things that annoy you

Consable russell. hes this pig whos alwas fucking around here. i swear hes on my property at least once a week. i wish i could get rid of him, but that will never happen. hes always wandering/driving around the area. ive always wondered wgat the fuck he is doing. thats the mist annoying part. not knowing
screaming children in public and especially the parents who either cannot or will not control them.

speed limits and those who enforce them.
Rude people.
Alarm clocks waking you up in the morning.
Long lines at the grocery store.
Having a flat tire.
Being on a tight financial budget.
Web pages that take forever to load.
The attitude of most governments toward mj!!!

I should stop, I'm getting annoyed!
i hate when people bitch about foreigners and how they speak english.

If you can speak 7 languages, you're a "linguist". If you can speak two languages, you're "bilingual". If you can only speak one language, you're an American. Although it's funny to hear some foreigners speak English, 99% of the time their English is better than my German, Japanese, Italian, Spanish, etc.
People who type lol in every sentence
People who text you or call you when you are in sight or the next room,
People who think mobile phone games are good,
People who spend their life on or looking at a mobile phone,
People who talk on earphones stood right next to you and force you to say "excuse me"? because you think they are chatting to you and you look a dick!',
Fuck i could visit this thread everyday, i did not realise i was so annoyed!!
I told him he was spending twice as much time mowing by doing that. Going over the same space twice. He was gonna keep doing it until I started shooing him away saying that I'll do it.

Me with my 9 month pregger belly lol.

It's because we are trying to get the lines in the grass , it's an art and hard to achieve,
Hoovering is a totally different thing !!
Do neither look after your BumP!! =)
individuals that "swing" wide left to take a right, or wide right to take a left. You're not Dale Earnhardt, you're were only going 30 mph, and you're in a dodge stratus...give me a fuckin' break.
I told him he was spending twice as much time mowing by doing that. Going over the same space twice. He was gonna keep doing it until I started shooing him away saying that I'll do it.

Me with my 9 month pregger belly lol.

If he is the one mowing it, why isn't he allowed to do it at his own pace in his own way? I'm sure he wouldn't turn around and tell you to move your arse because you were taking forever doing the dishes or ironing the clothes. You're doing it at your own pace and you probably have a reason for it.