just started a new Arjan's Haze 3 (Feminized) a few minutes ago in my veg chamber. Looking for that to sprout in a few days. Glad I used up my freebie seeds while learning how to best work my new system.
hey bud.. u think this looks like Cal/Mag deficiency? I thought it was nute burn but i have flushed 3 times today about a gallon of water every few hours or so... and it is spreading still.. so im thinking deficiency...
yes cal-mag. also be sure not to let the plant dry out too often; this can cause crisp, cuppy leaves
Hey everyone, hoping all is well...Kinda ok in my world today, I worked all day and that's a good thing....I was wondering about cooling in the summer, does everyone use an air conditioner, or can the plants stand 90 degrees outside...
I grow in my basement Whocares to combat summer heat. Obviously the higher up your room is the warmer itll get. 90 outside with no a/c for your room will most likely put your room at 90+ which is a bad temperature unless you enrich with co2. So yeah a/c might be needed.

So im going to grow 6 hempy tomato plants out in my little salad garden. Perlite res with soil up top. Anyone have tips formtomaties and outdoor hempy? It does rain here in the summer.

Getting a lot of single bladed leaves "snailing" on me if that makes sense..leaves curled into what look like snail shells. Ive seen it before but never figured out what it was. I did switch from my MH only to 600 HPS with the 400 mh coming on for amfew hours a day. Of course all these clones came off of 10 day into 12/12 plants. Not worried as its never been a problem just wondering why it happens. Cheers.

Oh...its been upper 80s here (so odd) for a few days and my room been staying 75 or so with peak of 81 when the HPS and MH are on together
I grow in my basement Whocares to combat summer heat. Obviously the higher up your room is the warmer itll get. 90 outside with no a/c for your room will most likely put your room at 90+ which is a bad temperature unless you enrich with co2. So yeah a/c might be needed.

So im going to grow 6 hempy tomato plants out in my little salad garden. Perlite res with soil up top. Anyone have tips formtomaties and outdoor hempy? It does rain here in the summer.

Getting a lot of single bladed leaves "snailing" on me if that makes sense..leaves curled into what look like snail shells. Ive seen it before but never figured out what it was. I did switch from my MH only to 600 HPS with the 400 mh coming on for amfew hours a day. Of course all these clones came off of 10 day into 12/12 plants. Not worried as its never been a problem just wondering why it happens. Cheers.

Oh...its been upper 80s here (so odd) for a few days and my room been staying 75 or so with peak of 81 when the HPS and MH are on together

With the leaf things 2 ideas come to mind.

1. Temps and airflows. - Your temps seem in range, and poor airflow would likely effect all or most of your plants. so ...

2. Feeding frequency - I firmly believe it NOT to be a good thing to 'let' the plant dry out in Hempy. My anecdotal experience is that this leads to dried/curling leaf. You may have missed a feeding on that plant and it's dehydrated, which caused the individual cells in the leaf to 'shrink' or constrict, leading to curling.
With the leaf things 2 ideas come to mind.

1. Temps and airflows. - Your temps seem in range, and poor airflow would likely effect all or most of your plants. so ...

2. Feeding frequency - I firmly believe it NOT to be a good thing to the plant dry out in Hempy. My anecdotal experience is that this leads to dried/curling leaf. You may have missed a feeding on that plant and it's dehydrated, which caused the individual cells in the leaf to 'shrink' or constrict, leading to curling.

So far I've had zero problems with overwatering/feeding when using hempy. I almost like the idea of watering often, flushing fresh water through the system getting the old out of there. It just seems like a good way to keep the system healthy. Just my $.02.
So far I've had zero problems with overwatering/feeding when using hempy. I almost like the idea of watering often, flushing fresh water through the system getting the old out of there. It just seems like a good way to keep the system healthy. Just my $.02.

I agree. . I've only ever had problem from skipping watering, leading to shriveled up leaf. .. it's possibly not so much an issue in larger Hempy's but in 2L the available fluid is minimal.
Good thoughts moe the thing is this is definitely not dry plants. This is the new growth on the plant coming out single bladed...but looking curled like a snail shell you know like swirled. Ill get a pic after work.
Good thoughts moe the thing is this is definitely not dry plants. This is the new growth on the plant coming out single bladed...but looking curled like a snail shell you know like swirled. Ill get a pic after work.

If you mean like a New Yrs eve blow out noise maker, then I'd like to see it. I've seen some strange twisting but nothing rolled up.

My thoughts on twisty new growth has to do with the new root growth, if there is a problem in the new roots then it will show in the new growth during the rapid growth phase.

But need to see a pic
Watt yes man like a new years eve blower. Good description. Yes they are in rapid growth now. It took longer to get roots in the res with rockwool and hydroton than with perlite and i wasnt pHing (except for when i soaked RW) since i had no issues last run but since these have no soil at all im now treating them like full on hydro and pHing. Ive been watering much less since your advice and im pretty sure letting the buckets get dry caused my root growth. They werent liking the higher pH

Never thought about the root growth causing it. Here is the best pic i could get with my phone securedownload-818.jpg

Now that I have some good vegging going on I hit them with 1000 ppm feed and pH5.8 and i hope to have some bushes in a week or two. Note some coloring from what im guessing was too high pH for RW.securedownload-1032.jpgsecuredownload-867.jpg
If you take the leaf from the first pic and unroll it it looks normal...and some that were rolled up yesterday have straightened.
So far I've had zero problems with overwatering/feeding when using hempy. I almost like the idea of watering often, flushing fresh water through the system getting the old out of there. It just seems like a good way to keep the system healthy. Just my $.02.
My first hempy was under CFL and Moe asked me if I was watering everyday as it was I backed off to every second day and it responded well.....but now I'm under HPS, I water the 2L bottles every 36 hours, and the bucket every 48 hours.

I have not been flushing with straight water....I'm not sure if I'm missing an important step or not.