i love every cross you guys make,but i dont give a shit about changing packaging etc etc. im sure you were expecting some kind of shit for price hikes...too many good packs for under 100 out there. cmon mannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
hmm, so you're saying because you feel that the have dank genetics, the 20% mark up for packaging is justified?^^^TGA sucks, who cares what they run. I've never let $10 factor in to what I run in my garden. Never. I want the best genetics, don't care what it costs. (yes, within reason). $100 a pack is going rate. I don't fuck with TGA, Nirvana, Greenhouse, or any of that bullshit. Rare Dankness has elite genetics, the price and packaging should reflect that. Great job Rare Dankness Crew.
Email Attitude with a picture of your green-taped package. They will replace it.Sorry to go off topic, i normally dont post much on here so i apologize for barging into this forum but it was the first one that i saw that might fit. Im a legal MI patient just ordered a 10pack of RD Sour D*OG from the attitude about a week ago, then just got here today. I always get the T-shirt for shipping method and have never had a problem....until today i got the package in a pink plastic bad with green tape on it from U.S customs.....needless to say only the T-shirt arrived at my address today. PLEASE any and all advice/info would be awesome.....thanks for your time, sorry for the random post.
all i can say is why fuck up a good thing...next time you need to eat the packaging costs. does winning cups really drive up prices? not too mention how much is the increase of cost per package, a buck? hahahah next time just say you want to get rich, you see everyone selling 100 dollar packs killing it profit wise...how much does it cost to produce a pack of seeds now a days?
with 11 seeds the charge is realistically 12 bucks,which isnt nearly as harsh as 20. make it 12 seeds and we got a deal!<<pokerface
Do what you gotta do. I am perfectly happy with 10 seeds. Only suggestion would be to ensure that more of the seeds sold are big healthy mature seeds. The 501st OG and Afghan HA seeds that the mouse ate were looking pretty weak, but they all could of germinated for all I know. The replacements I bought for the 501st OG were awesome, the replacements for the Afghan HAs were aright, little bit better than before. I guess they were unlucky packs. Only other packs I have seen are these Facewreck Haze seeds which are also awesome, never saw the 4 Corners seeds.smfh..... I will actually think about this.... OK.. OPINIONS PLEASE.... Respectful opinions on seed count.